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Graph Theory Chapter 10 Coloring Graphs. 大葉大學 (Da-Yeh Univ.) 資訊工程系 (Dept. CSIE) 黃鈴玲 (Lingling Huang). Outline. 10.1 Vertex Colorings 10.2 Chromatic Polynomials 10.3 Edge Colorings 10.4 The Four Color Problem. 10.1 Vertex Colorings.
Graph TheoryChapter 10Coloring Graphs 大葉大學(Da-Yeh Univ.)資訊工程系(Dept. CSIE)黃鈴玲(Lingling Huang)
Outline 10.1 Vertex Colorings 10.2 Chromatic Polynomials 10.3 Edge Colorings 10.4 The Four Color Problem
10.1 Vertex Colorings Focus:Partition the vertex (edge) set of an associatedgraph so that adjacent vertices (edges) belong to different sets of the partition.
Definition: A set S of vertices in a graph G is independent if no two vertices of S are adjacent in G. 應用:(1) 化學藥品存放,避免交互作用。(2) 水族館設計,會互相捕食的魚不能放同一個水族箱。 Definition: An independent set S of vertices in a graph G is called a maximal independent set if S is not a proper subset of any other independent set of vertices of G. The maximum cardinality of an independent set of vertices of G is called the independence number of G and is denoted by b(G).
Fig 10-1 A graph G with b(G) = 4, w(G) = 4, s(G) = 2. Definition: A clique in a graph G is a maximal complete subgraph. The maximum order of a clique is the clique number of G and is denoted by w(G).
Fig 10-1 A graph G with b(G) = 4, w(G) = 4, s(G) = 2. Definition: A set S of vertices in a graph G is a dominating set if every vertex not in S is adjacent to a vertex in S. A dominating set S is a minimal dominating set if no proper subset of S is also a dominating set. The domination numbers(G) of G is the minimal cardinality of a dominating set of G.
Since S is maximum,every vertex v S must be adjacent to at least one vertex of S. Theorem 10.1: For every graph G,s(G) b(G). Proof. Let S be a maximum independent set of G. |S| = b(G) S is also a dominating set. s(G) |S| = b(G)
Determining b(G), w(G), and s(G),areNP-complete problems. The Independence Number Problem: For a given graph G of order p and positive integer k p, isb(G) k? The Clique Number Problem: For a given graph G of order p and positive integer k p, isw(G) k? The Domination Number Problem: For a given graph G of order p and positive integer k p, iss(G) k?
不找最大的independent set, 改找較大的independent set 改找最少組互斥的independent set使它們形成V(G)的partition Definition: A coloring of a graph G is an assignment of colors (elements of some set) to the vertices of G,so that adjacent vertices are assigned distinct colors. If n colors are used, then the coloring is referred to as an n-cloloring of G. Every coloring of a graph G produces a partition of V(G) into independent sets, called color classes. If there exists an n-coloring of a graph G, then G is n-colorable.
Definition: The minimum n for which a graph G is n-colorable is called the chromatic numberof G, and is denoted by c(G). A graph G with chromatic number n is also called n-chromatic. Fig 10-3 K4 c(G) 4 G 1 4-coloring c(G) 4 2 3 c(G) = 4 1 1 1 4
The Chromatic Number Problem: For a given graph G of order p and positive integer b with2 < b p, isc(G) b? It is also an NP-complete problem. (1) c(Kp) = pfor every positive integer p. (2) c(Cp) = 3if n 3is odd. c(Cp) = 2if n 4is even. (3)c(Km,n) = 2for every pair m,n of positive integers.
Theorem 10.2: A graph is 2-colorable if and only if it is bipartite. Theorem 10.3: Let G bea connected graph with maximum degree D=D(G). Then(i) w(G) c(G) 1 + D. (ii) c(G) D if and only if G is neither a complete graph nor an odd cycle. (此部分稱為Brooks theorem)
Proof. (i)w(G) c(G),trivial. (i) 證明c(G) 1 + D: Since each vertex has degree D. If there are 1+D colors, any vertex can be colored by a color different with all its neighbors. There is a(1 + D)-coloring of G. c(G) 1 + D (ii) 證明跳過
Example (1) Kn K2: w = n, D = n c =n There are graphs for which D=c. (2) Kn,n: w = 2, c = 2,D = n There are graphs for which D-c is arbitrarily large. There are also graphs for which c-w is large. Definition: A graph G is called F-free if G does not contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to F. Example: Cn (n4) and Km,n are triangle-free graphs.
