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Religious Education Teacher Training Guide. Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington. Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Mission and RE Goals for Children.
Religious Education Teacher Training Guide Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington
Unitarian Universalist Church of ArlingtonMission and RE Goals for Children We seek to foster and celebrate diversity;to create a more just world and a caring community;to share creative gifts through worship and artistic expressions;to support lifelong learning;and to nurture a spirit of generosity in all that we do. We are an intentionally inclusive congregation that welcomespeople of all races, religious backgrounds, cultural origins and sexual orientations. Religious Education Goals for Children We aspire for children participating in the Religious Education Program to: • Develop positive self images; • Become knowledgeable about religion in general and Unitarian Universalism in particular; • Be helped to clarify their values in order to make courageous ethical choices throughout their lives; • Develop a sense of kinship with and responsibility for all living things; • Be alive to the endless possibilities and wonder inherent in life; and • Identify themselves as members of an active, caring, and diverse community which supports them in many ways and is also a force for justice and social responsibility in their community and in the world.
SIMPLE SUNDAY SURVIVALTHINGS TO DO TO KEEP IT FUN! ARRIVE AT LEAST 20 MINUTES BEFORE the children arrive: • Pick up class folder from office manager desk in front foyer • Set up a fun focus center to draw children’s attention as they enter • Collect needed supplies from RE supply room (front foyer) or resource closet (next to supply room) ALL-CHURCH ATTENDANCE If your class is for five-year olds or older: • establish a procedure for being in church • post that on your door • go up together or meet in church, or let children meet you in classroom after All-Church AS CHILDREN ARRIVE • Greet each child by name and give them nametags. Tell them your name! Invite parents to sign up as parent helper. • Be sure a parent stays until scheduled parent helper arrives • Get cell phone numbers for parents of kids three and younger and ask parent to set phone on vibrate as a “pager” • Gather emergency snack supplies if your parent helper doesn’t show up or forgets to bring snack. • Take attendance - make sure to read special allergy and pick up information. Make sure Office Manager receives form • Add names of children not on list DURING LEARNING GROUP TIME • Have a set opening - with “check-in” circle of name-sharing, telling something about their week or favorite thing • Keep smiling and respond to children • Play group games to help everyone relax CLOSING • Come back into room if you were outside (don’t dismiss from playground!) • Ask children to help with pick-up, or snack clean-up (tables wiped, trash in can), recycling paper to bin in hall • Say “good-bye” to each child by name (children 1st grade and younger should be signed out by parents)
Guidelines for the RE Teachers Behavior Management Keeping Track of two things at once: • The lesson being taught • The behavioral dynamic within the room Be Prepared! • Team work- Divide and conquer - Have one teacher’s main focus be on the lesson - Have one teacher’s main focus be on the learners’ behavior • The lesson plan- Know your stuff - What your core lesson is about - WHAT? SO WHAT? NOW WHAT? ( Main points, central activity, structure of the hour’s activities) - Feel free to make adaptations as things occur • Know the learners - Observe what is going on to bring joy and distress - intervene early to redirect or reconnect Stay Connected • Involve the parents - as helpers in the classrooms (bringing a snack, staying the morning, helping out) - have family events, at least twice a year - brunch after class, or playground party, or potluck mid-week • Send e-mails or postcards (RE office can help) regularly to families • Have regular “note-sharing” with teaching team (in person, or via e-mail) • Talk over concerns EARLY with MRE or RE Coordinator
Top Ten Tried and True Tips for Success • Clear Expectations – set some guidelines and boundaries • Immediate feedback- when a behavioral guideline is being broken, don’t wait! Point it out immediately and calmly. This makes everyone feel more secure. • Give immediate positive feedback- point out positive behaviors • Ask for the learners’ ideas- both in rule-setting and in problem-solving • Keep learners engaged- have many things ready (books, art, taskes, activites) for offering whenever someone is feeling uninvolved. • Proximity control - sit near the most disruptive - use body signals - eye contact with a wink and a small headshake - separate those who “egg” each other on, pair them with calming influence. 7. One on one- take the time to have a private conversation with disruptive learner, to explain the problem and to ask for the child’s help. 8. Keep in conversation with the parent or guardian. - Find out what is happening in the family. - Keep the RE Coordinator and team teachers up to date with conversation. 9. If behavior problems become to set up a conference with parents, teachers, child, and RE Council resource. 10. If behavior is serious (physical violence) – do not hesitate. Notify Office Manager or RE staff immediately – during the class- and have the child removed from the room.
