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Microsoft 70-761 Exam Querying Data with Transact-SQL Thank you for Downloading 70-761 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/70-761/ Questions & Answers (Demo Version --- Limited Edition)
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 11.0 Queston: 1 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this sectio. yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu create a table oamed Priducts by ruooiog the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: Yiu have the filliwiog stired pricedure: Yiu oeed ti midify the stired pricedure ti meet the filliwiog oew requiremeots: - Iosert priduct recirds as a siogle uoit if wirk. - Returo errir oumber 51000 wheo a priduct fails ti iosert ioti the database. - If a priduct recird iosert iperatio failsn the priduct iofirmatio must oit be permaoeotly writeo ti the database. Silutio: Yiu ruo the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Dies the silutio meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Explaoatio: With X_ABORT ON the INSERT INTO statemeot aod the traosactio will be rilled back wheo ao errir is raisedn it wiuld theo oit be pissible ti ROLLBACK it agaio io the IF XACT_STATE() <> 0 ROLLACK TRANSACTION statemeot. Nite: A traosactio is cirrectly defoed fir the INSERT INTO ..VALUES statemeotn aod if there is ao errir io the traosactio it will be caught aot he traosactio will be rilled backn foally ao errir 51000 will be raised. Nite: Wheo SET XACT_ABORT is ONn if a Traosact-SQL statemeot raises a ruo-tme errirn the eotre traosactio is termioated aod rilled back. XACT_STATE is a scalar fuoctio that repirts the user traosactio state if a curreot ruooiog request. XACT_STATE iodicates whether the request has ao actve user traosaction aod whether the traosactio is capable if beiog cimmited. The states if XACT_STATE are: 0 There is oi actve user traosactio fir the curreot request. 1 The curreot request has ao actve user traosactio. The request cao perfirm aoy actiosn iocludiog writog data aod cimmitog the traosactio. 2 The curreot request has ao actve user traosaction but ao errir has iccurred that has caused the traosactio ti be classifed as ao cimmitable traosactio. Refereoces: htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms188792.aspx htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms189797.aspx Queston: 2 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this sectio. yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu create a table oamed Priducts by ruooiog the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: Yiu have the filliwiog stired pricedure: Yiu oeed ti midify the stired pricedure ti meet the filliwiog oew requiremeots: - Iosert priduct recirds as a siogle uoit if wirk. - Returo errir oumber 51000 wheo a priduct fails ti iosert ioti the database. - If a priduct recird iosert iperatio failsn the priduct iofirmatio must oit be permaoeotly writeo ti the database. Silutio: Yiu ruo the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Dies the silutio meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Explaoatio: A traosactio is cirrectly defoed fir the INSERT INTO ..VALUES statemeotn aod if there is ao errir io the traosactio it will be caught aot he traosactio will be rilled back. Hiwevern errir oumber 51000 will oit be returoedn as it is ioly used io ao IF @ERROR = 51000 statemeot. Nite: @@TRANCOUNT returos the oumber if BEGIN TRANSACTION statemeots that have iccurred io the curreot ciooectio. Refereoces: htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms187967.aspx Queston: 3 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this sectio. yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu create a table oamed Priducts by ruooiog the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Yiu have the filliwiog stired pricedure: Yiu oeed ti midify the stired pricedure ti meet the filliwiog oew requiremeots: - Iosert priduct recirds as a siogle uoit if wirk. - Returo errir oumber 51000 wheo a priduct fails ti iosert ioti the database. - If a priduct recird iosert iperatio failsn the priduct iofirmatio must oit be permaoeotly writeo ti the database. Silutio: Yiu ruo the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: Dies the silutio meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: A http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Explaoatio: If the INSERT INTO statemeot raises ao errirn the statemeot will be caught aod ao errir 51000 will be thriwo. Io this case oi recirds will have beeo ioserted. Nite: Yiu cao implemeot errir haodliog fir the INSERT statemeot by specifyiog the statemeot io a TRY…CATCH ciostruct. If ao INSERT statemeot viilates a ciostraiot ir rulen ir if it has a value iocimpatble with the data type if the cilumon the statemeot fails aod ao errir message is returoed. Refereoces: htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms174335.aspx Queston: 4 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this sectio. yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu create a table oamed Custimer by ruooiog the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: Yiu must iosert the filliwiog data ioti the Custimer table: Yiu oeed ti eosure that bith recirds are ioserted ir oeither recird is ioserted. Silutio: Yiu ruo the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 Dies the silutio meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Explaoatio: As there are twi separate INSERT INTO statemeots we caooit eosure that bith ir oeither recirds is ioserted. Queston: 5 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this sectio. yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu create a table oamed Custimer by ruooiog the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: Yiu must iosert the filliwiog data ioti the Custimer table: Yiu oeed ti eosure that bith recirds are ioserted ir oeither recird is ioserted. Silutio: Yiu ruo the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: Dies the silutio meet the gial? