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Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination. Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination. Tenure & Employment of Teachers. State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment. Teacher Accountability Act. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400. $600. $600. $600. $600.
Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination Tenure & Employment of Teachers State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment Teacher Accountability Act $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination Tenure & Employment of Teachers State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment Teacher Accountability Act $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination$200 • What is the difference between facial discrimination and facially neutral discrimination?
Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination$400 • If a law facially discriminates, what are the three forms of scrutiny used to determine constitutionality?
Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination$600 • What governmental agency is responsible for enforcing Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination$800 • Courts have prohibited the use of ______________ plans that provide a discriminatory “preference” rather than an “equal opportunity.”
Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination$1000 • What are the two categories of sexual harrasment?
Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination$200 - Answer • Facial discrimination is intentional and facially neutral discrimination is ostensibly nondiscriminatory, but is a pretext for discrimination.
Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination$400 - Answer • Strict, intermediate, • and rational-based
Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination$600 - Answer • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination$800 - Answer • Affirmative action
Legal Context & Race/Sex Discrimination$1000 - Answer • Quid pro quo and • hostile environment
Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination $200 • What can claims for age discrimination be filed under?
Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination$400 What legislation states that benefits such as retirement, health care, dental, and eye care are not generally available to children of same-sex partners unless the child has been legally adopted by the employee? Daily Double
Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination$600 • A person’s religious affiliation should not be considered when making an employment decision, because it is not a ___________________.
Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination$800 • What are three of the major life activities identified by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination$1000 • Knowing that people with disabilities must be able to perform all essential functions of a position, what are two examples of reasonable accommodations that can be made within the work setting?
Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination$200 - Answer • The Equal Protection Clause (any age), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967, and state statutes
Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination$400 - Answer • The Defense of Marriage Act of 1996
Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination$600 - Answer • Bona fide occupational qualification
Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination$800 - Answer • Walking, speaking, hearing, seeing, • breathing, learning, and working
Age, Religion, & Disability Discrimination$1000 - Answer • Making necessary facilities accessible, restructuring work schedules, acquiring or modifying equipment, or providing readers or interpreters
Tenure & Employment of Teachers $200 • How does an instructor promoted to principal/supervisor attain continuing service status?
Tenure & Employment of Teachers $400 • When the superintendent recommends and the employing board of education votes to “effectuate” a transfer of a teacher on continuing service, the teacher can choose to contest the transfer. What action must he/she take to contest the transfer?
Tenure & Employment of Teachers $600 • Name three reasons why a tenured teacher’s contract may be cancelled.
Tenure & Employment of Teachers $800 • A teacher may be suspended for more than _____ days without pay for a major suspension and less than _____ days without pay for a minor suspension.
Tenure & Employment of Teachers $1000 • When a teacher on continuing service status is denied a hearing before the local board of education, to whom should he/she appeal?
Tenure & Employment of Teachers $200 - Answer • The person must serve for three consecutive years are principal or supervisor to attain continuing service status as a principal or supervisor.
Also Note: • The status of continuing service of teacher as an instructor is not affected by the promotion to principal or supervisor. • If the instructor is “not retained as principal or supervisor,” his/her salary is reduced to reflect the county or city school systems salary schedule. • By the end of the school term, superintendents should submit a list of teachers who are recommended for continuing service status to the Board of Education. Failure to submit the list does not affect the continuing service status of the teacher.
Tenure & Employment of Teachers $400 - Answer • File a written demand to the superintendent for a hearing before the employing board within 15 days after the receipt of the superintendent’s notice of the transfer.
Once the teacher receives the notice required in Section 16-24-5, he/she may elect to file a written demand to the superintendent for a hearing before the employing board. The teacher’s notice must be received by the superintendent within 15 days after the receipt of superintendent’s notice. • The transfer is considered final if the teacher does not file a demand for a hearing within 15 days after receipt of the notice to transfer. • If a teacher elects to file a demand for a hearing before the employing board, the hearing should be held within 30 days after the receipt of the notice to transfer. • “At the hearing, which shall be public or private at the discretion of the teacher, each party may appear with /without counsel, may be heard and present the testimony of witnesses and other evidence and;/or information bearing upon the reasons for the proposed transfer and may cross examine the adverse witnesses.” • The board or its authorized representative can issue subpoenas, administer oaths for witness to supply evidence or testify under oath in support of the charges or for the benefit of the teacher.
