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Voices of the American Revolution Images courtesy Library of Congress. "I cannot conclude without mentioning how sensibly I feel the dismemberment of America from this empire, and that I should be miserable indeed if I did not feel that no blame on that account can be laid at my door,
Voices of the American RevolutionImages courtesy Library of Congress
"I cannot conclude without mentioning how sensibly I feel the dismemberment of America from this empire, and that I should be miserable indeed if I did not feel that no blame on that account can be laid at my door, and I did not also know that knavery seems to be so much the striking feature of its inhabitants that it may not in the end be an evil that they will become aliens to this kingdom." • King George III, Letter to Shelburne, 1782
"Nothing short of independence, it appears to me, can possibly do. A peace on other terms would..... be a peace of war." - George Washington, Letter to John Banister, 1778
"Where liberty dwells, there is my country." “I pronounce it as certain that there was never yet a truly great man that was not at the same time truly virtuous.” - Benjamin Franklin
“Our properties within our own territories [should not] be taxed or regulated by any power on earth but our own.” - Thomas Jefferson, Rights of British America, 1774
"Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people . . . . This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution." - John Adams, 1818
“I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death." - Patrick Henry
"Neglected by Congress below, distressed with the small-pox; want of Generals and discipline in our Army, which may rather be called a great rabble, our credit and reputation lost, and great part of the country; and a powerful foreign enemy advancing upon us, are so many difficulties we cannot surmount them." - Benedict Arnold
Let’s get to know these Amazing Americans better!Together, we will create an electronic newspaper about the people and times of the American Revolution. activities below will be the building blocks for our newspaper. You must do the two marked with the *. Then you may choose any other 3 activities.
Center 1Patrick Henry In this center you will write a feature article for the newspaper about Patrick Henry’s life and famous speech. • Together with your group, listen to Patrick Henry’s famous speech. The date: March 23, 1775 The place: St. John’s Church in Richmond, VA The event: A meeting of Virginia’s colonial leaders Knowing the meaning of these words may be helpful. adversary - enemy; brethren - brothers; delusive - false; extenuate - to try to make less serious; formidable - causing fear; idle - inactive; invincible - incapable of being conquered; irresolution - uncertain how to act; submission - surrender; supinely - passively, inactively; vain - useless . Use these handouts to guide you… Patrick Henry’s closing remarks (Go to next slide)
Patrick Henry (continued) • For the article, answer the following questions. • Who was Patrick Henry? • What did his speech mean? • Why is he giving such a speech? • How does the speech make the American colonists feel? 3. Your article should be drafted, revised, and edited before you type your final copy in Microsoft Word. Save your file to the H drive in the Newspaper folder. See rubric.
Center 2King George III • In small groups or with a partner, you will examine political cartoons published during the Revolutionary War period in both colonial and British newspapers and pamphlets. Students will infer the point of view of the cartoonist held regarding American independence, and the meaning of the political message. Students will create political cartoons to share an opinion that may have been held by either a British subject or an American Patriot. (next slide)
King George III (continued) Print out this cartoon analysis sheet. View cartoons here After doing the cartoon analysis, your task is to create a political cartoon about King George III from the viewpoint of either a Loyalist or a Patriot. Your cartoon will be scanned into a the computer.
Center 3George Washington • Background Information: George Washington was elected as Commander-in-Chief of the first American Army. As Commander-in-Chief, Washington worked diligently to train volunteers to be soldiers. He built a large army which he kept together and mobile. General Washington's own high standards became a model for his troops. Even after a string of defeats, Washington was able to make enough of a military showing to persuade France to enter the conflict.
George Washington (continued) • Watch the Brain Pop on George Washington. • Read the selected letters from George Washington. Pay most attention to a letter he wrote to his wife Martha (p. 28) and a letter to Congress which follows. What do these letters show about his concern for his troops? • Create a Want Ad that George Washington may have created to gather troops for his army. In the ad, include some of Washington’s words or phrases that show his concern for the well-being of the troops. • You will draw this ad and scan it into the computer. Rubric
Center 4 Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin is known for his contributions during the American Revolution. He is also well known for his numerous inventions. • Watch the Brain Pop video on Franklin. • Use the book Now and Ben to see some of Franklins inventions. • Design an advertisement that will appear in the newspaper advertising one of his inventions. (rubric) • You will scan your ad into the computer.
Center 5Thomas Jefferson You and a partner will conduct an interview with Thomas Jefferson. • Watch the Brain Pop on Thomas Jefferson. • Decide who will be the interviewer and who will be Jefferson. • Come up with about 6 questions that you would ask of Thomas Jefferson. Use this site for some ideas. • Videotape your interview.
Center 6John Adams In this center you will create a short video clip using Movie Maker about our second President, John Adams. • Watch the Brain Pop video on John Adams. • Import 5 pictures of John Adams from the file on the H drive into Movie Maker. • Think of 5 character trait words that will be placed in between the pictures in your movie. • Add music and transitions at the end. Go to www.freeplaymusic.com for music. • See Mrs. Vester’sexample.(rubric)
Benedict Arnold You will write an editorial for the newspaper. An editorial is an article that expresses one’s opinion on a topic, supported by facts. See the attached instructions for details.
Revolutionary BattlesWeather Map Your task is to create a weather map for some of the important battles fought during the American Revolution. Your map should include: • Map with battle sites accurately marked. • Weather conditions when the battle was fought. If you can’t find specifics, think about the month of the year the battle took place, and make an educated guess as to what the weather would have been like. • You may use Maps 101 for a map.