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Fermi-Liquid description of spin-charge separation & application to cuprates. T.K. Ng (HKUST). Also: Ching Kit Chan & Wai Tak Tse (HKUST). Aim:.
Fermi-Liquid description of spin-charge separation & application to cuprates T.K. Ng (HKUST) Also: Ching Kit Chan & Wai Tak Tse (HKUST)
Aim: • To understand the relation between SBMFT (gauge theory) approach to High-Tc cuprates and traditional Fermi-liquid theory applied to superconductors. • General phenomenology of superconductors with spin-charge separation
Content: • 1) U(1) gauge theory & Fermi-liquid superconductor • a)superconducting state • b)pseudo-gap state • 2)Fermi-liquid phenomenology of superconductors with spin-charge separation
SBMFT for t-J model Slave-boson MFT
Q1: What is the corresponding low energy (dynamical) theory? Expect: Fermi liquid (superconductor) when <b>0 Derive low energy effective Hamiltonian in SBMFT and compare with Fermi liquid theory: what are the quasi-particles?
Time-dependent slave-boson MFT • Idea: We generalized SBMFT to time-dependent regime, studying Heisenberg equation of motion of operators like (TK Ng: PRB2004)
Time-dependent slave-boson MFT Decoupling according to SBMFT
Time-dependent slave-boson MFT Similar equation of motion can also be obtained for boson-like function The equations can then be linearized to obtain a set of coupled linear Transport equations for and constraint field
Landau Transport equation The boson function can be eliminated to obtain coupled linear transport equations for fermion functions
Landau Transport equation The constraint field is eliminated by the requirement i.e. no doubly occupancy in Gaussian fluctuations Notice: The equation is in general a second order differential equation in time after eliminating the boson and constraint field, i.e. non-fermi liquid form.
Landau Transport equation The constraint field is eliminated by the requirement i.e. no doubly occupancy in Gaussian fluctuations Surprising result: After a gauge transformation the resulting equations becomes first order in time-derivative and are of the same form as transport equations derived for Fermi-liquid superconductors (Leggett) with Landau interaction functions given explicitly.
Landau Transport equation Gauge transformation that does the trick Interpretation: the transformed fermion operators represents quasi-particles in Landau Fermi liquid theory! Landau interaction: (F1s) (F0s) (x= hole concentration)
Recall: Fermi-Liquid superconductor (Leggett) Assume: 1) H = HLandau + H BCS 2) TBCS << TLandau Notice: fkk’(q) is non-singular in q0 in Landau Fermi Liquid theory.
Recall: Fermi-Liquid superconductor (Leggett) Assume: 1) H = HLandau + H BCS 2) TBCS << TLandau Important result: superfluid density given by f(T) ~ quasi-particle contribution, f(0)=0, f(TBCS)=1 1+F1s ~ current renormalization ~ quasi-particle charge
Fermi-Liquid superconductor (Leggett) In particular (x = hole concentration) • superfluid density << gap magnitude (determined by s(0) More generally, (K=current-current response function)
U(1) slave-boson description of pseudo-gap state Superconductivity is destroyed by transition from <b>0 to <b>=0 state in slave-boson theory (either U(1) or SU(2)) Question: Is there a corresponding transition in Fermi liquid language? Phase diagram in SBMFT T Tb <b>=0 =0 <b>=0 0 <b>0 =0 <b>0 0 x
U(1) slave-boson description of pseudo-gap state The equation of motion approach to SBMFT can be generalized to the <b>=0 phase (Chan & Ng (PRB2006)) • Frequency and wave-vector dependent Landau interaction. All Landau parameters remain non-singular in the limit q,0 except F1s. (b = boson current-current response function) <b>0 1+F1s(0,0)0
U(1) slave-boson description of pseudo-gap state Recall: Fermi-liquid superconductor • s 0 either when • f(T) 1 (T Tc) (BCS mean-field transition) • (ii) 1+F1s 0 (quasi-particle charge 0 , or spin-charge separation) Claim: SBMFT corresponds to (ii) • (i.e. pseudo-gap state = superconductor with spin-charge separation)
Phenomenology of superconductors with spin-charge separation What can happen when 1+F1 (q0,0)=0? Expect at small q and : 1) d>0 (stability requirement) 2) 1+F1sz (T=0 value) when >> Kramers-Kronig relation
Phenomenology of superconductor with spin-charge separation (transverse) current-current response function at T<<BCS (no quasi-particle contribution) Ko(q,)=current current response for BCS superconductor (without Landau interaction) 1)=0, q small Diamagnetic metal!