The Learning Community as a TeamCovenant Group Concept for teachers and children • Promise to be there • care for individual, group, institution • agree to guidelines for behavior Covenant Group Structure • Start with centering - reading/song/chalice lighting • Do a check-in - names, what’s in my life • Move to activity - story/project/games • Break bread together • Check-out - closing circle, giving thanks, summary, good-by
Learning Group as a Covenant Group We care about each other - each session begins with “check in” and listening to each person - parents, teachers, and children all share the responsibility about how things are going, offer to help out and express concerns - we respond to times of joy and sorrow, if someone is celebrating, or if someone needs help, food, hugs, childcare, or words of comfort when things are bad or sad We promise to show up - families make a point of coming to UUCA Sunday mornings - families tell teachers and one another if they are going to have to miss a Sunday, because of travel or illness - when a learning group event is planned (field trip, potluck, picnic) families join in if at all possible. We stay in touch with the church - we communicate to Rev. Linda about how things are going - we find a project to do to serve the church - we find a project to do to help the larger community - we join in on whole church events, supporting the mission of hospitality, generosity, and justice.
TEAM TEACHING Team work won’t work if you aren’t a team. Depending on your team members’ talents, styles, interests, time, etc, different models of team work better for different groups. Pick ONE team model - and let us know how it’s going! No matter what model you choose, it will be important that you agree together on that model, agree to stay in good communication with one another, and agree to call on your RE Teacher Support team or your MRE if you feel your team is not functioning smoothly. • TEAM LEADER MODEL:Choose one member to be the “leader” - who coordinates with other member’s to make sure the learning group is staffed each Sunday and to clarify and communicate about which lessons are being offered which days, what messages should go out to parents, when you need to call on your RE Teacher Support team, etc. • SHARED LEADER MODEL:Agree on two of the team to be the “leaders” and the other two can be assistants. These pairs work together, and the two leaders communicate with each other to ensure continuity, clarity, and smooth functioning. • CONSENSUS MODEL :Agree that all team members are leaders, and stay in constant dialogue with one another to share problems, solutions, plans, and communication needs.
Unitarian Universalist church of Arlington- Safe Congregation Policy Prohibition of Sexual Exploitation and Harassment: The policies and procedures adopted seek to balance the security and welfare of children, youth and adults, and the legitimate expectations of privacy of staff and volunteers. Specifically, all persons associated with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington should be aware that the church is strongly opposed to sexual exploitation and harassment and that such behavior is prohibited by church policy. Standards of Conduct All persons engaged in the ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington (including elected or appointed leaders, employees, volunteers, and authorized ministers) are responsible for knowing the possible impact of their words and actions in ministering to the emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of persons who come to them for help or over whom they have any kind of authority. Sexual harassment or sexual exploitation of parishioner(s) or other individual(s) by anyone engaged in the ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington is unethical and unprofessional behavior and will not be tolerated within this congregation.
Unitarian Universalist church of Arlington- Safe Congregation Policy Protection Policy for Children and Youth The Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington is committed to creating a safe and healthy environment in which young people can learn about and experience the love and values inherent in our seven UU Principles. It is the policy of UUCA that all volunteers and paid leaders must follow these guidelines when working with minors. - Standards of Conduct • Paid or volunteer adults shall not touch or interact with children or youth in any way that is sexually stimulating, emotionally demeaning or exploitative. Common expressions of affection and affirmation (hugs and pats on the back) or physical care (diaper changes or first aid) are appropriate. • Paid and volunteer adults and youth working with children and youth are also tasked with guarding the physical and emotional safety of those in their care and to be aware of signs indicating neglect of the child’s well-being. • All staff and volunteers for ongoing assignments shall have completed an approved Employee/volunteer Application and Disclosure form. - Implementation • A copy of this Safe Congregations Policy must be provided to all employees and volunteers participating in any UUCA program or activity involving children and/or youth. • A Code of Ethics must be provided to and signed by all employees and volunteers participating in any UUCA program or activity involving children and/or youth. - Administration • The appointed Review Team and the REC are responsible for the oversight and security of the program. All documentation will be kept in locked storage in UUCA’s office and kept on file for a 5-year period past the active service of the employee or volunteer. • *****Member Awareness • A copy of the Safe Congregation Policy and the Employee employee/volunteer application will be made available to the congregation on the UUCA website, and a copy will be provided annually to church leadership. • The policy and application will be provided to all participants in each Prospective Member Orientation. • All volunteers (as defined in the implementation section) will be required to complete the application form as well as providing a signed Code of Ethics.
