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Document Image Analysis Lecture 11: Word Recognition and Segmentation

Document Image Analysis Lecture 11: Word Recognition and Segmentation. Richard J. Fateman Henry S. Baird University of California – Berkeley Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. The course so far…. DIA overview, objectives, measuring success Isolated-symbol recognition:

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Document Image Analysis Lecture 11: Word Recognition and Segmentation

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  1. Document Image AnalysisLecture 11: Word Recognition and Segmentation Richard J. Fateman Henry S. Baird University of California – Berkeley Xerox Palo Alto Research Center UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  2. The course so far…. • DIA overview, objectives, measuring success • Isolated-symbol recognition: • Symbols/glyphs, models/features/classifiers • image metrics, scaling up to 100 fonts of full ASCII • last 2 lectures: • ‘best’ classifier none dominates but: voting helps • combinations of randomized features/ classifiers! UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  3. Recall: we can often spot words when characters are unclear… • Crude segmentation into columns, paragraphs, lines, words • Bottom up, by smearing horiz/ vert … or • Top down, by recursive x-y cuts • what we really want is WORD recognition, most of the time. UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  4. Recall the scenario (lecture 9) Lopresti & Zhou (1994) UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  5. The flow goes one way • No opportunity to correct failures in segmentation at symbol stage • No opportunity to object to implausible text at the next stage. • (providing alternative character choices gives limited flexibility) UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  6. Recall: Character-by-Character Voting Succeeds & Fails Majority vote (the most commonly used method) UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  7. High accuracy requires some cleverness • In fact, some words, even in cleanly typeset text high-resolution scanned, have touching characters • In noisy or low resolution images, adjacent characters may be nearly entirely touching or broken (or both touching and broken!) • If we accept the flowchart model: we need perfect segmentation to feed the symbol recognition module • If we reject the flowchart: OK, where do we go from here? UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  8. Compare alternative approaches • First clarify the word recognition problem and see how to approach it. • Next we see how good a job can we do on segmentation (a fall-back when can’t use the word recognition model). • Robustness might require both approaches (multiple algorithms again!) UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  9. Formalize the word recognition problem (TKHo) Machine printed, ordinary fonts (var. width) • Cut down on the variations • NOT: • A word is all in same font/size [shape= feature] • [we could trivialize task with one font, e.g. E-13B] • Known lexicon (say 100,000 English words) • 26^6 is 308 million; our lexicon is < 0.3% of this • [trivialize with 1 item (check the box, say “yes”..)] • Applications in mind: post office, UNLV bakeoff UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  10. Word Recognition: Objective UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  11. At Least Three Approaches UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  12. In reality, a combination: Later we will find that additional processing: inter-word statistics or even natural language parsing may be incorporated in the ranking. UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  13. CharacterRecognitionApproach Symbol recognition is done at the character level. Contextual knowledge is used only at the ranking stage UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  14. One error in character segmentation can distort many characters Input word image Character Segmentation Segmented and normalized characters Recognition decisions UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  15. How to segment words to characters? • Aspect ratio (fixed width, anyway) • Projection profile • Other tricks UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  16. Projection Profiles UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  17. Modified Projection profiles “and” adjacent columns UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  18. Poor images: confusing profiles UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  19. The argument for more context Similar shapes in different contexts, in each case different characters, or parts of them. UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  20. Segmentation- basedApproach Segment the word to characters. Extract the features from normalized charcter images. Concatenate the feature vectors to form a word feature vector. The character features are compared in the context of a word. (Works if segmentation is easy but characters are difficult to recognize in isolation) UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  21. Segmentation- basedWordRecognition Note that you would not have much chance to recognize these individual characters! UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  22. Word-shapeAnalysisApproach Squeeze out extra white space, locate global reference lines (upper, top, base, bottom: Xxp ) TKH partions a word into 40 cells: 4 vertical regions and 10 horizontal. Some words have no descender or ascender regions: Hill UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  23. Word transformations UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  24. Detecting base, upper, top by smearing UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  25. The 40 area partitions UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  26. Stroke Directions UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  27. Edges, Endpoints UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  28. Cases Each Approach isBest At … UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  29. Most effective features? • Best: Defined locally, yet containing shape information: stroke vectors, Baird templates • Less effective: very high level “holes”; very low level “pixel values” • Uncertainly/ partial matching is important/ • TK Ho.. UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  30. TKHo’s experiments • Context: Zip code recognition • Redundancy check requires reading the whole address • 33850 Postal words • Character recognizer trained on 19151 images • 77 font samples were used to make prototypes UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  31. TKHo’s experiments • Five (10?) methods used in parallel • A fuzzy character template matcher plus heuristic contextual postprocessor • Six character recognizers • Segmentation-based word recognizer using pixel values • Word shape analyzer using strokes • Word shape analyzer using Baird templates UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

  32. TKHo’s experiments • Many interesting conclusions.. • If several methods agree, they are almost always (99.6%) correct or right on second choice (100%) • Classifiers can be dynamically selected UC Berkeley CS294-9 Fall 2000

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