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“ Give Kids a Chance ” Programme of Szécsény. Main general causes of poverty. Low economic activity of parents (no job, one parent in low paid work) Low educational level of parents (no job, no futur vision) Single parenthood, large family (many children). Our Aims:
Main general causes of poverty • Low economic activity of parents (no job, one parent in low paid work) • Low educational level of parents (no job, no futur vision) • Single parenthood, large family (many children)
Our Aims: To reduce the poverty rate of children and their families to a significant degree Decrease social exclusion and segregation Change the approach of relevant institutions and their staff
Our issues with this programme: Constrained harmonisation of grants and needs Enrollment of unskilled applicants – train them later
The need for an early boom of services • Lacking or deficient social/health/educational services • Deep and lasting deprivation need multiple help • Need for new services
The starting point was the so-called short (3-year long) govermental programme against child poverty The first interventions were planned on the basis of the above A continuous monitoring of the changes in the situation of children and their families forms part of the process
The first phase of the short term programme was worked out within the 25-year generation strategy The delivery of the medium and long term tasks was started in consistence with the New Hungarian Development Plan
Thank you for your interest • Eva Szomor • www.gyerekesely.hu • eszomor@hu.inter.net