Procedures for handling complaints of Sexual Exploitation or Harassment by employees and Volunteer Leaders. I. A response team consisting of a minister and no fewer than three members of the congregation (at least one male and one female) is established by the governing board of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington each year at it first meeting. II. Several options may be taken in addressing incidents of alleged sexual exploitation or harassment: A. The complainant can attempt to resolve the matter directly with the individual(s) accused of sexual exploitation or harassment. B. The complainant can report the incident(s) to a minister of the church, in an effort to resolve the matter. • If an informal resolution of the complaint does not seem possible, appropriate, or does not succeed, the complainant may request that the response team institute formal proceedings which shall include the following steps: • The response team shall gather statements or other information from the individuals involved in the alleged exploitation(s) or harassment(s), and from others who may have pertinent information, and present such information to the supervisor and supervisory body of the accused individual(s). • The response team shall make determinations and take actions appropriate to resolve the matter. • If the accused employee or volunteer is a minister in fellowship with the UUA (i.e., holds ordained ministerial standing or has been commissioned or licensed by the UUA) the response team shall inform the appropriate body of the wider UUA. • If allegations of possible child abuse are included in the complaint(s), the response team shall notify appropriate secular authorities and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington shall cooperate fully in any investigation. Virginia law requires that allegations of abuse or neglect of children be reported immediately to proper authorities. It is the responsibility of the ministers to see that such report has been made. III. Written summaries of all proceedings surrounding complaints, investigations, and decisions will be maintained by the response team. IV. Any person bringing a complaint or assisting in investigating such a complaint will not be adversely affected in terms and conditions of employment or church membership, or other otherwise discriminated against or discharged. V. If the complainant(s) or accused person(s) is not satisfied with the disposition of the matter, s/he has the right to appeal to the Board Chair who shall refer the matter for resolution.
RE POLICY ON SICK CHILDREN Parents should not bring sick children to church and RE activities, and parents should take sick children home, specifically if: • The child has had a fever or diarrhea or has been vomiting within the 24 hours prior to Sunday school or other RE activities • The child has a serious cough or cold • The child has untreated head lice, pink eye or any of the various contagious childhood diseases. • The child becomes ill or is injured during the class time. (Parents will be notified and, depending on the situation’s severity, may be expected to remove the child from class.) Teachers and Office Managers who notice that a child in the RE program has the symptoms described above or notice that a child has become ill or injured should be aware of and follow these procedures: • Assess the situation, involving other teachers, office managers, and/or the MRE as needed, and decide if the severity of the illness or injury needs immediate attention... • In life-threatening emergency situations, you should immediately call911 and locate the parents so that they are aware of and can deal with the situation. If unable to contact parent(s) before arrival of 911, then a teacher, office manager or MRE should accompany the child to the hospital while another adult continues to try to contact a parent. • In other situations, the notification of parents can generally be done when the parents pick up the child from the RE activity. In all cases, you must: • Take universal precautions to avoid touching blood and other body fluid (use rubber gloves*) • Use established hygiene procedures, especially hand washing and the cleaning of nursery toys with alcohol swabs or by thoroughly washing them, after contact with a sick child. • Complete an incident report form*, and • Inform parents of the particulars of the situation. *Rubber gloves and incident report forms are located in each classroom and at the office manager station.
SAFETY CHECK-LIST The fundamental rule here is to do all that is reasonable to ensure the safety of the children in your charge. More specifically, here are things to do: • Two adults should be present in a classroom at all times. Parent helpers can be used to escort youngsters to the restroom when necessary. • Pay attention to children’s allergies and monitor their snacks. • Supervise parent pick-up (use written check-in and check-out if that helps) • Do not allow youngsters to stray from the classroom. Count heads periodically. • If you see an unattended child, help him/her to find their group, or go to Office Manager. • Submit “Accident/Incident” reports when appropriate. • Follow field trip guidelines. • Practice a fire drill with your class. Show your youngsters the various routes out of the building. The meeting place is the playground. Remind them to stop, drop and roll if they are on fire. • Do not touch blood. EVER. Latex gloves are available in the First Aid Kits.
