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Language Affection in Children Having CAPD Dr. Dalia Mostafa Osman , M.D. Phoniatrics ,

When the brain can’t hear. Language Affection in Children Having CAPD Dr. Dalia Mostafa Osman , M.D. Phoniatrics , ASHA CCC-SLP Assist. Prof. of Phoniatrics , Cairo University. Lecture Outline الخطوط العريضة للمحاضرة. Introduction المقدمة.

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Language Affection in Children Having CAPD Dr. Dalia Mostafa Osman , M.D. Phoniatrics ,

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  1. When the brain can’t hear Language Affection in Children Having CAPD Dr. Dalia MostafaOsman, M.D. Phoniatrics, ASHA CCC-SLP Assist. Prof. of Phoniatrics, Cairo University

  2. Lecture Outline الخطوطالعريضة للمحاضرة

  3. Introduction المقدمة

  4. أكفأ طريقة لنمو المهارات اللغوية هو الحس السمعي Language skills are developed most efficiently through the auditory sensory modality Almost adult like لغة مماثلة للغة الراشدين Storytelling رواية قصة Sentences جمل Phrases عبارات First words الكلمات الأولى Vocalization أصوات 5سنوات 4 سنوات 3 سنوات سنتين سنة 6 أشهر عند الولادة بعد الولادة

  5. When hearing abilities are mentioned, it is mostly thought of as the sound perception that occurs in the ear

  6. However, sound perception is just the first part of hearing

  7. What is Central Auditory Processing (CAP) Operations Peripheral Auditory Input

  8. Whatwe Do With WHAT We hear

  9. CAP Skills • Auditory attention • Auditory discrimination • Auditory localization

  10. CAP Skills • Auditory figure ground • Auditory association • Auditory blending • Auditory segmentation

  11. CAP Skills • Auditory memory • Auditory sequential memory • Auditory closure • Auditory integration Together

  12. Auditory Attention Auditory Memory AuditoryAssociation Auditory closure Blending Auditory Integration Segmentation Discrimination Auditory figure-ground Auditory Sequential Memory Difficult to Delineate / Separate

  13. Comprehension CAP SKILLS Attention

  14. CAPD & Language • Children with CAPD usually experience language difficulties • Some difficulties may be more prominent than others Classification

  15. Right Left

  16. Children with CAPD usually share common features

  17. What are the language difficulties that children with CAPD commonly share?

  18. Aim of the study الهدف من الدراسة

  19. Aim • Compare the performance of a group of children having CAPD to a group of age-and gender- matched children on some linguistic tasks • To reach a better understanding • Thereby, enabling early detection and referral

  20. Participants المشاركون في البحث

  21. Subjects Group I (Study) Group II (Control) N = 20 Age + Gender- matched 7; 06 – 10;07 years old 8; 07± 1; 01 years old • N = 20 • Audiology Unit, Ain Shams University • 7;07-10;06 years old • 8; 08 ± 1; 02 years old

  22. Linguistic Tasks المهارات اللغوية

  23. Linguistic Tasks • Earlier researches • Parents’ report • Standardized Formal Tests

  24. Linguistic Tasks 1:1 Quiet Room Demos & Trials

  25. Linguistic Tasks • Semantic Categorization • Understanding Oral Instructions • Auditory Comprehension • Expressive vocabulary • Word Retrieval • Sentence Formation • Sentence Repetition • Narrative Skills • Forward Number Repetition • Backward Number Repetition • Repetition of Familiar Sequences

  26. 1- Semantic Categorization No picture Stimuli 20 items Repetitions (once) A score of 1 for each correct response Sets of 4 words were introduced to each child and he/she was asked to choose the odd word عربية - قلم – بنزين – اشارة

  27. Semantic Categorization • More difficulties with abstract items متحمس – قرن - ناجح – طموح • Difficulties with category names & being specific

  28. 2- Understanding Oral Instructions Picture Stimuli 50 items Repetitions not allowed A score of 1 for each correct response Each child was asked to follow 50 instructions presented orally. The commands were graded in difficulty

  29. Simple instructions • Simple instructions with modifiers • 2-3 order (multi-sequential instructions) • Instructions involving embedded phrases • Exceptional indicators • Conditional indicators • Temporal indicators • Spatial indicators • Ordinal / serial numbers

  30. Understanding Oral Instructions • Most common complaint • Temporal indicators • An important distinguishing feature • Auditorization(verbally repeating the introduced instruction before responding)

  31. 3-Auditory Comprehension Three age-relevant stories 15 questions (5 for each story) Repetitions for questions but not paragraph A score of 1 for each correct response Main topic Fine details Sequence of events Infer indirect information Predict logical events

  32. Auditory Comprehension • Poor performance • More challenging to auditory attention and memory than mere sentence comprehension.

  33. 4-Expressive Vocabulary Picture Stimuli 20 items (10 nouns + 10 verbs) Repetitions (once) A score of 1 for each correct response Pictures were shown to each child and he /she was asked to mention the name of the object or action demonstrated in each picture.

  34. 4- Expressive Vocabulary (EV) • 20 picture stimuli were used • It included 20 pictures; 10 of which were designed to test the child's ability to name nouns and 10 were designed to test the child's ability to name verb actions. Both sets were graded in difficulty proceeding from nouns and verbs commonly encountered in daily life activities to less common ones. • Pictures were shown to each child and he /she was asked to mention the name of the object or action demonstrated in each picture. • A score of 1 was given for each correct response.

  35. Expressive Vocabulary • Relatively good performance in Expressive Vocabulary in the study group • Related to the nature of the test being simple and aided by pictures • More difficulties for uncommon objects • Word finding difficulties have been previously found to be greatly dependent on the frequency of word utilization in daily life activities.

  36. 5-Word Retrieval No picture Stimuli Three groups A score of 1 for each correct response Each child was asked to name as much as he/she can of certain classes (animals, foods, and occupations). Examples for each class were given and the child was asked to name more

  37. Word Retrieval • Disruption in the mental activity responsible for storing retrieving and selecting stored words • Inefficient temporal-to-frontal

  38. Word Retrieval • Clustering and Grouping • Repetition • Interjections • Circumlocutions

  39. 6- Sentence Formation Picture Stimuli 10 items Repetitions (of the word to be used once) A score of 1 for relevant use A score of 1 for correct syntax Pictures demonstrating various actions were sequentially introduced & the child was asked to use a certain word to describe the picture Words were graded in difficulty

  40. 6- Sentence Formation (SF) • Picture stimuli were used to elicit verbal responses from the children under study. • This test, like Expressive Vocabulary test, was aided with visual stimuli. Each child was given sets of 10 pictures demonstrating various actions and was asked to use a certain word to describe what he/she could see in the picture. • For each, picture 2 scores were given; 1 for the appropriate use of the introduced word in a meaningful relevant description of the picture and 1 for the correct syntactical arrangement of the words within the sentence. • The introduced words were graded in difficulty and level of abstractness

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