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Administering Oracle E-Business R12 in Highly Available Environments

Administering Oracle E-Business R12 in Highly Available Environments. Mika Banda Applications DBA Team Leader Amway Mika.banda@amway.com. Disclaimer:. Content provided for knowledge sharing purposes only. Images belong not to me. Content intentionally intended to educate.

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Administering Oracle E-Business R12 in Highly Available Environments

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  1. Administering Oracle E-Business R12 in Highly Available Environments Mika Banda Applications DBA Team Leader Amway Mika.banda@amway.com

  2. Disclaimer: Content provided for knowledge sharing purposes only. Images belong not to me. Content intentionally intended to educate. I do not know everything.

  3. Agenda • Introduction • Amway and my background • Part 1 – Personal High Availability • Cool to the new guy, okay to old timer • High Availability starts with you the support person • Part 2 – Oracle E-Business High Availability at Amway • Cool to the old timer, wow to the new guy • Lots of metalink notes • Part 3 – Bonus [Time Permitting] • One thing to know about EXA World • Open Discussion

  4. Introduction • Mika Banda • 18 Years in Oracle • Old school – command prompt • Oracle 6 – 11g (Saw ver. 5 & forms 2.5), EBS 10.7 NCA – R12 • Delta*, Government, Enron, GE, and now Amway • Amway: • Oracle E-Business R12.1.2 and 12.1.3, Oracle 11.2.0.x • Shared appltop, PCP, SRDF FS • Exadata, Exalogic, Blades, AIX, RAC, HACMP, EMC DMX • Passive DR, active standby

  5. FACTS – Not Paid By Keystrokes Type Less To Do More • Unleash your tricks • Login Time • Typo Time • GUI Time • Format Time • Security Time • Translation Time • Time to connect Ps –ef pipe cat grape peemon

  6. FACTS – Not Paid By Keystrokes • Fast Access Tools • Crackberry Compatible • Short Coded names • Team Language • Tele-Unix • Manager Friendly • FAST Diagnostics

  7. FACTS Example – EBS Forms • Forms Process Diagnostics • All or limited to 1+ PIDs • 4 Characters

  8. FACTS Example – EBS FNDLIBR • psg = ps –ef| grep $@ • fndlibr is 7 characters: • Credentials • SQL*Plus • Process Details

  9. FACTS Example – EBS CP • 4 characters • Sub-second turnaround • Overloaded – 0+ parameters • A load of information 4 characters away

  10. FACTS Example – Blockers • Manager Safe • Needs time – format challenge. • Change management – team effort

  11. appnodes mycommands invalids mypatches myurl dobackup backups myPO allsga mydblinks mydown hotproc lastddl lastusers lcl mydirectories myPatches mytop10segs mytopmem mytree myprocess mypmon myoraerr mysess mysidmem myspid mysgatot mycpus mymem myinstances myconcreq mywfm More FACTS Examples • ASH • appnodes • oraports • COI • oh • sgatot • blocks • lsnr • mtns • CLONE • p • file2patch • SR • SHORTS • getPatches • psg

  12. Over and Above FACTS • AMP 4.0 Plugin • OEM 11g/12c • Nimbus Tool$ • HP PPM Tool$

  13. Application Tier Multiple Nodes Shared Appltop Load-balancing Redundant Hardware Virtual Servers Capacity On Demand SRDF (Symmetrix Remote Data Facility) Database Tier RAC Data Guard PowerHA/HACMP HW Redundancy Virtualization Replication Timefinder BCV EBS HA/DR Options Implemented

  14. EBS HA: Shared Application-Top Always in sync, no multiple copy overhead, above all allows Distributed AD Shared Filesystem Node 1: Start adpatch with Distributed AD options: $ adpatch workers=27 localworkers=9 1 2 3 Node 2: Start adctrl - Distributed is yes. Workers prompted. $ adctrl distributed=y [Enter the worker range: 10-18] Node 3: Start adpatch - Distributed is yes. Workers prompted. $ adctrl distributed=y [Enter the worker range: 19-27] See Notes 384248.1, 1324602.1, 236469.1, 233428.1

  15. EBS HA: Parallel Concurrent Processing Multiple Concurrent Processing Nodes (assume use of all three): • Setup - ** Remember FNDSM check before starting ** • Activate Internal Monitors for all nodes (+ worker + shift) • Define Service Managers for all nodes (+ worker + shift) • Point $APPLCSF on all nodes to shared file system • Point $APPLPTMP on all nodes to shared file system • $APPLPTMP must be part of UTL_FILE_DIR • Set PO 'Concurrent: PCP Instance Check' to OFF • Enable Reviver : 's_cp_reviver = enabled’ • Define node1 & node2 for all* managers. Shared Filesystem: tech_st + appl_st 1 2 3 Interconnect Notes 1359612.1*, 783044.1, 1389261.1, 551895.1, 466752.1