PLAYGROUND SAFETY These guidelines are recommended for the safety of children on our playground, Everyone -children, teachers, parents - need to support one another in making sure they are followed. These guidelines are to he applied when using the playground before, during, and after Sunday morning Learning Group times, so that children do not get confused. • Children need to always have an adult accompanying them when they cross the driveway (use crosswalks only!) and when they enter and exit the playground (only) through the gates. • Maximum of four children on the tire swing at one time, sitting down on the top tire or standing on the bottom tire. • Children must sit up coming down the slides (no head first or tummy slides). They must go down one at a time. Walking up the slide is not permitted. • Tree climbing is not permitted. • Children may only climb on the insides of the structure, including the green tunnel. 6. The bus will be entered and exited through the side and rear doors. • Rocks, sticks, sand, wood fiber, etc. must be kept on the ground. • The sand area is only for sand play and to be used as a "safe zone" (for those who do not wish to be chased.) Sand toys and digging are confined to this area. • Pushing, hitting, and wrestling are not allowed. • The stone walls are for sitting only. • Only one child at a time on the overhead bars. • Children needing to leave the playground shall be accompanied by an adult. • Adults shall position themselves strategically throughout the playground to maintain active supervision of all children. During class times, teachers will be supervisors. At other times on Sundays, the adults responsible for the children will be supervisors. • During Sunday Morning RE hours, Learning Groups need to let the Office Manager know when they go to the play ground.
Evacuation of RE Classes In case of a fire or other type of emergency makes it dangerous to remain in the building, teachers, and staff will immediately take the children out of the building. ALL FIRE ALARMS SHALL BE TREAT AS REAL EVACUATION IS MANDATORY! DO NOT USE ELEVATORS • Know in advance where two (2) exits are located. Evacuation routes are posted in each classroom. You should be confident that you could find an exit, even in the dark. • Before opening the door to your room: a. Look through the glass window of the door and feel the door with the back of your hand. If you see flames, if the door is hot, or if smoke is seeping through, do not open the door. b. Remember that many of the UUCA rooms are not at ground level and have windows that can be opened and stepped through in the hallways are unsafe. 3. Before leaving the room (whether through the door or through the windows): a. Grab your class roster for the day and be ready to take it with you. b. COUNT NOISES: Know how many children are in your care. c. Instruct the children to hold hands, walk two-by-two, and stay together. 4. If you decide to open the door, first make sure the windows are closed. Open the door cautiously and shepherd the children to the nearest exit and stairwell. If more than one adult is present, one adult should be the first one through the door and another adult should be the last one through the door. a. Walk quickly, keep clam, and pull the fir alarm station (if it is not already ringing and are located at each exit of the building) to alert others. b. Obey the monitors. They have taken the time to become familiar with the emergency response plan; they are there for your safety. c. Use the stairwell only in you are unable to reach an exit any other way. Remember that most parts of the UUCA building include doors or windows at ground level. d. If you encounter smoke, stay low where the air is better.
Evacuation of RE Classes 5. If you decide to evacuate through the windows, make sure the door is closed before you open a window. If more than one adult is present, one adult should be the first one through the window and another adult should be the last one through the window. If you are the only adult present, pass the children through the window first—and try to enlist the aid of any adult you see outside. 6. As the children exit the building, do not stop, but COUNT NOISES again. a. If you have the same number you started with, continue to lead the children to their designated Evacuation Accountability Area—the far end of the playground. b. If you have fewer or more children than you started with, immediately notify a building exit monitor—there will be at least one at each exit. Then lead the children who are with you to their designated Evacuation Accountability Area—the far end of the fenced playground, and determine who is missing by taking roll based on your daily roster. 7. Do not attempt to re-enter the building while the fire alarm is sounding. The Fire Department will authorize personnel to return to the building when it is safe. 8. Once you and the children in your care reach the far end of the fenced playground: a. Have the children in your group sit quietly together. b. Take roll, based on your daily roster. If you were unable to bring your roster, find a way to make a list of the children under your care. c. Retain control over the children until their parents/guardians arrive. d. Release children only to a parent/guardian. e. Annotate your daily roster or other list with the name of the parent/guardian who picks up each child. 9. If you become trapped in a room and cannot reach an exit: a. Keep the door closed and seal off any cracks b. If a telephone is available, call 911 and report you are trapped and give your exact location in the building. c. Go to a window signal for help.
