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paul.chubb@careersengland.org.uk 07976 575536 www.careersengland.org.uk. KENT BRIEFINGS 30th April 2012 Paul Chubb, Executive Director, Careers England PART TWO: MAKING PLANS TO DISCHARGE THE DUTY.
paul.chubb@careersengland.org.uk07976 575536www.careersengland.org.uk KENT BRIEFINGS 30th April 2012 Paul Chubb, Executive Director, Careers England PART TWO: MAKING PLANS TO DISCHARGE THE DUTY
Making the case to your HEAD/THE Governing Body:The importance of careers education and guidance (CEG) “Critical to making the right choices is high quality and impartial IAG.”(Delivering 14-19 Reform: Next Steps, DCSF 2008) CEG helps to reduce the numbers of young people who might otherwise become ‘NEET’ CEG raises aspirations, increases motivation, raises achievement, promotes social mobility 10% of students starting HE courses “DISCONTINUE” i.e. Do not complete
LOOK AT YOUR Students’ CEIAG support needs • CAREERS EDUCATION • how to use IAG on learning & work • CAREERS INFORMATION • on post-13/14 (KS4) options, post-16 options, post-17 and post-18 options • on progression routes & different providers • comprehensive, up to date, accessible • CAREERS ADVICE & GUIDANCE • Existing links to tutoring and mentoring systems • With effective recording and referral? • Addressing impartiality(is it based on the needs of the learner, not the institution?) • Up to date & informed by the labour market
The LONG-VALUED partnership approach Schools and colleges careers education careers information initial advice and guidance, with inputs from and referrals to external specialist service Careers Service/Connexions/LA IAG service careers guidance: in context of IAG on wider range of well-being matters support for careers education support for careers information
You have The National Careers Service For young people (DfE) - £4.7M in 2012-13 online and telephone helpline services0800 100 900 https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk [NCS providers may also seek to offer face-to-face careers guidance services on the open market, for example if the local provider decides to offer such services to schools] For adults 18+ (DBIS) - £84.4M in 2012-13 online and telephone helpline services face-to-face careers guidance (free to priority groups comprising circa 700,000 in the first year)
FrOM SEPTEMBER 2012 Decisions about the universal careers education and careers guidance young people will receive will be made by schools alone....by YOU There will be a range of potential providers of careers guidance (‘NCS’, LA services, private providers, individuals, etc.) LAs will retain the statutory duty to provide support for more vulnerable young people, including the NEET and those with SEN/LDD (e.g. Transition Plans and Section 139a assessments)
Statutory Guidance( www.education.gov.uk 26 March 2012) • ‘independent’ = external to the school • “It will not be sufficient for schools to employ their own careers professional … and then rely on signposting to a website …”John Hayes, Minister for FE, Skills and Lifelong Learning12th March 2012 • ‘impartial’ = showing no bias or favouritism towards a particular education or work option • qualified careers professionals • matrix • links with local post-16 education and training providers
The future of Careers education: school autonomy ? Schools are already free to determine: the amount of time allocated what is taught how it is taught where in the curriculum it is taught The only additional freedom that repealing the statutory duty under the Education Act gives schools is the freedom to drop it from the curriculum WHICH SURELY WOULD NOT BE RESPONSIBLE
Careers education: Your responsibilities ? Equipping young people to make effective use of information, advice and guidance Developing young people’s career management and employability skills In effect.....creating these YOUNG RAINBOW BUILDERS And.....In your case to the Head/GB......the bedrock of careers education enables you to make cost-effective use of the independent external career guidance that your schools will have to pay for in the future
Careers education: support IS AVAILABLE TO YOU www.cegnet.co.ukincluding the still valuable Statutory Guidance - Impartial Careers Education:Resources Pack (DCSF, 2010) www.aceg.org.ukhttp://www.cegnet.co.uk/newsletters/apr12/files/TheACEGFramework.pdf [new] The ACEG Framework for careers and work-related education April 2012
10 KEY QUESTIONS for schools • WHAT ARE YOU BUILDING UPON? • WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN-HOUSE ALREADY? • WHAT DO YOU NEED TO ADD? • Will you make any changes to your school’s policy & provision of careers education now it is no longer statutory? (If so, what & why?) • Does your school hold a CEIAG Q Award? (If so which? If not why not & will you commit? If so to which?)
More QUESTIONS for schools 6. What does your LOCAL AUTHORITY intend to provide in terms of ‘targeted’ support services: • for which young people? How is it defining ‘vulnerable’? SEND/LDD/S139a? • breadth of services, including career guidance? • recording destinations & tracking? 7. What services will you want from an EXTERNAL PROVIDER of career guidance services: • for pupils & students? • for parents & carers? • for your school & its staff? • for curriculum development & support? • for tracking & destinations?
In respect of Q6....REMINDER: Changes for Local Authorities, BUT some important DUTIES remain • From April/September 2012 = no expectation from HMG that LAs should provide a universal careers guidance service. BUT from schools’ perspectives, these DUTIES retained by LAs are to: • Encourage, enable, assist young people to participate • Support vulnerable young people and those at risk of disengagement (often = targeted careers support) • Undertake SECTION 139A assessments of YPs with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities • Maintain effective tracking (= CRUCIAL) to ensure offers of learning in September, supporting young people who are NEET and maintaining accurate monthly reporting
And More QUESTIONS for schools 8. Which member of school SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM will be taking the lead on securing career guidance services for pupils & students? 9. Does he/she need any help, if so what & from whom? [n.b. Contract mgt may be new] 10. What is the role of your GOVERNING BODY? Link Governor? Budget secured from Sept 2012 or still to be? Only then....can you START thinking of the approach to securing independent career guidance you adopt to fulfil your new duty
school - external guidance service partnershipS :the history and changes You will have been used to this: Careers Service “service level agreements” Connexions “partnership agreements” Now you are moving to the new era of: School-commissioned contracts with providers of career guidance = you decide what you want, for whom, from whom....
