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受益人证明书. 受益人证明书 ( BENEFICARY’S CERTIFICATE )是一种由受益人自己出具的证明,证明自己已经履行信用证规定的任务或证明自己按信用证的要求办事。. 受益人证明书的种类. 1. 寄单证明:根据信用证的规定,在货物装运前后的一定期限内,由发货人邮寄给信用证规定的收货人的全套或部分副本单据(个别的要求寄送正本单据),并单独出具寄单证明书或将寄单证明内容列明在发票内 ( 有时还要求出具邮局收据 ) ,作为向银行议付的单据。
受益人证明书 受益人证明书 (BENEFICARY’S CERTIFICATE)是一种由受益人自己出具的证明,证明自己已经履行信用证规定的任务或证明自己按信用证的要求办事。
受益人证明书的种类 • 1.寄单证明:根据信用证的规定,在货物装运前后的一定期限内,由发货人邮寄给信用证规定的收货人的全套或部分副本单据(个别的要求寄送正本单据),并单独出具寄单证明书或将寄单证明内容列明在发票内(有时还要求出具邮局收据),作为向银行议付的单据。 • One copy of invoice and packing list to be sent direct to Applicant immediately after shipment , and beneficiary’s certificate to the effect is required. • One full set of non-negotiable documents should be sent to buyer by regd. Airmail and certificate to this effect together with the relative postal receipt should be accompanied with the documents.
2.电抄本:根据信用证的规定,在货物装运前后的一定期限内,由发货人按信用证规定的内容,用电报、电传通知信用证规定的收电人,并以电报、电传的副本或另外缮制发电证明书,作为以发电的证明,交银行作为议付的单据2.电抄本:根据信用证的规定,在货物装运前后的一定期限内,由发货人按信用证规定的内容,用电报、电传通知信用证规定的收电人,并以电报、电传的副本或另外缮制发电证明书,作为以发电的证明,交银行作为议付的单据 • Beneficiary’s certificate certifying that one full set of N/N copies of documents has been sent to applicant by fax within 2 days after shipment date.
3.履约证明:证明某件事实,货物符合合同, 或来自某产地。如交货品质证明;生产过程证明等。 • Beneficiary’s certificate certifying that the quality ,quantity and packing of the goods supplied are in conformity with that of the S/C No.21GM08. • Beneficiary’s certificate stating that certificate of manufacturing process and of the ingredients issued by Guangdong Yue Feng Trading Co., should be sent to SUMITOMD CORP. ESCLZ-SECTION.
4. 运输证明:证明所租用的船舶或所订的班轮符合信用证的要求,可由受益人出具也可由船公司出具。 • Shipment must be effected not Israeli vessel and not call at any Israeli ports, and not blacklisted vessel.
GUANGDONG TEXTILES IMPORT AND EXPORT COTTON MANUFACTURED GOODS CO • BENFICIARY’S CERTIFICATE • MAY 29, 2002 • TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: • INVOICE NO.:02-G99114 L/C NO.: AIB. IM02023502 • We hereby certify that we have sent by regd. Airmail the following non-negotiable documents to B AND C CANTWELL, CC FITTINGS, MEADOWLANDS GRANTSTOWN CO WATERFORD • 1. Invoice • 2. Packing list • 3. Ocean Bills of Lading • 4. Insurance Certificate • 5. Certificate of China Origin • GUANGDONG TEXTILES IMPORT AND EXPORT. • COTTON MANUFACTURED GOODS CO
Sunshine Group Foshan Woolen knit &Garment I/E Corp. LTD. • CERTIFICATE Messers : Menini IMP. &EXP. Corp. Date: Mar 15, 2007 Fax NO.: 0039-036-3336801 Place: Foshan, China • RE: L/C NO. : 0358WE • This to certify that M.S. / S.S. Dongfeng flying the People’s Republic of China flag, will not call at any Israeli ports, during this present voyage, according to the schedule, and so far as we know that it’s not blacklisted vessel. • Sunshine Group Foshan Woolen knit &Garment I/E Corp. LTD.