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Rels 205 Lecture 3.1 Religious Traditions. Lecture Outline for Part One of Rels 205.01. Week 1 Lecture 1 What is “Religion”? Lecture 2 Studying “Religion” Week 2 Lecture 1 Ritual and the Study of Religion Lecture 2 Religious and Secular Traditions Week 3
Lecture Outline for Part One of Rels 205.01 Week 1 Lecture 1 What is “Religion”?Lecture 2 Studying “Religion” Week 2 Lecture 1 Ritual and the Study of ReligionLecture 2 Religious and Secular Traditions Week 3 Lecture 1 Religious TraditionsLecture 2 Institutions Week 4 Lecture 1 The Meaning of MythLecture 2 Sacred Sentiments Week 5 Lecture 1 Changing WorldviewsLecture 2 Review Week 6 Reading Week Week 7 Lecture 1 First in class test
Tradition “Tradition: that which is handed down or passed on from the past as distinct from modern ideas and theories.”
Great and Little Traditions Robert Redfield (1897-1958) Little traditions Experiential Oral Great traditions Intellectual Written
Great and Little Traditions II Little tradition African religion Great tradition Catholicism
World Religions 1905 Sikhism 10,000,000 Judaism 10,000,000 Buddhism 50,000,000 African 157,000,000 Islam 205,000,000 Hinduism 210,000,000 Confucian 240,000,000 Christianity 520,000,000
World Religions 2005 Mormons 10,000,000 Jews 14,000,000 Sikhs 23,000,000 African 100,000,000 Buddhism 374,000,000 Chinese religions 394,000,000 Hinduism 9.000,000 Islam 1.2 billion Christianity 2.1 billion Christianity 2.1 billion
Major Religious Traditions Primal Traditions Yogic Traditions Abramic Traditions
Primal Experiences Primal experiences are fundamental spiritual experiences that shape our sense of the sacred
Ancestral Religions Ancestral religions are religions that are directly based on primal experiences involving things like the ancestors and healing.
Primal Experiences and Ancestral Traditions Primal Traditions African Religions Confucianism Native American Traditions Shamanism New Religions Revitalization Movements Primal Experiences Dreams Visions Prophecies Healings Revelations Miracles Voices Ghosts
Yogic Religions Yogic religions are spiritual traditions based on the practice of one of the many forms of yoga. Yogic doctrines include: karma, the wheel of existence, and some form of transmigration or reincarnation.
Yoga In the West yoga is associated with physical exercises and particular postures used in meditation. Actually yoga is a Sanskrit term meaning “to yoke” and is used to describe various processes of spiritual discipline or harnessing of physical and mental powers to attain self-control and ultimate enlightenment.
Yogic Traditions Hindu Traditions Early Indian religions and Indus valley culture. Jain Traditions Buddhist Traditions
Hindu Traditions Indus valley religion Early Hindu religion Philosophical Schools Religions of devotion Bhakti Vedanta etc.. Hara Krishna etc.
Buddhist Tradition Early Buddhism Mahayana Hinayana Pure Land Zen Nicheren
Abramic Religions Abramic religions trace their ancestry to the patriarch Abraham. The major religions in this grouping are Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Major Abramic Traditions Hebrew Religion Christianity Judaism Islam
Abramic Religious Tradition Hebrew Religion T R A N S I T I O N Christianity Islam African and other Judaisms Judaism Modernity 70+ CE 70-250 BC 70-250AD 250-700AD 1785
Jewish Religious Traditions BC 70-25 250-900 900-1700 CE 1700-Present AD Z I O N I S M Hebrew Religion T R A N S I T I O N African and other Judaisms Talmudic Judaism Classical Judaism Reformed Orthodox Hasidic Ethnic C19 - Present 70-250
The Christian Tradition 0-400 1500 1965 AD E A R L Y C H U R C H Coptic, Syriac, Indian, and other smaller traditions Eastern Orthodoxy – Greek, Russian, etc. Roman Catholicism 1965 Charismatic Movement 1520 Nestorians etc. Protestantism African and other Christian Movements
The Islamic Tradition BM 571-632 700- 765 900 1750 1889 1967 AD Early IslamMuhammad (571-632) Wahhabis Saudi Arabia Sunni Islam – Egypt, Turkey Kharijtes - Yemen and Oman Shiite Islam – Iran -Khomeni Qarmatins - Tunisia Egypt Ismaili Shia Islam () Aga Kahn Druzes 10th C Lebanon Israel Ahamadiya India
The Yogic-Islamic Traditions Yogic Religions Sikhism (1500) Punjab, India Bahai (1844) Iran Subud (1933) Java Islamic Traditions
Canadian Religious Affiliation 1881-2001 P = PopulationC = Western ChristianN = Nones ?E = Eastern ChristianY = Yogic: Buddhist+Hindu+SikhM = Islam Blue = 1991; Brown = 1981; Green = 1881
Eastern Christian-Muslim Affiliation 1991 Red = Eastern Christian Green = Muslim
Millennialism Millennium = 1,000 years Revelation 20, n.b. vs. 2
Millennialism defined • Any religious movement that hopes for salvation that is: • collective, to be enjoyed by all the faithful as a group; • (b) terrestrial, to be realized on this earth; • (c) imminent, to come soon and suddenly; • (d) total, to transform life on earth completely; • (e) miraculous, to be brought about by, or with the help of, supernatural agencies.
Paradise on Earth Revelation 21:1-4
Millennial Movements Christian – “End of the world is nigh” Buddhist – Maitraya Islamic – Madhi
Millennial Types Post-millennialism A-millennialism Pre-millennialism
Traditional Eschatology Post-Millenialism Eschatology = study of the last things Post-Millenialism = Christ returns after the millennium
Key Post- Millennial Ideas 1) Preach gospel of the Kingdom of God 2) Establish the Kingdom 3) World is getting better 4) Christ returns at the end of time 5) The Church is the new Israel
Key A-Millennial Ideas • All doctrines must be based on clear Biblical statements. • 2) The Bible uses many different forms of language • e.g. poetic, historical, prophetic, prose, etc. • 3) The Bible teaches Christ will return. • 4) The Bible teaches Christians to live in the expectation • of Christ’s return. • 5) There are no clear teachings about when Christ will • return or how this is going to take place.
Pre-Millennialism Pre-Millennial = Christ returns before the Millennium
Key Pre-Millennial Ideas 1) Preach the gospel of salvation 2) Save souls 3) World is getting worse 4) Christ’s return is imminent 5) The State of Israel fulfils Biblical prophecy
Pre-millennialism - Origins Plymouth Brethren John Nelson Darby’s (1800-1882)