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TW6 Seminar Questions

TW6 Seminar Questions. Michelle-Rose. How was it envisaged that traditional societies would become modern societies?. Modern ‘dwarfs’ vs ancient ‘giants’ Enlightenment approach – ‘jumping-off point’ ( Babbie , 1983) Path may not be linear i.e. Marx and Durkheim

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TW6 Seminar Questions

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  1. TW6 Seminar Questions Michelle-Rose

  2. How was it envisaged that traditional societies would become modern societies? • Modern ‘dwarfs’ vs ancient ‘giants’ • Enlightenment approach – ‘jumping-off point’ (Babbie, 1983) • Path may not be linear i.e. Marx and Durkheim • Lerner (1972:386) – adopt ‘characteristics common to more developed societies’ • Exogenous forces  Hirschman (1981) - ‘wind-up toys’ • Inkles and Smith (1993): ‘make man modern’

  3. Is it possible to replicate the experience of the global north in other parts of the world? Yes No • PM Nehru of India: ‘pre-conditions’ • Marx (1976:91): ‘image of (their)future’ • Inkles and Smith (1993) – attributes can be changed to match/encourage modernity • Poor countries ‘catch up’ • Normative assumptions • Hoogvelt (1978:48) - westernisation = ‘tool of imperialism’ • Wertheim (1974:317) ‘power structure’ of capitalism • Communism – ‘tiger economies’/NICs

  4. What has been the experience of modernization in the global south? • Roxborough (1979:16) local ‘entrepreneurs’ / Frank (1974): ‘lumpenbourgeoisie’ • O’Neil and Ronald (2010): Nigeria’s oil resources • Turnbull (1972): African tribe – Ik Inkles and Smith (1993) • Moyo (2010): Africa - growth in economies, democratic elections; decline in HIV rates (Kenya) • Africa’s real per-capita and adult literacy rates lower

  5. How did alternative visions of the modernization process contribute to our understanding of development?

  6. Bibliography • Apter, D. (1967) The Politics of Modernisation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. • Babbie, E. (1983) The Practice of Social Research. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing. • Baran, P. (1970) ‘On the political economy of backwardness’, in R. Rhodes (ed.) Imperialism and Underdevelopment. New York: Monthly Review Press. Pp. 285-301. • Durkheim, E. (1965) The Division of Labour in Society. New York: The Free Press. • Frank, A. G. (1974) Lumpenbourgeoisie/Lumpendevelopment: Dependence, Class, and Politics in Latin America. New York: Monthly Review Press. • Greig, A., Hulme, D., Turner, M. (2007) Challenging Global Inequality. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. • Hirschman, A. (1981) Essays in Trespassing: Economics to Politics and Beyond. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. • Hoogvelt, A. (1978) The Sociology of Developing Societies. Basingstoke: Macmillan. • Inkles, A. and Smith, D. (1993) ‘Becoming modern’ in M.A. Seligson and J. T. Passe Smith (eds) Development and Underdevelopment. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. • Kiely, R. (1998) Industrialisation and Development: A Comparitive Analysis. London: UCL Press. • Lerner, D. (1972) ‘Modernisation: social aspects’ in D. Sills (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, vol. 9. New York: Collier Macmillan. • Marx, K. (1976) Capital, vol. 1. London: Penguin. • Marx, K. and Engels, F. (1969) Manifesto of the Communist Party. Moscow: Progress Publishers. • Moyo, D. (2010) Dead Aid. London: Penguin Books. • PM Nehru of India. (2009) [online] Available at: <http://www.stm.dk/_p_12926.html> [Accessed 02/10/2013] • Rogowski, R. and O'Neil, P. (eds.) (2010) Essential readings in comparative politics (3rd ed.). New York: W.W. Norton & Company.  • Roxborough, I. (1979) Theories of Underdevelopment. London: Macmillan. • Turbull, C. M. (1972) The Mountain People. New York: Simon and Schuster. • Valenzuela, J. S. and Valenzuela, A. (1978) ‘Modernisation and dependency: alternative perspectives in the study of Latin American development’ in Comparative Politics 10 (4). • Wertheim W. F. (1974) ‘The rising waves of emancipation – from counterpoint towards revolution’ in E. de Kadt and G. Williams (ed.) Sociology and Development. London: Tavistock.

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