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The kicking the cat story is about a person having a bad day and passing those negative feeling to others. It goes like this: Jim is mad because the morning traffic has caused him to be very late to work. Shortly after getting to work he starts yelling at his assistant about a report he needs. Alice, the assistant, calls the manager who has not turned the report in on time. In a very forceful manner, Alice tells the manager to get the report over to her immediately. Jack, the manager, is very upset but complies. Jack is still mad when he walks into his house after work. Unfortunately, the unsuspecting cat walks by the front door just as Jack walks in. Kick! * The cat did not do anything wrong, but he took the brunt of the bad day that was passed on from Jim to Alice to Jack and, finally, to the cat. Why? What would have happened if they had compartmentalized their negative feelings and not passed their anger to others during the day? Often when someone is having a bad day they look to share the burden. If there is a legitimate concern then by all means handle the situation. However, many times these concerns are not legitimate. They are simply annoying attempts by someone trying to get attention, to bring drama into the room or to show they have some perceived power. Recognize the negative feelings for what they are. If they are legitimate, act accordingly, but do not pass the negative thoughts to others. If they are simply attempts to kick the cat, then you should be the person who stops the negativity. Ideas for Implementation Everyone needs motivation, especially older adult seniors. They need activities and things to keep them active and MotivationalQuotes their minds alert, if not things often do not work out well for them attitude or health wise. And really isn't that true about anyone. Unfortunately, as one progresses through life they do not have the level of energy they once had, and thus, it is a little more difficult to break into a full stride or run up several flights of stairs. We all know from human nature that those things we enjoy doing we excel at, and so it is just a matter finding what those things are. Same goes for active older adult seniors and it can be whatever they want in retirement, free to go and explore, engage in interesting activities or learn something new. A younger person may find Bingo Night a living hell, but that does not mean your older grandmother might also feel the same way. Bingo is a good a darn good excuse to get out of the house and go do something, and anything is better than
nothing. Seniors are motivated when they know they are welcomed and with others who are having fun. Many seniors like to volunteer for this reason and this can be a particularly good motivation to get out and do something useful. After all, meaningful work is important all generations and volunteering and making a difference is one way they can stand up, and be counted. Please consider this.