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Essential Hazard Communication Program for Workplace Safety

Learn about the Hazard Communication Standard, Right to Know, and APS' comprehensive Hazard Communication Program, including written plans, inventories, MSDS, and more. Discover the importance of chemical safety and employee training in ensuring a secure work environment.

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Essential Hazard Communication Program for Workplace Safety

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  1. Risk Management Department Hazard Communication April, 2008

  2. Hazard Communication “Right To Know” There was a time when employees had no right to information about the hazardous substances they used at work. They demanded a "Right-to-Know," or the right to have access to such information. 

  3. Hazard Communication Hazard Communication Standard As a result, OSHA implemented the Hazard Communication Standard, otherwise known as the Right to Know Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200), which requires employers to evaluate the hazards of chemicals in the workplace and communicate information concerning hazards and appropriate protective measures to employees.

  4. Hazard Communication Goals of Right to Know: 1. To help you reduce the risks involved in working with hazardous materials 2. To transmit vital information to employees about real and potential hazards of substances in the work place 3. To reduce the incidence and cost of illness and injury resulting from hazardous substances 4. To encourage a reduction in the quantity and toxicity of hazardous substances

  5. Hazard Communication • Written Plan • Inventories • Material Safety Data Sheets • Labeling • Storage • Placarding APS’ Hazard Communication Program • Protection from Chemical Hazards • Hazardous Waste • Hazardous Chemical Spills & Emergencies • Medical Consultation and Evaluation • Employee Training

  6. Hazard Communication 1. Written Plan • To protect employees and students and to comply applicable State and Federal laws and standards dealing with chemical use and disposal APS has developed the written Chemical Management Program. This program serves as the district’s written processes and procedures for the use, storage and disposal of chemicals in the school workplace. • It is available on-line from the Risk Management website.

  7. Hazard Communication 2. Chemical Inventories • All sites are required to keep and maintain a written inventory of hazardous chemicals present and used on-site • Inventories may be compiled for the entire site or for individual work areas • The site administrator shall be responsible for maintaining the inventory and shall designate a location or locations where inventory information is available to employees in the event of an emergency

  8. Hazard Communication 3. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) • The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a detailed information bulletin prepared by the manufacturer or importer of a chemical that describes the physical and chemical properties, physical and health hazards, routes of exposure, precautions for safe handling and use, emergency and first-aid procedures, and control measures. • Information on an MSDS aids in the selection of safe products and helps prepare employers and employees to respond effectively to daily exposure situations as well as to emergency situations.

  9. Hazard Communication • Material Safety Data Sheets must be in English and must include the following information: • Chemical Identity • Hazardous Ingredients • Physical & Chemical Characteristics • Fire and Explosion Hazard Data • Reactivity (Instability) Data • Health Hazards

  10. Hazard Communication Section I. Chemical Identity • The chemical and common name(s) must be provided for single chemical substances. • An identity on the MSDS must be cross-referenced to the identity found on the label.

  11. Hazard Communication Section II. Hazardous Ingredients • The chemical and common names of the ingredients that are associated with the hazards, and the common name of the mixture must be listed. • If the chemical is a mixture that has not been tested as a whole the chemical and common names of all ingredients determined to be health hazards and comprising 1 percent or greater of the composition must be listed.

  12. Hazard Communication Section II. Hazardous Ingredients (cont’d) • Chemical and common names of carcinogens must be listed if they are present in the mixture at levels of 0.1 percent or greater. • All components of a mixture that have been determined to present a physical hazard must be listed.

  13. Hazard Communication Section III. Physical and Chemical Characteristics • The physical and chemical characteristics of the hazardous substance must be listed. • These include items such as boiling and freezing points, density, vapor pressure, specific gravity, solubility, volatility, and the product's general appearance and odor. • These characteristics provide important information for designing safe and healthful work

  14. Hazard Communication Section IV. Fire and Explosion Hazard Data • The compound's potential for fire an explosion must be described. • Also, the fire hazards of the chemical and the conditions under which it could ignite or explode must be identified. • Recommended extinguishing agents and fire-fighting methods must be described.

  15. Hazard Communication Section V. Reactivity (Instability) Data • This section presents information about other chemicals and substances with which it reacts. • Information on any hazardous decomposition products, such as carbon monoxide, must be included.

  16. Hazard Communication Section VI. Health Hazards • The acute and chronic health hazards of the chemical, together with signs and symptoms of exposure, must be listed. • In addition, any medical conditions that are aggravated by exposure to the compound, must be included. • The specific types of chemical health hazards defined in the standard include carcinogens, corrosives, toxins, irritants, sensitizers, mutagens, teratogens, and effects on target organs (i.e., liver, kidney, nervous system, blood, lungs, mucous membranes, reproductive system, skin, eyes, etc.).

  17. Hazard Communication Section VI. Health Hazards(cont’d) • The route of entry section describes the primary pathway by which the chemical enters the body. There are three principal routes of entry: inhalation, skin, and ingestion. • If the compound is listed as a carcinogen (cancer-causing agent) this information must be indicated on the MSDS .