UUCA Field Trip Guidelines Field trips provide some of the best learning opportunities for learners of all ages. Field trips are often organized as curriculum enrichment, but they may also serve such purposes as team-building, recreation, and work on community service projects. We encourage the use of field trips! BUT, field trips change the dynamics of the class and require different procedures for doing all that we can to assure the safety of all participants. Please follow these guidelines. • Check with the RE Office and a few key parents as you establish a date for the field trip in order to avoid conflicts with other planned activities. (E.g., do not schedule field trips for All/Church/All Service Sundays). • Notify parents/guardians and RE Office at least three weeks in advance using: a. A written handout given to students prior to the trip or an email to all parents b. E-mailing that includes a permission form to each family. Information that you should include in the notifications: • Date of field trip • Destination address • Purpose of trip • Place and time of departure • Place and time of return • Need to bring (e.g., lunches, weather-appropriate clothing, etc.) • Person to contact for more information • Name and cell phone number of designated cell phone carrier on the trip c. Follow-up phone calls by teachers and/or classroom phone tree • Collect completed permission forms from each student and distribute them among the drivers. • On day of trip, have blank permission slips on hand for parents who forgot • Prepare a list of all trip participants. Submit one copy of the list to either the office manager or RE Coordinator. Additionally, the trip leader carries a list of all people on the trip. • Give location of trip and cell phone number of leader to the Office Manager.
UUCA Field Trip Guidelines During the trip: • At least two adults (21 years or over) must be present no matter how many students are going. • Be aware of allergies and special needs of the participants. • Count youngsters frequently. • For youngest children, have them wear nametags with the church name and contact person’s phone number. • Have a plan that everyone knows about for where to meet in case someone gets separated from the group. • At least one person in the group should carry a cell phone if at all possible. • In general, adult to student ratio ought to be 1:4 for youngest children and 1:8 for youth. For youth trips, “adult” is defined as above 24 years of age. • No one under 21 may drive unless all passengers’ parents/guardians have given specific permission for that to happen. • All passengers must wear seat belts at all times, and children under 12 may not sit in seats with air bags. Other things you can do to enhance the procedures or value of the field trip: • Make sure the goals/objectives of the trip are clear for your student (and their parents/guardians) • If you had to make arrangements with your field trip destination, do it in writing. AND, reconfirm by phone a day or two in advance of the trip • Make sure all drivers know the route to the destination. For longer trips it is good to make sure that all drivers have a list of other drivers, and descriptions and license plate numbers of their cars for easy identification. Cell phone numbers, when available, ought to be exchanged as well. • Prepare students for the field trip experience. Let them know about what they might expect to happen or see, and how they are expected to act. Behaviors to point out include:; no running, stay with group, be respectful of others, listen carefully, etc. (they can usually generate this list themselves if asked). It may also be useful to assign “buddies,” who are responsible for each other. • Debrief students – talk about the trip: what they learned, what they liked, etc. Make reference to the field trip in future lessons. • Send thank-you notes as appropriate.
THE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLESEXPRESSED IN SIMPLIFIED LANGUAGE FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN We, the churches and fellowships of the Unitarian Universalist Association promise to encourage: • The importance and value of every person in the world. • Fairness and understanding for each person. • Acceptance of one another and encouraging spiritual growth in our churches and fellowships. • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. • The freedom to say “yes” even if everyone else says “no,” and the use of voting in our churches and country. • The hope for one world united, living in peace, with freedom and fairness for everyone. • The understanding that everything and everyone in our world depends on one another for life. This way of thinking and feeling that we Unitarian Universalists share comes from many places: • The wonder that all people experience which makes us feel good about being a part of the world, and the force which is a part of us all. • Women and men who lived before us whose lives and the way they chose to live them makes us feel strong enough to try to be fair and understanding when something isn’t right, and showing that love can make the change. • Important and wise ideas from all religions. • Jewish and Christian teachings which tell us to love our friends and enemies as much as we love ourselves. • Humanist teachings which guide us to listen to common sense and the results of science, and remind us to be honest in finding our own truths. • Spiritual teachings from those who respect our planet Earth which encourage us to live in harmony with nature. • Grateful for the many ideas from which our religion comes, we are encouraged and nurtured to learn even more. As free churches and fellowships, we make this agreement, promising to one another our trust and help. Tena Vinet and Lisa Savio, Burlington, VT Adapted by Linda Topp, Arlington, VA
SUPPLIES & RESOURCES Copies • There is a copier specifically for RE teachers located in in the downstairs foyer next to the Office Manager station. There is no code. There is also a copier upstairs across from the upstairs offices, which should only be used if the downstairs copier is being used or is out of order. Supplies • The Art Supply Room • The RE Curriculum Closet • The RE Library If you can’t find what you need please email nikki.jones@uucava.org or leave a note with the office manager – at least 4 days in advance prior to the day supplies are needed. You may also purchase anything you need; attach your receipts to a reimbursement form (available at the Office Manager Station) and turn it in to OM. Please submit receipts as you get them – do not save them up. Communications If you want to e-mail a letter or field trip permission to your youngsters and/or their parents/guardians, provide a “e-mail-ready” copy and a description of who is to receive the message to nikki.jones@uucava.org no later than Tuesday of the week you wish the e-mail to go out. Copies of the and at www.uucava.org, RE drop down. Consider creating a group for your families on the church website! The SECRET to having fun and having what you need is to PLAN AHEAD! Never assume we have what you need or that the copier is working... you may get lucky, but why risk it?