Which Services TO SECURE from an external provider ? (1) For Your Pupils/students? For whom? Who decides? Are you consulting students? one-to-one careers guidance: face to face? group-work drop-in sessions support on “results” days support and access outside of term-time/in holiday time Other? For Your Schools’ Parents/Carers? options/information events/meetings consultation evenings Other?
Which Services TO SECURE from an external provider ? (2) For Your School & its Staff? • careers information support • careers education curriculum advice • support for work experience/work-related & employer links • support to work towards a CEIAG quality award • support for staff training/INSET/CPD/network meetings • support to track/record destinations of leavers • Other?
CareerSguidance from 2012: What About schools TRYING TO do it themselves? • MAYBE.....employing your own professionally qualified careers adviser ? (Yes.....but.....is this sufficient?) • OR.....training a teacher or member of the non-teaching staff to provide career guidance ? (Yes.....perhaps, but..... is this sufficient?) OR EVEN....giving the job to someone not qualified or trained (NO....would you want this for your son or daughter? And let’s not even ask is this sufficient!?) • “It will not be sufficient for schools to employ their own careers professional … and then rely on signposting to a website …” • John Hayes, Minister for FE, Skills and Lifelong Learning12th March 2012
CareerSguidance from SEPTEMBER 2012: local authority approaches ? Around the country there are a range of practices including: Some are providing a traded careers guidance service which schools can buy in Or working with schools to seek a managed transition to a new arrangement with a preferred (existing or new?) supplier Or working with schools (individually or in groupings) to assist to commission a service for schools Or providing schools a list of “approved” suppliers Or taking no action....other than fulfilling their residual duties......stepping back to allow a completely free market
CareerSguidance from 2012: buying in career guidance....from? Around the country there are a range of practices including • From a former/current Connexions/career guidance company (including NCS providers)? • Or a sole trader/individual CA? • Or a social enterprise formed by several CAs? • Or an LA (which?)? • Or an Education-Business Links organisation/EBP? • Or an FE College student services team? • Or even from a University Careers Service? And how to contract.....as an individual school or as a consortium? Let’s look at each in more detail....
FROM A FORMER/CURRENT CONNEXIONS/CAREER GUIDANCE COMPANY? Key questions include: • Are you satisfied about the provider’s knowledge of learning and work options, routes and providers in your school catchment area’s travel to work/learn area? • FROM A SOLE TRADING CAREERS ADVISER? Key questions include: • In addition to the ‘satisfied about’ issues above, what about the CA’s CPD/keeping up to date/links with opportunity providers/sickness cover et al? • FROM A TRADING PARTNERSHIP OR SOME FORM OF SOCIAL ENTERPRISE FORMED BY SEVERAL CAS? Key questions include: • In addition to the ‘satisfied about’ issues above, still need to check about the team of CAs’ CPD/keeping up to date/links with opportunity providers/sickness cover et al?
FROM A LOCAL AUTHORITY? Key questions include: • Because some schools have looked at LAs beyond the one they are located in, then it is crucial to be ‘satisfied about’ issues about the provider’s knowledge of learning and work options, routes and providers in your school catchment area’s travel to work/learn area. Links with targeted services? • FROM AN EDUCATION-BUSINESS LINKS ORGANISATION/EBP? Key questions include: • In addition to the ‘satisfied about’ issues above, what about links to WRL et al?
FROM AN FE COLLEGE STUDENT SERVICES TEAM? • Key questions include: • In addition to being ‘satisfied about’ issues about the provider’s knowledge of learning and work options, routes and providers in your school catchment area’s travel to work/learn area, what about ‘impartiality’ and college provision? • FROM A UNIVERSITY CAREERS SERVICE? • Key questions include: • In addition to the ‘satisfied about’ issues above, what about knowledge of sub-degree level employment /FE /WBL et al?
And....IN DECIDING UPON Which external provider • Will you require matrix accreditation? • Working towards? And/or already accredited? • Will you require QCF L6 careers guidance practitioners? • Or working towards if have NVQ4?
CONTRACTING FOR THE SUPPLY OF careerS guidance ? • How will you contract for this? • As an individual school? • As a consortium/group (how will this be constituted, who will lead?) • How long will you contract for? • Short term of 1 year first? Longer? Why? • Will you be Tendering? How? • Who will do this? • Once you have appointed, how will you contract manage? • Who will do this? How will you review the performance of your chosen supplier?
What then are we to do? My PERSONAL ADVICE remains.....whatever you decide
Let’s do what is Right: Heads & Principals – 3 wise choices Organisations which meet THE MATRIX STANDARD for advice and guidance for learning and work SPECIALIST CAREERS ADVISERS who are qualified and competent to provide CAREERS ADVICE & GUIDANCE (QCF level 6 in Advice & Guidance)