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Implementation & Management of E-Learning

Implementation & Management of E-Learning. Scott P. Schaffer, Ph D. Opportunity?. Threat?. or threat?. Implementation is about…. Change Innovation Technology Adoption. Plan for change, don’t change your plan….

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Implementation & Management of E-Learning

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  1. Implementation & Management of E-Learning Scott P. Schaffer, Ph D

  2. Opportunity?

  3. Threat? or threat?

  4. Implementation is about… • Change • Innovation • Technology Adoption Plan for change, don’t change your plan…

  5. Change Management should be anInternal Organizational Capabilityled by theLearning and Development Function

  6. How?Recognize Complexity – multiple processes, systems and functions will be impacted.Involve People – they will be more likely to help make it work.

  7. Adoption of Technology Expensive Slow

  8. Innovation Source:http://www.cyfm.net/articles/images/S-CurveDetail.jpg

  9. Management of E-Learning is integrating… …learning, knowledge, and performance support for the purpose of… …developing capable people thereby… …improving business results.

  10. Development Silos • Independent structures • Modeled on analog predecessors • Performers must integrate and synthesize Inconsistent, redundant, irrelevant, inadequate • User Interface • Information • Documentation • Help • Training Content • Knowledge Mgmt • Tools

  11. Performers lack the capacity to deal with all this stuff!

  12. Integrating Learning, Knowledge, and Performance Support Adapted from Rosenberg, Strategic E-Learning What must be supported with tools? Enterprise Learning What must be accessed? Shared? What must be learned?

  13. Improving business results through E-Learning requires alignment and continuous monitoring of: • Vision • Resources • Cultural Readiness • Individual, Mgmt Factors

  14. Exercise: Where are your Blocks? Consider some of the key alignment issues in your organization relative to implementing and managing E-Learning. • Identify 3 Blocks that enhance E-Learning effectiveness • Identify 3 Blocks that limit E-Learning effectiveness

  15. Implementation and Management Strategy Framework • Business Case: why is this necessary? when would you expect a return on this investment? • Goals and Objectives: what mission critical performance is supported by LMS/LCMS? • Functionality: what blend of learning, knowledge, and performance support enables critical performance? • Change Process: consider leadership, readiness (see pyramid), planning/rollout strategy, continuous monitoring/improvement.

  16. Group Discussion Task: Create a Basic Strategy Framework for the implementation and management of an L(C)MS. How: Create an organizational scenario or context based on your group members’ experiences. Next: Write up or graphically display your strategy and prepare to present it.

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