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PENGANTAR ANATOMI VETERINER. SYNDESMOLOGY, MYOLOGY ANGIOLOGY, SPLANCHNOLOGY. SUTURE. suture: connection between bones by fibrous tissue . a. suture serrata : interrupted margin bones . exp : interfrontal joint
SUTURE suture: connection between bones by fibrous tissue. a.suture serrata: interrupted margin bones. exp : interfrontal joint b. suture squamosa : overlapping margin of the bones. exp: between pars squamosa temporal with ossa parietal. c. suture plana (=harmonia): bone margin flat or a little bid rough. exp: suture internasal
Sutured serrata Sutura plana
SYNDESMOSIS • Connected by white fibrous tissue or elastic tissue or mix both tissue. • exp: between ossa metacarpal. fixing between cartilago costae. fusion radius-ulna and tibia-fibula by fibrous tissue.
GOMPHOSIS • Implantation of the teethin the alveoli. • Gomphosis is not really joints because teeth is not parts of the bone.
PERSENDIAN CARTILAGENOUS • Parts of the bone is cartilage form connected by fibrocartilago and hyalin cartilageor both combination. • The movement depend on their joint surfaceand their medium elasticity. • example: 1.synchondrosis (cartilage hyalin joimt) 2. symphysis(fibrocartilagenous joint)
symphysis synchondrosis
SYNOVIAL JOINT • Previosly term as diarthrosis that have characteristic such as joint cavity with has synovial membrane in the capsule synovial and their mobility. • Term as moveable joints or true articulation.
SYARAT PERS SYNOVIAL 1.Joint surface (faciesarticularis): usually smooth and has several form. Made by compact bone which different from usual compactin general histologically. In several case their surface has fossa synovial. 2. Cartilagejoint: usuallyhyalin cartilage bone.
3.Capsulaarticularis :is a simple tube formwhich the tip attach to surrounding facies articularis. consist of 2 layers : - outer layer: fibrous layer =capsula ligament. The thickness has variation. - inner layer: synovial / membrane. produce synovia (liquid)for lubricant the joints.
4. Cavumarticulare : covered by synovial membrane and cartilago articulare. Usually containenough synovialliquid for lubricant the joint.
Articulare cavity : Fibrous layer Synovial liquid cavum articulare (dark color)
artikulare capsul Cartilago artikularis Facies articularis
5.Ligamentum : is a strong ribbon likeor membrane, generally compose of white fibrous tissue, which fixing the bone; moveable but not elastic. Ligamentum
6. Disci or menisci articularis : isa cartilago fibrousa plate orcompact fibrousa tissue which place between cartilage articulares, and dividejoint cavity partially orwhole part into 2 separated room. this discus give joint surface become fit each other make the movement more extended and more variation. Reduce bumping between bones hardly.
7. Labrum glenoidale : is a fibro-cartilage ring which circle margin joint cavity. It make the cavity extended and to avoid fracture margin of the bone joint.
BLOOD VESSELS & NERVE • Artery make anastomose around big joint and make several branch for joint capsula. Membrane synovial have rete capillary which make loop surround cartilage joint margin, but it is not go into the cavity. • Venae make plexus. • Has more nerve fibers near and inside and surrounding synovial membrane.
MOVEMENT OF THE JOINT 1. GLIDING: movement on the flat surface; example: joint between proc articularis vert. cervicalis.
2. ELBOW JOINT : movement surrounding one or several bones axis. - flexio : make the joint angle smaller. - extensio : make the joint angle bigger. flexio extensio
3. CIRCUMDUCTION (pers peluru): in the shoulder andleg.
4. ROTATION: rotate of the segmen on axis longitudinal another segmen which make joint. examp: atlanto-axialis joint.
ACCESSORIUS STRUKTURE • Connexted ot the muscles issynovialmembrane andfascia. A. synovial membrane :is a thin sac, same as synovial membranejoint andhave the same function. thereare 2 types: 1. bursa synovialis : simple sac which connected on the point that has high pressure between tendon ormuscle and structure below them, usually on the elevated bone.
2. vagina synovialis tendinis : its different from the bursa, compose of wrapping sac which coverthe tendon make the two layers can be differented., inner layer attach to the tendon butouter layer line the canal where the tendon is. both layers which covers the tendon term asmesotendon.
B. fascia : is a connective tissue layer, compose ofseveral bundel white fibers which more or lessmixing with elastis fibers. Consist of 2 layersthat can be differentiated : • fascia superficialis. • fascia profunda.
FASCIA SUPERFICIALIS • Is a subcutaneous layercompose of loose connective tissue which generally contain more or less fat.
FASCIA PROFUNDA • Compose of one or more compact fibrous tissue layer. . • Inner layer may be attach to the structure below them, but in most part its attach to the skeleton , ligaments, tendon. • In several place it make layers from the inner surface fascia, passing through between muscles andattach to the boneor lig, term assepta intermuscularia
Sulcus where the tendon inside change to bea canal by a ribbon or fascia layer term as vaginal or annular ligament ( lig. vaginale) • Bursae that can be see in several part between fascia and struktur below them term as : bursae subfacial, moreover between fascia andskinterm as: bursae subcutaneous.
Bursa synovialis tendinis mesotendon Bursa synovial tendon retinaculum tendon bone bone
MYOLOGY • Is a science which study of muscles and their accesory structure. • Musculus (m) or musculi (mm) havespecificity that can make contractionwhen it get stimulus (impuls).
MIOLOGI MUSCLE IDENTIFICATION, according to : • Muscle Name • Form and their position • Origo and Insertio • Characteristic Movement • Structure • Connection of the muscle with surrounding area • Vascularisation and Innervation
MUSCLE DISCRIPTON ACCORDING TO: 1. name: basically can be severalconsiderationsuch as: action, form, position, direction.: m. flexor carpi radialis. 2. form: can be several form(triangular, long (longus) orcircle (m.sphincter, orbicularis). 3. attachment: usually on the bone, sometimes on cartilage,lig, fascia orskin.
4. action: according to phisiology action (m.extensor atau flexor) 5. structure : include muscle fibers direction, exp: triceps, digastricus. in the long muscle panjang on the leg, origo term ascaput, if fusiform structurethe wider part of the muscle term asventer. -unipennatus: muscle fibers oblique. -bipennatus : muscle fibers has 2 direction like feather. -multipennatus: several fibers direction.
6. connection : its has corelation with topografi anatomy ( m.intercostalis). • 7. blood supply & nerve: its important in clinical basic, nervesimportant in determining homology
insertio : place for attaching muscle which far from median plane of the body or the direction to distal, synonym punctum mobile. • origo : attaching place for muscle which near median plane of the body or the direction to dorsal, synonym punctum fixum. • tendo : is a ribbon like compose of compact white fibrous tissue for attaching the muscle to the bone. • Aponeurosa :wide fibrousa layer which has same function as tendo.
MUSCLE FIBERS FORM Paralel fibers fusiformis unipennatus bipennatus multipennatus
TRACTUS URO-GENITALIA • Sistema Uropoetica: Ren, Ureter, Vesica Urinaria,Urethra • Sistema Genitalia: 1. Masculina, : Testes, Scrotum, Epidi- dymis, urethra dan penis serta bbrp kljr pendukung. 2. Feminina, : Ovarium, tuba fallopii oviduct, uterus, cervic, vagina, vulva and several supporting glands.
NEUROLOGY • Science which study central nerve system and periphery • Compose of: Encephalon, Medulla Spinalis, Neuron, gangglion, nerve branch central and Periphery, simphatic and parasimpati nerves, reflex and coordination in the body.