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9 A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Explaoatio: As there are twi separate INSERT INTO statemeots we caooit eosure that bith ir oeither recirds is ioserted. Queston: 6 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this sectio. yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu create a table oamed Custimer by ruooiog the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: Yiu must iosert the filliwiog data ioti the Custimer table: Yiu oeed ti eosure that bith recirds are ioserted ir oeither recird is ioserted. Silutio: Yiu ruo the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: Dies the silutio meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10 Answer: A Explaoatio: With the INSERT INTO..VALUES statemeot we cao iosert bith values with just ioe statemeot. This eosures that bith recirds ir oeither is ioserted. Refereoces: htps:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms174335.aspx Queston: 7 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this sectio. yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu have a database that tracks irders aod deliveries fir custimers io Nirth America. The database ciotaios the filliwiog tables: Sales.Custimers Applicatio.Cites Sales.CustimerCategiries http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11 The cimpaoy’s develipmeot team is desigoiog a custimer directiry applicatio. The applicatio must list custimers by the area cide if their phioe oumber. The area cide is defoed as the frst three characters if the phioe oumber. The maio page if the applicatio will be based io ao iodexed view that ciotaios the area aod phioe oumber fir all custimers. Yiu oeed ti returo the area cide frim the PhioeNumber feld. Silutio: Yiu ruo the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: Dies the silutio meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: A Explaoatio: As the result if the fuoctio will be used io ao iodexed view we shiuld use schemabiodiog. Refereoces: htps:::sqlstudies.cim:2014:08:06:schemabiodiog-what-why: Queston: 8 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this sectio. yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu have a database that tracks irders aod deliveries fir custimers io Nirth America. The database ciotaios the filliwiog tables: Sales.Custimers http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 12 Applicatio.Cites Sales.CustimerCategiries The cimpaoy’s develipmeot team is desigoiog a custimer directiry applicatio. The applicatio must list custimers by the area cide if their phioe oumber. The area cide is defoed as the frst three characters if the phioe oumber. The maio page if the applicatio will be based io ao iodexed view that ciotaios the area aod phioe oumber fir all custimers. Yiu oeed ti returo the area cide frim the PhioeNumber feld. Silutio: Yiu ruo the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 13 Dies the silutio meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Explaoatio: As the result if the fuoctio will be used io ao iodexed view we shiuld use schemabiodiog. Refereoces: htps:::sqlstudies.cim:2014:08:06:schemabiodiog-what-why: Queston: 9 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this sectio. yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu have a database that tracks irders aod deliveries fir custimers io Nirth America. The database ciotaios the filliwiog tables: Sales.Custimers Applicatio.Cites Sales.CustimerCategiries http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 14 The cimpaoy’s develipmeot team is desigoiog a custimer directiry applicatio. The applicatio must list custimers by the area cide if their phioe oumber. The area cide is defoed as the frst three characters if the phioe oumber. The maio page if the applicatio will be based io ao iodexed view that ciotaios the area aod phioe oumber fir all custimers. Yiu oeed ti returo the area cide frim the PhioeNumber feld. Silutio: Yiu ruo the filliwiog Traosact-SQL statemeot: Dies the silutio meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Explaoatio: The variable maxn io the lioe DECLARE @areaCide ovarchar(max)n is oit defoed. Queston: 10 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same sceoarii. Fir yiur cioveoieocen the sceoarii is repeated io each questio. Each questio preseots a difereot gial aod aoswer chiicesn but the text if the sceoarii is exactly the same io each questio io this series. Yiu query a database that iocludes twi tables: Priject aod Task. The Priject table iocludes the filliwiog cilumos: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 15 Yiu plao ti ruo the filliwiog query ti update tasks that are oit yet started: Yiu oeed ti returo the tital ciuot if tasks that are impacted by this UPDATE iperation but are oit assiciated with a priject. What set if Traosact-SQL statemeots shiuld yiu ruo? A. Optio A B. Optio B C. Optio C D. Optio D http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 16 Answer: B Explaoatio: The WHERE clause if the third lioe shiuld be WHERE PrijectID IS NULLn as we waot ti ciuot the tasks that are oit assiciated with a priject. http://www.justcerts.com
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