GREEN LENS FOR R.E. TEACHERS Our church recently completed the UUA requirements and voted to become a Green Sanctuary congregation. We are now looking more intentionally at what we do through a green lens, mindful of our impact on our earth and its systems. Here are some tools and ideas for “Green R.E.” You will come up with many more ideas. Please share! • Encourage snack parents to limit packaging. See sample flyer for snack parents with these materials. • Teach children to think with a green lens. See Green Lens Pledge. • Inspired by the Green Lens Pledge, include green guidelines when you and the children set up your class rules. Consider especially a rule about how the class promises to use paper. • Encourage children and their families to claim our church’s work as their own. Applying these principles at home and through Working Together Weekend in October are great opportunities. • Contact us to come to your class, find you resources, or for ideas or background about UUCA’s Green Lens initiative, and watch for presentations to be announced for R.E. classes. CONTACT: Lou Ott ottlou@gmx.com
GREEN LENS PLEDGE I am a part of Earth, my home, and its web of life. At church, at home, and wherever I go: I turn off lights, the TV, and computer when they aren't needed. I save water whenever I can. For example, I use a gentle flow to wash my hands, and I turn it off while I brush my teeth. I use both sides of the paper. With art supplies, I take as much as I need, but not extra. I appreciate my food and drink, and I don't waste them. I put litter into trash cans. At church, home, school, and in my neighborhood, I reduce/reuse/recycle. GO GREEN!
Resources for Teaching Help To learn more about Unitarian Universalism • The Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide, edited by John Buehrens • 100 Questions Non-Members Ask about Unitarian Universalism, by John Sias (Both available at the UUCA book cart on Sunday mornings) For help with the teaching process (including behavior issues) • Children’s RE Committee Co-Chairs, Barbara Buzzell, bbuzzell61@yahoo.com; or Kathleen Fugle, kfugle@gmail.com • Contact Pat Findikoglu- 703-975-8292, patfin2@aol.com • Your friendly neighborhood MRE, anytime – Cell# 703-927-8576- RevLinda@uucava.org For help with e-mailing, supplies, logistics, A/V equipment, and just about anything else • Nikki Jones 703-892-9061 – nikki.jones@uucava.org For help with class content or special activities • Arts projects – Helen Power- hkmpower@aol.com • Music – Bea Ann Phillips - bphillips@bplanning.net • Dance - Elizabeth Fogarty - 703-807-2443 - eafogarty@aol.com • Gardening - Mary Ann Lawler - 703-684-8622 - malawler@aol.com • Peace – Jason Powell- jason.powell@uucapeacecamp.org • Social Action– Jacomina de Regt-jacominaderegt@gmail.com • Religious/ethnic holidays around the world - www3.kumc.edu/diversity/ethnic_relig/ethnic.html To reserve rooms for special activities outside of RE • Barbara Gilligan - 703-892-2565 - barbara.gilligan@uucava.org • Create an event on the church’s calendar website www.uucava.org ;
Important Forms! • Unitarian Universalist church of Arlington- Code of Ethics • Unitarian Universalist church of Arlington- Field Trip Form • Unitarian Universalist church of Arlington- Youth Event Permission Form • RE Reimbursement Form • Accident/Incident report