  16. EBS HA: Multi-Node AppTier + RAC Multiple Concurrent Processing Nodes (assume use of all three): Client Connections • Database Load Balancing: • Point CP_TWOTASK and jdbc_url to loadbalanced entries • cp_twotask => concurrent managers TWO_TASK • jdbc_url => DBC file APPS_JDBC_URL (Java Managers – e.g. OPP, WF) • Remote Listener unset to disable for PCP Load Balance 1 2 3 • Application Load Balancing: • Web Host entry point = s_webentryhost • Web domain entry point = s_webentrydomain • Active Web Port = s_active_webport • Login Page URL = s_login_page • External URL info for 3rd party Access = s_external_url • Chronos URL = s_chronosURL • EndUserMonitoringURL = s_endUserMonitoringURL Load Balance Interconnect Shared Filesystem: tech_st + appl_st See Notes 727171.1, 380489.1, 217368.1, 477835.1,

  17. EBS DR 1 – Match Production Load Primary Secondary • Production Load DR • Read-Only DR • Reporting offload • Backup Offload • Outage Reduction Options

  18. HA/DR: Reducing Time To Patch EBS Pre-reqs: Duplicate, updated snapshot, updated rapid clone/autocfg, same platform Primary Copy • Unwrapping a 30 hour Patch: • Copy files • Bin linking • JSPs + Jars • Data + SQL • Gen Forms • Gen Reports • Patch History … Improved 8hr Process: 1 – Clone 2 – Apply Patch to Copy 3 – Sync files 4 - databaseportion 5 – Patch History 6 – Other files 1 3 2 6 C = 18hrs 4 D = 4 hrs G = 8hrs 5 See Note 734025.1, 387859.1,406982.1

  19. HA/DR: Reducing Time To Patch EBS Export Patch History: $ perl $AD_TOP/bin/adphmigr.pl userid=apps/apps startdate='2012/04/10 00:00:00' enddate='2012/04/10 02:00:00' appsystemname=stage appltopname=FastPatch nodatabaseportion=Y Import Patch History: Copy 2 files (javaupdates<TIMESPAMP>.txt and adpsv<TIMESPAMP>.txt ) from above to $APPL_TOP/admin/<Primary DB NAME>. The next adpatch [now or later] – will load these files to update history. 4 - $ adpatch options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion driver=u_merged.drv 6 - Do NOT copy the following files: $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>$APPL_TOP/log$APPL_TOP/patches$COMMON_TOP/util/apache$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts$COMMON_TOP/html/bin/appsweb.cfg$COMMON_TOP/html/US/ICXINDEX.htm$COMMON_TOP/html/_pages$COMMON_TOP/html/iby_debug.log$COMMON_TOP/html/iby_error.log$FND_TOP/log$FND_TOP/out See Note 734025.1, 387859.1,406982.1

  20. EBS EXA Implementation [Bonus] Understand Your Network Connections Client TNS entries differ from Application FB based entries For each Compute Node: Client Network (10GB) Infiniband Network (40GB) App Compute Node 1 [A1,A2,A3] DB Compute Node 1 [D1,D2,D3] Administration Network (1GB) A2 A3 A1 D2 CN One D1 D3 CN One

  21. EBS EXA Implementation [Bonus] Understand Your Network Connections Client TNS entries differ from Application FB based entries For each Compute Node: Client Network (10GB) Infiniband Network (40GB) App Compute Node 1 [A1,A2,A3] DB Compute Node 1 [D1,D2,D3] Administration Network (1GB) A2 A3 A1 BADTNS D2 CN One D1 D3 CN One

  22. EBS EXA Implementation [Bonus] Understand Your Network Connections Client TNS entries differ from Application FB based entries For each Compute Node: Client Network (10GB) Infiniband Network (40GB) App Compute Node 1 [A1,A2,A3] DB Compute Node 1 [D1,D2,D3] Administration Network (1GB) A2 A3 A1 InefficientTNS D2 CN One D1 D3 CN One

  23. EBS EXA Implementation [Bonus] Understand Your Network Connections Client TNS entries differ from Application FB based entries For each Compute Node: Client Network (10GB) BestTNS Infiniband Network (40GB) App Compute Node 1 [A1,A2,A3] DB Compute Node 1 [D1,D2,D3] Administration Network (1GB) A2 A3 A1 D2 CN One BestTNS D1 D3 CN One

  24. Administering Oracle E-Business R12 in Highly Available Environments General Discussions

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