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Student introduction to…

Learn all about "The Exhibition" and what it entails. Discover the purpose, structure, and how you can make a difference through in-depth collaborative inquiry. Celebrate your transition from primary to secondary school.

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Student introduction to…

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  1. Student introduction to… The Exhibition 2012-2013 http://www.stonehillinternationalschool.org/about-us/accreditation-a-authorisation http://www.stonehillinternationalschool.org/index.php

  2. Remember this trailer?

  3. Are YOU Ready to present in front of everyone? http://www.gograph.com/stock-illustration/yeah.html http://www.clker.com/clipart-no-button.html

  4. So… Sit comfortably, and let’s learn what you need to do… http://sjpl.org/tags/kindergarten

  5. What is “The Exhibition”?

  6. http://zisy6exhibition.com/

  7. The Purpose of The Exhibition

  8. 1. For you to engage in in-depth collaborative inquiry http://www.codigital.com/product/introduction.php http://nikolette.edublogs.org/2012/05/26/point-collaboration/

  9. 2. To give you an opportunity to show independence and responsibility for your learning http://geniusinchildren.org/2013/01/17/taking-responsibility-vs-being-responsible/ http://www.yp.scmp.com/home/website/article.aspx?id=932&section=Mind%20Your%20Brain

  10. 3.To synthesize and apply your learning of previous years. http://www.techlearning.com/studies-in-ed-tech/0020/blooms-taxonomy-blooms-digitally/44988 http://edtechtopia.edublogs.org/category/collaboration/

  11. 4. To reflect upon your journey through the PYP. http://disabilityhorizons.com/2011/11/maxs-journey/ http://www.123rf.com/photo_9019316_two-dark-blue-heads-think-and-reflect.html

  12. 5. To celebrate your transition from primary to secondary school http://blms.groupfusion.net/modules/cms/pages.phtml?pageid=74628&SID

  13. Or…

  14. To turn you from…

  15. INTo… AND… http://xxmisszeroxx.deviantart.com/art/Anime-Rock-Chick-Coloured-in-216537713 http://www.findfreegraphics.com/image-87/mulder.htm

  16. The Structure of The Exhibition

  17. Select a globally & locally significant issue for in-depth research http://gp.org/greenpages-blog/?tag=climate-change http://www.alargan.com/v3/ALARGANResearch.aspx

  18. Organizing Theme Sharing the Planet http://activelearninghhhs.edublogs.org/sharing-the-planet/

  19. Group Work… Explain in simple words: • An inquiry into rightsandresponsibilities • in the struggle to share finite resources • with other people and other living things • Communities,and the relationships within and between them • access to equal opportunities • peaceand conflict resolution

  20. Organizing Theme: Sharing the Planet “An inquiry into rightsandresponsibilitiesin the struggle to share finite resources withother people and other living things; communities and the relationships within andbetween them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution” http://ibo.org/pyp/curriculum/

  21. The Central Idea: Analyzingproblems and finding sustainablesolutionsallows each of us to make a difference.

  22. Analyzing problems “to analyze”- examine(something) in detail, typically in order to explain and interpret it. “problem”- a matter or situation considered unwelcomeor harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. Definitions adapted from http://oxforddictionaries.com

  23. Analyzing problems To figure out what the problems are http://blog.sustainabilitylearningcentre.com/2012/08/22/what-will-it-take-to-build-the-sustainable-future-we-want/

  24. Analyzing problems We classify problems according to… http://blog.sustainabilitylearningcentre.com/2012/08/22/what-will-it-take-to-build-the-sustainable-future-we-want/

  25. finding sustainable solutions • “Sustainable”- able to be maintainedat a certain rate or level. • “Solution”- a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life. - Chinese Proverb Definitions adapted from http://oxforddictionaries.com

  26. allows each of us to make a difference “each”- used to refer to every one of two or more people. “make a difference”- to have an effect; to change something. Definitions adapted from http://www.thefreedictionary.com http://sedsngo.blogspot.in/2010_11_01_archive.html

  27. What will YOU be doing throughout “The Exhibition”?

  28. Watch this video to get a better idea…

  29. Measure Choose Issues Research Design Collaborate Take Action Present CELEBRATE! http://5togradohb.blogspot.in/

  30. And this year??? 1. Choose an Issue ? ? ? ? ? Analyzing problems and finding sustainable solutions allows each of us to make a difference. ? ? ? ? ? ?

  31. 2. Get Grouped

  32. 3. Research

  33. 4. Meet with Mentor/s

  34. 5. Take Action

  35. 6. Design your Presentation

  36. 7. Present

  37. 8. Celebrate!

  38. The Learner Profile Traits http://multimediaworkshop-wiki.wikispaces.com/

  39. The Learner Profile Traits Which of the traits match the definition? I am thoughtful. I try to solve problems and make good decisions. I do this by thinking about things and by learning from my mistakes… Inquirer Balance Thinker Principled Open Minded

  40. The Learner Profile Attitudes http://wichitafalls.lamar.groupfusion.net/modules/cms/pages.phtml?pageid=11397

  41. The Attitudes Which of the attitudes match the definition? I am accepting of others’ differences and am helpful to their needs. Appreciation Commitment Integrity Tolerance Enthusiasm

  42. So, are you ready to start? http://rapgenius.com/Drake-over-lyrics#note-12452

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