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February 12, 2014 (Revised March 5, 2014)

MLK Street Group Improvements - MLK Blvd Streetscape Improvement - Grand Avenue Complete Street Imp. - JB Jackson Street Reconstruction. February 12, 2014 (Revised March 5, 2014). Improvements at Atlanta and Malcolm X Intersections include: Enhanced barrier free ramps and crosswalks

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February 12, 2014 (Revised March 5, 2014)

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  1. MLK Street Group Improvements- MLK Blvd Streetscape Improvement - Grand Avenue Complete Street Imp.- JB Jackson Street Reconstruction February 12, 2014 (Revised March 5, 2014)

  2. Improvements at Atlanta and Malcolm X Intersections include: • Enhanced barrier free ramps and crosswalks • Monuments and benches • Pedestrian lighting • Landscaping • Improvements at Robert B Cullum will be focused on the addition of monuments in the median Project Overview – Phase 1

  3. Improvements on Grand include: • Enhanced Sidewalks and Crosswalks • Pedestrian Lighting • Landscaping • Major Drainage Improvement(Mill Creek/Peak Branch relief) • Improvements on MLK and at the Fair Park entry include: • Monuments • Enhanced Sidewalks and Crosswalks • Pedestrian Lighting • Landscaping • JB Jackson will be reconstructed per City standards Project Overview – Phase 2

  4. MLK/Grand Business Owner’s Meeting – March 20, 2014 Neighborhood Meeting - April 2014 Neighborhood Meeting - Sept 2014 Project Schedule

  5. Project Budget

  6. MLK / Atlanta Intersection

  7. MLK / Malcolm X Intersection

  8. Illuminated Monument RB Cullum Median Monument

  9. Fair Park at MLK Entry Concept Plan

  10. Existing Gate House Entry Concept Details

  11. Entry Concept Details

  12. Entry Concept Sketches

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