  18. Hazard Communication Section VII. Precautions for Safe Handling and Use • The standard requires the preparer to describe the precautions for safe handling and use. • These include recommended industrial hygiene practices, precautions to be taken during repair and maintenance of equipment, and procedures for cleaning up spills and leaks. • Some manufacturers also use this section to include useful information not specifically required by the standard, such as EPA waste disposal methods and state and local requirements.

  19. Hazard Communication Section VIII. Control Measures • The standard requires the preparer of the MSDS to list any generally applicable control measures. • These include engineering controls, safe handling procedures, and personal protective equipment. Information is often included on the use of goggles, gloves, body suits, respirators, and face shields.

  20. Hazard Communication 4. Labeling • Containers of hazardous materials or chemicals must be marked with the following information: • Identity of the hazardous chemical(s) contained therein • Appropriate hazard warnings • Identity information and hazard warnings must be legible, in English and prominently displayed on the container. Other languages may be added as long as the information is presented in English

  21. Hazard Communication 4. Labeling • Sites shall not remove or deface existing labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals • Labels are not required on portable containers into which hazardous chemicals are transferred from labeled containers and which are intended only for immediate use

  22. Hazard Communication 5. Storage • Procedural Directive Hazardous Materials prohibits sites from maintaining hazardous chemicals in quantity or toxicity which would pose a threat to students. • Hazardous materials and chemicals must be kept in locked storage cabinets when not in use • Flammable chemicals must be stored in locked fire cabinets • Users must be aware of incompatible storage combinations and locations

  23. Hazard Communication 6. Placarding • APS buildings will have NFPA diamonds located on exterior entrance doors. Each color of the diamond represents a different hazard. Blue = Health HazardRed = FlammabilityYellow = InstabilityWhite = Special Hazard Information

  24. Hazard Communication 6. Placarding • A numerical rating will also be provided in the blue, red, and yellow diamonds. This number indicates the severity of the hazard, with a 0 indicating no hazard and 4 indicating the most severe hazard. • These placards represent the "worst" of what is in the building, but they will not provide specific chemical names, quantities, or locations. They are designed to give emergency personnel a general idea of the worst hazards present in a building or area.

  25. Hazard Communication 7. Protection from Chemical Hazards Procedural Directive Hazardous Materials states: “Schools should not have chemicals in sufficient quantity or toxicity which would endanger students.”

  26. Hazard Communication 7. Protection from Chemical Hazards Employees using chemicals shall take reasonable steps to protect themselves, students and other employees from forseeable hazards. This includes: • The use of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as recommended by Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) • Knowledge of emergency and first-aid practices required for chemicals as recommended by Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and chemical container label • Knowledge of appropriate emergency programs

  27. Hazard Communication 8. Hazardous Waste Sites shall seek to minimize the generation of hazardous waste by: • Purchasing and maintaining smaller quantities of chemicals • Seeking to transfer unneeded or excess chemical stock to other site or facility which may have a legitimate use • Hazardous wastes can be accumulated onsite for as long as six-months provided on-site accumulation poses no immediate safety hazard

  28. Hazard Communication 8. Hazardous Waste • Store hazardous waste in closed containers clearly labelled with contents and marked “WASTE” • Do not mix hazardous wastes • Document date accumulation of hazardous waste was started on container • When ready for disposal, contact Risk Management Department to arrange for transport

  29. Hazard Communication 9. Hazardous Chemical Spills & Emergencies In the event of a chemical spill or emergency, the safety of students and staff members shall be of paramount importance! In the event of a hazardous chemical spill or emergency, employees shall: A. Isolate spill area to prevent widening area of contamination B. Follow spill recommendations listed in Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) C. Evacuate building if spill poses safety hazard to facility

  30. Hazard Communication 9. Hazardous Chemical Spills & Emergencies In the event of a chemical spill or emergency, the safety of students and staff members shall be of paramount importance! In the event of a hazardous chemical spill or emergency, employees shall: D. Alert emergency services providers – police, fire, EMS – if necessary E. Provide first-aid to injured as recommended by Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

  31. Hazard Communication 10. Medical Evaluation & Consultation • Medical evaluation shall be performed for employees when: a. An employee develops signs or symptoms associated with hazardous chemical to which the employee may have been exposed in the workplace b. An event takes place in the work area such as a spill, leak, explosion or other occurrence resulting in the likelihood of a hazardous exposure. • Employees shall report exposure incidents or symptoms to their supervisor using the Notice of Accident form and the Nurse triage reporting line - see Procedural Directive Reporting On-The -Job Injures

  32. Hazard Communication 11. Employee Information & Training Employees shall be provided with effective information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area at the time of their initial assignment and whenever a new physical or health hazard the employees have not previously been trained about is introduced into their work area. • Information: • Any operations in their work area where hazardous chemicals are present • The location and availability of the written Chemical Management Program including the required lists of hazardous chemicals and Material Safety Data Sheets

  33. Hazard Communication 11. Employee Training & Information • Training • Methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical in the work area • The physical and health hazards of the chemicals in the work area • The measures employees can take to protect themselves including emergency procedures, personal protective equipment and workplace controls

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