If a person does not obey the subpoena, the board or its authorized representative may seek the assistance of the circuit court to gain evidence, testimony, information, etc. • “Upon proper showing, the court shall issue a subpoena or order requiring the person to appear before the board or its representative and produce evidence and/or information and give testimony relating to the matter at issue.” • Failure to obey the court’s subpoena is punishable by the court as for contempt. • Fees for the court reporter to keep and transcribe records at the hearing are paid by the State Department of Ed.; the school district bears the responsibility of to employ a competent court reporter. • After each side presents its case at the hearing, the employing board makes a decision by majority vote to transfer or not to transfer the teacher; the board may elect delay vote for a later time, not to exceed five days. • If the board’s vote dictates that the transfer is to be put into effect, within 10 days the superintendent sends written notice (requiring the teacher’s signature) of the board’s decision. The written notice also informs the teacher of his/her right to contest the transfer in writing to the superintendent within 15 days of receipt of notice.
Tenure & Employment of Teachers $600 - Answer • Incompetency • Insubordination • Neglect of duty • Immorality • Failure to perform duties in a satisfactory manner • Justifiable decrease in the number of teaching positions • Other good and just cause • Note: Cancellation cannot be made for political or personal reasons.
If the teacher elects to contest the decision of the board as described in Sec. 16-24-9, the hearing officer should be selected as provided in section b of Section 16-24-20. • Upon selection, the hearing officer gives each party notice of the date/time for the hearing: the date should be not less than 30 days and no more than 60 days following the appointment of the hearing officer. If the either party disagrees in regard to the location of the hearing, the hearing officer will determine the location within the jurisdiction of the employing board. • Each party should submit to the hearing officer and the opposing party documents supportive of or in contravention to the action and a list of witnesses to be called at the hearing. This documentation should be submitted no less than 30 days before such date of the hearing. The witness list and documents may be amended at any time prior to five days before the hearing. • The expense for the court reporter lies with the State Board of Education. • The hearing officer has the power to administer oaths, issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and production of evidence/information relevant to the issue at hand. If a person refused to obey the subpoenas, the board or its authorized representative may invoke the assistance of the circuit court. • The hearing officer shall conduct a de novo (a new review) hearing and make a decision based on the evidence submitted to the hearing officer. The hearing officer shall determine which of the following actions should be taken: cancellation of employment contract, suspension of the employee, with or without pay, a reprimand, other disciplinary action, or no action again the employee. • The written decision from the hearing officer with finding of fact and conclusion of law should be rendered within 30 days after the hearing. Expenses of the hearing officer are paid by the State Department of Education.
Tenure & Employment of Teachers $800 - Answer • A teacher may be suspended for more than seven days without pay for a major suspension and less than seven days without pay for a minor suspension.
Differences • No witness list is needed for the hearing of minor suspensions. • The hearing officer considers the case on written submissions in hearings of minor suspension . • In major suspensions, either party can appeal the final decision of the hearing officer to the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals within 21 days of receipt hearing officer’s written notice. • Similarities • Cannot be for personal or political reasons. • The employing boards meeting can be held no less than 20 days and no more than 30 days after receipt of the superintendent’s written notice to the teacher. • The teacher had 15 days to file a written request to the superintendent for a conference with the board.
Tenure & Employment of Teachers $1000 - Answer • Chief Administrative Law Judge of the Office of Administrative Hearings, Division of Administrative Law Judge of the Office of Administrative Hearings, Division of Administrative Law Judges, Office of the Attorney General
The local board may respond in writing the facts of the appeal. Failure to respond establishes the facts set out in the appeal are taken as true. • The judge will review the information, with or without a hearing. Based on the judge’s findings, he/she will order a hearing before the local board, determine that a violation occurred in the teacher’s transfer, suspension, dismissal and rescind the action taken by the employing board, or sustain the action taken by the employing board. • The judge’s action is final.
State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment $200 • In 2004, the Legislature passed Act 2004-566, which streamlined the appeals process for tenured teachers and repealed sections 16-24-30 to 16-24-38 of the Code of Alabama regarding the State Tenure Commission. According to the new Act, who oversees appeal hearings regarding transfers, terminations, and suspensions?
State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment $400 • As established in section 16-24-61, what type of certification must a part time teacher possess?
State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment $600 • What is the rate of pay for • part-time employees?
State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment $800 • What is the hourly standard that is considered to be full-time employment as established in section 16-24-64?
State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment $1000 • Section 16-24-67 requires local boards to submit an annual report of part-time teachers employed on a regular basis. What two categories must these teachers be disaggregated into?
State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment $200 - Answer • Hearing officer from the United States Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment $400 - Answer • Highly qualified status. Part-time employees must meet the same certification requirements as full-time employees as set forth by the Board of Education. They are also required to pass a background check.
State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment $600 - Answer • It is based on the salary schedule for a full-time employee of similar experience and educational attainment. The standard contract is 6.5 hours per day for 182 days.
State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment $800 - Answer • 20 or more hours per week of classroom hours
State Tenure Commission & Part-Time Employment $1000 - Answer • By school • By subjects taught
Teacher Accountability Act $200 • What legislation eliminated tenure for principals and placed them under term contracts?