Theorem 10.4: (Mycielski’s Theorem) For every positive integer n, there exists an n-chromatic, triangle-free graphs. Proof.(by induction on n) (Basis) n=1: K1 n=2: K2 n=3: C5 (Inductive)Assume that H is a triangle-free graph with c(H) = k, where k 3. We will show that there exists a triangle-freegraph with chromatic number k+1.
v1 u1 u u5 v5 Suppose V(H) = {v1, v2, …, vp}. Let G be a graph with V(G)=V(H) U { u1, u2, …, up } U { u } . E(G) = E(H) U { uivj| vivj E(H), 1 i, j p} U { uiu| 1 i p} Fig 10-5 The Grötzsch graph (c=4, triangle-free) H G It is clear that G is triangle-free. It remains to show that c(G)=k+1. Let c be a k-coloring of H. Let c’ be a coloring of G with c’(vi)=c(vi), i, and c’(u)=k+1. c’(ui)=c(vi), i,
It is clear that c’ is a (k+1)-coloring of G. So c(G) k+1. If G has a k-coloring, say b, with colors 1, 2, …, k. Since u is adjacent to every vertex ui, b(u) b(ui), i. Suppose b(u) = k, then the vertices ui are colored by 1, 2, …, k-1. Since c(H) = k, there are some vertices of Hcolored by k. Recolor each vertex vi havingb(vi) = k with thecolor b(ui). A (k-1)-coloring of H produced. c(G)=k+1
Algorithm 10.1(Sequential Coloring Algorithm)[To produce a coloring of G with V(G)= {v1, v2, …, vp}.] 1. i 1 (正在 visit 的點是vi) 2. c1 (預計著於點 vi 的顏色) 3.3.1 Sort the colors adjacent with vi in nondecreasing order and call the resulting list Li. 3.3.2 If c does not appear on Li, then assign color c to vi, and go to Step 5; otherwise, continue. 4. c c +1 5. If i < p, then i i +1, and return to Step 2; otherwise, stop.
G v1 v4 v2 v5 v6 v3 Figure 10-6 1 Alg 10.1用了3色 2 2 但實際只需2色 點的編號會影響著色結果 3 3 1 For any graph G of order p, there are p! possible ways to label the vertices. p!中必有一種編號方式可使 Alg 10.1 使用剛好c(G)色
u1 v1 u2 v2 u3 v3 … … un vn Figure 10-7 G: V(G) = {v1, u1, v2, u2, …, vn, un}. E(G) = { uivj | i j } 1 1 最糟時,可能給此種bipartite graph 著 n 色 2 2 3 3 n n
※Consider graphs whose chromatic numberis decreased upon the removal of any vertex. Note that c(G-v) = c(G) or c(G)-1. Definition: A graph G is critically n-chromatic, n 2,ifc(G) =n and c(G-v) =n-1 for every vertex v of G. • Example: • Cn (n is odd) is critically 3-chromatic. • Kn is critically n-chromatic. Note. Every graph with chromatic number n 2 contains a critically n-chromatic subgraph.
Theorem 10.5Let G be a critically n-chromatic graph (n 2). Then d(G)n - 1. Proof. Suppose v is a vertex of degree < n - 1. G is a critically n-chromatic c(G - v) =n - 1. There is an (n - 1)-coloring ofG - v. deg(v) < n - 1 all neighbors of v are colored by at most n-2 colors. G has an (n - 1)-coloring.
Homework Exercise 10.1: 1, 3, 7, 10, 14
Outline 10.1 Vertex Colorings 10.2 Chromatic Polynomials 10.3 Edge Colorings 10.4 The Four Color Problem
10.2 Chromatic Polynomials Focus.計算有多少種不同的著色方法 Note. Two colorings of a labeled graph G are considered different if they assign different colorsto the same vertex of G. Definition. The chromatic polynomial f(G,t) of graph G is the number of different colorings of G that use t or fewer colors. Note. If t < c(G), then f(G,t)= 0.
K4 v1 v2 v3 v4 f(K4, t) = t4 f(Kp, t) = tp Figure 10-8 K4 t - 1 u v t t t w x t - 3 t t - 2 t f(K4, t) = t(t-1)(t-2)(t-3) f(Kp, t) = t(t-1)(t-p+1)
C4 v1 v2 v3 v4 Figure 10-9 K1,4 t -1 t u1 u2 t t -1 t -1 u t -2 t -2 1 t -1 u3 u4 t -1 t -1 If c(v2) = c(v3): f(K1,4, t) = t(t-1)4 t (t-1) 1 (t-1) If c(v2) c(v3): t (t-1) (t-2)2 f(C4, t) = t (t-1) (t2 -3t+3)
C4 v1 v2 =v3 v1 v2 v4 v3 v4 v1 v2 v3 v4 相當於 If c(v2) = c(v3): = If c(v2) c(v3):
uv 著不同色 uv 著同色 Definition. For a graph G with nonadjacent vertices u and v, Let G:u=v be a graph withV(G:u=v) = V(G)-{v}, E(G:u=v)={ eE(G) | eis not incident with v} U { uw | vw E(G)}. 即將 u 及 v 變成同一點 Theorem 10.6. If u and v are nonadjacent vertices in a , noncomplete graph G, thenf(G,t) = f(G+uv,t) + f(G:u=v,t)
u u u v v v u v Figure 10-11 + = = 2 + + = + 3 + f(P4, t) = t(t-1)(t-2)(t-3) + 3t(t-1)(t-2) + t(t-1)
Homework Exercise 10.2: 1