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Enhancing Labor-Intensive RE/EE in MENA Agriculture

Explore the potential of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the agricultural sector of MENA countries, focusing on job creation and value addition. Learn about challenges, opportunities, and solutions.

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Enhancing Labor-Intensive RE/EE in MENA Agriculture

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  1. Emerging Markets for Labor-Intensive RE/EE Applications in MENA Countries:Some Examples and Insights from the Agricultural and Food Sector Dr. Steffen Erdle, Head of Project RE-ACTIVATE RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo, 31 May 2016 Co-Organized by RCREEE and RE-ACTIVATE

  2. The RE-ACTIVATE Project in a Nutshell • Cross-sectoral regional project focusing on the nexus between • Sustainable energy (renewable energy & energy efficiency) • Socio-economic development (local jobs & value creation) • Qualitative multi-level approach aiming to support market development for employment-intensive applications in the MENA region: • Knowhow transfer/policy dialogue/networking at the regional level • Support measures/capacity building/pilot projects in focus countries • Network structure with teams in Rabat, Tunis, Cairo, and Bonn • Duration: 4 years (2014 – 2017), budget: 5 million EUR RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  3. RE/EE in Agriculture: Strengths & Opportunities • Still important role for MENA economies, in this case MAR and TUN: AGR as a source of employment, IAA as a source of export revenue • Main, sometimes only source of income creation in rural areas • Overall declining or stagnating contribution because of major structural problems (AGR): weak productivity, climate impacts, water scarcity… • Strong seasonality and heterogeneity of activities within the sector • Certain bipolarization: many small, under-equipped farms supplying local markets vs. large, modern farms geared toward export markets • Problematic role of state policy: subsidizing natural inputs, obstructing competition, instead of facilitating access to knowhow and finance and helping to create a modern infrastructure (transport, storage, cooling…) RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  4. RE/EE in Agriculture: Strengths & Opportunities • Weak and medium share of AGR and IAA respectively in final energy consumption, mostly for fossil motion fuels (for transport, processing, pumping…) and for electricity (for heating, cooling, lighting...) • Large market potential due to recent cutbacks of fossil subsidies (esp. Diesel) for agricultural applications and because of the high (and growing) importance of hydraulic irrigation systems • Many applications (equipment for pumping, cooling/heating, lighting, processing, sterilization…) are overdimensionedand often outdated and need to be replaced in any way in the near future • High costs for many conventional energy services (for grid connection, fuel delivery, spare parts, customer services…) in remote and/or dispersed areasborne by the state of by end consumers RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  5. RE/EE in Agriculture: Strengths & Opportunities • Opportunities for creating (or maintaining) local value, income and jobs • in underprivileged/remote areas which are exposed to generally less friendly conditions and difficult to service from the main urban centers (AGR) • in strategic economic sectors which are major foreign cash earners and job creators and are subject to intensive competition from other actors (IAA) • In well-selected sub-sectors and technological applications offering a high degree of technological maturity and financial viability (< less than 5 years) • Possibility to link RE with EE, thereby improving energy productivity and optimizing impacts on local labor market and value chains • Possible beneficial impacts on groundwater resource management by linking solar pumping to drip irrigation RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  6. RE/EE in Agriculture: Weaknesses & Challenges • Very heterogeneous and dispersed forms of applications and demand over a variety of sectors and regions • Strong temporality and volatility (due to natural cycles in agriculture, further reinforced climate change) • Very limited recourse to financial means and technical expertise • Practically non-existing infrastructureof service and backup firms (consulting-installation-maintenance…) • Still very high subsidies for some fossil fuels (esp. butane & elec.) • Political resistance due to widespread fears over environmental damage of solar pumping on groundwater resources RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  7. Morocco: Primary Energy Consumption at the National Level and in the Agricultural Sector Source: Stratégie EE – A. Lahbabi Source MEMEE RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  8. Morocco: Consumption by Application in 2014 RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  9. Morocco: Main Opportunities & Potentials for EE RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  10. Morocco: Market Size & Potential for Solar Pumping RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  11. Morocco: Employment Potential of Solar Pumping RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  12. Tunisia: Economic Role of the Agriculture Sector RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  13. Tunisia: Energy Consumption in Agriculture RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  14. Tunisia: Suitable Areas for RE/EE in Agriculture RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  15. Tunisia: Suitable Areas for RE/EE in Agriculture RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  16. RE-ACTIVATE Activities in AGR/IAA Sector Assessing the market and employment potential as well as the training and skill building needs of its focus countries MAR, TUN, EGY Developing a sector-specific communication and awareness raising campaign on this basis, incl. the creation/distribution of means/materials Developing a sector-specific marking building / roll-out support program for 2-3 selected regions, applications and subsectors, incl. pilot & demonstration projects, training & capacity building activities and if applicable targeted company / start-up support Providing for systematic monitoring, data collection and impact assess-ment, esp. regarding value and employment effects, but also regarding broader social and environmental impacts, incl. on water resources RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  17. Further Information on Related Project Outputs Morocco: Les énergies renouvelables et l’efficacité énergétique dans les secteurs de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire au Maroc: applications technologiques, conditions cadres et opportunités d'emploi (04/2016) Tunisia: Etude d'impact socio-économique en matière de création d'emploi des énergies renouvelables et de l’efficacité énergétique dans le secteur de l'agriculture en Tunisie (04/2016) Egypt: Marketassessment for solarpumping in 2ndhalf of thisyear www.giz.de/en/worldwide/36137.html energypedia.info/wiki/Promoting_Employment_through_Renewable_Energy_and_Energy_Efficiency_in_the_MENA_Region_(RE-ACTIVATE) RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

  18. Thankyouverymuch RE/EE Benefits Workshop Cairo

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