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America in Crisis: The Great Depression and New Deal 1929-1940

Delve into the disastrous aftermath of the 1929 stock market crash as the U.S. economy plunges into the Great Depression. Explore Hoover's failed response, Roosevelt's innovative New Deal, and the impact on society during this tumultuous period.

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America in Crisis: The Great Depression and New Deal 1929-1940

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  1. Chapter 26 The Great Depression and the New Deal 1929-1940

  2. “The Great Depression and the New Deal 1929-1940”Section 1 “Hoover and the Crash” Main Idea: After the stock market crash of 1929, the U.S. economy sank into the worst depression in its history. Terms and Names: 1. Herbert Hoover 5. Crash of 1929 2. speculation 6. Great Depression 3. buying on margin 7. public works project 4. Black Tuesday 8. Bonus Army

  3. Bell Work #1 On page xxx of you ISN answer the following question: What is the artist implying in this political cartoon?

  4. I. What were the problems in the economy? A. Hidden problems in the U.S. economy set the stage for the Great Depression 1. by 1929, 71% of Americans earned less than $2,500 a year 2. industries were over producing 3. consumers buying on credit 4. investors buying on speculation and margin

  5. II. What was the Crash and the Great Depression? Stock Market Crash '29 A. A plunge in stock market prices triggered a number of other economic problems which in turn caused the Great Depression 1. banks call in loans which investors could not repay, banks run short of cash 2. bank customers hear about this and run to the banks to withdraw their savings 3. unable to cash out all of those savings accounts at once, many banks went out of business 4. consumers fearful after banks could not make good on savings accounts, stop purchasing new products 5. companies’ profits shrink, so they begin laying off workers or going bankrupt 6. fired workers no longer had an income, so they were unable to pay credit debts or living expenses-thousands of Americans lost their homes and millions went hungry.

  6. Bell Work #2 On page xxx of you ISN answer the following questions: What are you looking at? Where do you think this is located? Why do you think this exists?

  7. III. How did Hoover act conservatively? A. President Hoover does little to relieve America’s suffering during the Great Depression 1. cut government spending and raised taxes this made things worse 2. did not support the idea of giving the poor federal relief 3. believed non-profit groups like the Red Cross and the Salvation Army should do more 4. believed private citizens should donate more 5. finally, introduced public works projects, but it was too little too late

  8. IV. Why did Hoover lose to Roosevelt? A. In the summer of 1932, WWI vets known as the Bonus Army marched on Washington, DC to collect their wartime service bonuses. They were driven out of the city by General Douglas MacArthur. This attack on U.S. veteran soldiers lost Hoover the presidential race of 1932.

  9. “The Great Depression and the New Deal 1929-1940”Section 2 “Roosevelt and the New Deal” Main Idea: After becoming president, Franklin D. Roosevelt took many actions to fight the Great Depression. Terms and Names: 1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 5. Social Security Act 2. fireside chat 6. Second New Deal 3. New Deal 7. deficit spending 4. Hundred Days

  10. Bell Work #3 According to this chart, President FDR presented these solutions to America in 1933. On page xxx of you ISN provide at least 1 problem per solution that he was addressing.

  11. I. Roosevelt Takes Charge A. Roosevelt gave Americans hope and was willing to involve the government in new ways in America’s recovery 1. “bank holiday” temporary shut down of all banks 2. would only allow banks in good shape to reopen 3. began “fireside chats” to boost American’s confidence in American economy Run on the Saving and Loan

  12. II. The Hundred Days A. March to June 1933 Roosevelt presented Congress with his “New Deal” (bills designed to ease American’s immediate suffering and to prevent a depression of this magnitude from ever happening again). New Deal

  13. Bell Work #4 On page xxx of you ISN answer the following question: What is the artist implying that the role of the younger generation will be in relation to social security?

  14. B. The goal of the Hundred Days was: 1.relief for the hungry and homeless 2.recovery for agriculture and industry 3.reforms to change the way the economy worked Mr. Betts New Deal

  15. III. Responses to the New Deal A. Some thought the New Deal went too far, moving the country towards socialism B. Some thought it did not go far enough in directly aiding the nation’s poor IV. The Second New Deal A. 1935 Roosevelt pushes through another set of programs designed to help Americans 1. Social Security Act most important, it helped: a) retired employees b) laid-off or disabled workers c) needy families with dependent children

  16. V. Roosevelt Fights the Supreme Court A. Roosevelt attempts to “pack” or add justices to the Supreme Court in violation of the design set up in the Constitution. VI. The New Deal Slows Down A. 1937 the economy suffers another down- turn. Roosevelt receives criticism for court- packing incident and his deficit spending. He does not pass any more New Deal ideas through Congress.

  17. “The Great Depression and the New Deal 1929-1940”Section 3 “Life During the Depression” Main Idea: During the depression most Americans knew great hardship. Terms and Names: 1. Dust Bowl 2. Eleanor Roosevelt 3. Congress of Industrial Organizations 4. sit-down strikes

  18. Bell Work #5 On page xxx of you ISN answer the following: Name the 5 states hit the hardest by the dust bowl. What is the farthest North the dust bowl effected?

  19. I. Living through Hard Times A. Even with Roosevelt’s New Deal programs, Americans suffered tremendously 1. bread and soup lines 2. people lived under bridges and in cardboard boxes 3. boys dropped out of school to work (many ran away) and girls stayed home to take care of younger siblings 4. women lost jobs to men

  20. II. The Dust Bowl Destroys Lives A. In the 1930s, a drought hits the Great Plains. Dust storms plague the Midwest for years. Many move west. 1. Caused by: overgrazing, over plowing and drought Origins of the Dust Bowl

  21. Stop here and only go over slide #26 and any others that you want

  22. III. Artists Portray the Struggle A. Writers and photographers work to capture America’s struggle IV. Women in the New Deal A. Eleanor Roosevelt advocates for the rights of poor Americans and paves the way for more women to work in government B. Francis Perkins named as first female cabinet member (Secretary of Labor)

  23. V. Minorities and the Depression A. Although Roosevelt included more African Americans in government than any other president, he did not back legislation that would have protected them. B. In addition to facing soaring unemployment, Mexican Americans also lived with the fear being deported to Mexico.

  24. VI. Unions Gain Strength A. The CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations) formed in 1938 and admits minorities and women. The sit-down strike is used with great success.

  25. “The Great Depression and the New Deal 1929-1940”Section 4 “The Effects of the New Deal” Main Idea: The Depression and the New Deal had many long-term effects on U.S. government and society. Terms and Names: 1. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 2. liberal 3. conservative

  26. I. Lasting Effects of the Depression A. Although the New Deal didn’t end the Depression, it forever changed the U.S. government B. Government spending in preparation for WWII eventually brought America out of the Great Depression

  27. II. A Larger Role for Government A. Roosevelt increased the president’s power and expanded the federal government III. New Deal Programs Today A. Some of the more important programs that still exist are: 1. Social Security Administration 2. National Labor Relations Board 3. Agricultural Price Supports 4. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) 5. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

  28. IV. An Ongoing Political Debate A. Political party stereotypes came about during Roosevelt’s time as president and shape most current political issues 1. Democrats are liberal and favor government intervention to bring about social and economic reform 2. Republicans are conservative and favor less government control and more individual accountability in social and economic matters

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