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Goma, Kivu North, DRC Handicap International

Addressing Disabilities for IDPS Improving Accessibility of Humanitarian Aids for PwDs in IPD Camps. Didier Demey Technical Advisor Emergency and rehabilitation. Goma, Kivu North, DRC Handicap International. Project implemented with the financial support of. 1. Project Overview.

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Goma, Kivu North, DRC Handicap International

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  1. Addressing Disabilities for IDPSImproving Accessibility of Humanitarian Aids for PwDs in IPD Camps Didier Demey Technical Advisor Emergency and rehabilitation Goma, Kivu North, DRC Handicap International Project implemented with the financial support of

  2. 1. Project Overview Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Article 11 - Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies States Parties shall take, in accordance with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law, all necessary measures to ensure the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in situations of risk, including situations of armed conflict, humanitarian emergencies and the occurrence of natural disasters.

  3. 1. Project Overview • 1.1. Problems Identified • 6-10% of displaced persons have disability (WHO) • Displacement increases the level of disability and vulnerability • Difficult access to humanitarian aids and services for PwDs in camps • Lack of knowledge on disability from part of humanitarian agencies, local population and partners • Specific needs of PwDs not addressed

  4. 1. Project Overview 1.2. Project Objective Persons with Disabilities among the displaced and/or indigenous population affected by the conflicts in Kivu North are benefiting form inclusive measures aiming at improving access to humanitarian aid programs

  5. 1. Project Overview • 1.3. Excepted Results and Deliverables • International and local organizations, as well as the partners, include PwDs in their assistance activities in Kivu North • Specific needs of PwDs are properly addressed (material needs and health care) • By the end of the project, a capitalization document, defining guidelines for accessibility of humanitarian assistance for PwDs will be produced

  6. 1. Project Overview • 1.4. Project Localization • Karisimbi (Goma), Kirotshe, Rutshuru health zones • Mweso health zone • Birambizo health zone

  7. 1. Project Overview • 1.5. Main Activities and Achievements • Identification of PwDS in target area

  8. 1. Project Overview • 1.5. Main Activities and Achievements • Improve accessibility of infrastructures

  9. 1. Project Overview • 1.5. Main Activities and Achievements • Follow-up of food and non-food item distribution time

  10. 1. Project Overview • 1.5. Main Activities and Achievements • Support for returning home

  11. 1. Project Overview • 1.5. Main Activities and Achievements • Provision of mobility aids to PwDs and referral for medical care

  12. 1. Project Overview • 1.5. Main Activities and Achievements • Production of technical document defining guidelines for accessibility of humanitarian assistance for PwDs

  13. 2. Guidelines for Accessibility of Humanitarian Assistance During Movements of Population • International and local organizations lack information and knowledge on how to make humanitarian assistance services disability inclusive. • Easy-to-use document presenting concrete and easily applicable measures to improve accessibility of humanitarian assistance for displaced PwDs. • Applicable for other vulnerable persons (pregnant women, elderly persons).

  14. 2. Guidelines for Accessibility of Humanitarian Assistance During Movements of Population • Contents (in French only): • Notion of disability in emergency situation • Notion of accessibility • Identification of PwDs • Accessibility of infrastructures • Accessibility to information • Accessibility to distribution time • Support to returning home

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