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Check out our articles about Door and Opener. These articles cover a wide range of topics pertaining to garage doors and garage door openers.
WHY GET A GARAGE DOOR TUNEUP? https://www.dyersgaragedoors.com/
We all take our garage doors for granted: as long as you hit the button and the door goes up, we assume all is well. When they start making odd noises or squeaks, we tend to ignore them. When they get loud and clunky, we ignore them. However, sound a primary tool we use to diagnose service problems and those sounds you are ignoring are speaking volumes to a trained professional. A garage door shouldn’t be excessively loud. If your neighbor knows when you open your garage door, it’s too loud! If you’ve always thought your garage door was too loud, it needs service. Don’t live with a clunky, improperly installed door. One tune-up and we will have things running smoothly and quietly. A good tune up includes a 5 point safety inspection:
Examine jambs for cracks and deficiencies 2) Test safety reverse 3) Examine all hardware and check for wear or damage 4) Check door balance and adjust 5) Attach safety braces (to one piece door hardware). It also includes a full adjustment of spring tension, track width, hinge tightening, opener lubrication, tightening chains, lubing screws, hinges and rollers. It’s a comprehensive service call designed to lengthen the life of your garage door; the largest moving object in your home. It takes time to do a thorough tune up, usually houses shift over time and we have to realign the door, sometimes re-level it.
We often fix things the original installer missed. It keeps your door running properly for years. We often hear satisfied customers say, “I’ve never heard my door sound like this!” Tune ups are a smart move and a small investment with a big payoff regarding the extended life of the garage door and opener. If your door is “talking” too much, let us quiet it down with a tune up. Tune ups are so very important when it comes to safety: a heavy, poorly balanced door is a BIG problem. Let us lighten the load. If you can’t remember the last time your garage door was serviced, trust me, it’s overdue. Call us and get your door running right today!
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