Phenomenology of superconductor with spin-charge separation (transverse) current-current response function at T<<BCS (no quasi-particle contribution) 2)q=0, small (<<BCS) Or Drude conductivity with density of carrier = (T=0) superfluid density and lifetime 1/. Notice there is no quasi-particle contribution consistent with a spin-charge separation picture
Phenomenology of superconductor with spin-charge separation Notice: ~ T=0 superfluid density More generally, if we include only contribution from F1(0,), i.e. the lost of spectral weight in superfluid density is converted to normal conductivity through frequency dependence of F1.
Effective GL action Effective action of the spin-charge separated superconductor state ~ Ginzburg-Landau equation for Fermi Liquid superconductor with only F0s and F1s -1 (Ng & Tse: Cond-mat/0606479) s << Separation in scale of amplitude & phase fluctuation!
Effective G-L Action T<<BCS, (neglect quasi-particles contribution) • amplitude fluctuation small but phase rigidity lost! • Strongly phase-disordered superconductor
Pseudo-gap & KT phases T* Recall: Spin-charge separation? (strong phase-disorder) T (Tb) Assume 1+F1s~x at T=0 1+F1s 0 at T=Tb KT phase (weak phase disorder) (Tc~TKT) ~ fraction of Tb SC x
Application to pseudo-gap state 3 different regimes (Tb) 1)Superconductor (1+F1s0, T<TKT) 2)Paraconductivity regime (1+F1s0, TKT<T<Tb) - strong phase fluctuations, KT physics, pseudo-gap 3) Spin-charge separation regime (1+F1s=0) - Diamagnetic metal, Drude conductivity, pseudo-gap (Tc~TKT)
Beyond Fermi liquid phenomenology Notice more complicated situations can occur with spin-charge separation: For example: statistics transmutation 1)spinons bosons holons fermions (Slave-fermion mean-field theory, Spiral antiferromagnet, etc.) 2) spinons bosons holons bosons+ phase string non-BCS superconductor, CDW state, etc…. (ZY Weng)
Electron & quasi-particles Problem of simple spin-charge separation picture: Appearance of Fermi arc in photo-emission expt. in normal state Question: What is the nature of these peaks observed in photo-emission expt.?
Electron & quasi-particles Recall that the quasi-particles are described by “renormalized” spinon operators which are not electron operators in SBMFT Quasi-particle fermi surface ~ nodal point of d-wave superconductor and this picture does not change when going to the pseudo-gap state where only change is in the Landau parameter F1s. Problem: how does fermi arc occurs in photoemission expt.?
Electron & quasi-particles A possibility: weak effective spinon-holon attraction which does not destroy the spin-separation transition! Ng:PRB2005: formation of Fermi arc/pocket in electron Greens function spectral function in normal state (<b>=0) when spin-charge binding is included. Dirac nodal point is recovered in the superconducting state
Electron & quasi-particles A possibility: weak effective spinon-holon attraction which does not destroy the spin-separation transition! Notice: peak in electron spectral function quasi-particle peak in spin-charge separated state in this picture It reflects “resonances” at higher energy then quasi-particle energy (where spin-charge separation takes place) Notice: Landau transports equation due with quasi-particles, not electrons.
Summary • Based on SBMFT, We develop a “Fermi-liquid” description of spin-charge separation • Pseudo-gap state = d-wave superconductor with spin-charge separation in this picture ~ a superconductor with vanishing phase stiffness • Notice: other possibilities exist with spin-charge separation