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SVD3 R&D in JFY2004. Some background info. Yamauchi-san proposed at the last BGM to start detector serious R&D work in this FY no matter what decision is made on the KEKB upgrade. Test of crab cacities are already approved by KEK DG.
Some background info. • Yamauchi-san proposed at the last BGM to start detector serious R&D work in this FY no matter what decision is made on the KEKB upgrade. • Test of crab cacities are already approved by KEK DG. • Whether the full [O(100)M$] upgrade is approved or not depends on various things (our results this summer, GLC situation, ITER decision etc.) • The activity should be kept under the existing SVD group. Should be called SVD3. • SuperKEKB design effort used to be on a voluntary basis. Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
SVD3 R&D based onSuperKEKB VTX design • LoI • http://belle.kek.jp/superb/loi/ • SuperKEKB VTX web page • http://belle.kek.jp/superb/detector/vtx Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
1cm beampipe and 2-layer striplet or pixel sensors Overview Super B VTX (cm) DSSD w/ analog pipeline readout (~4 layers) to cope with high occupancy. APV25 for CMS as the best candidates (cm) Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
VTX configuration (cm) 150 17 (R&D needed to realize the lantern shape) (cm) Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
Comparison Super B VTX SVD1 (cm) SVD2 (cm) Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
B vtx with Ks + IP constraint: hits in at least two layers required Super B VTX SVD1 (cm) SVD2 Larger detector is better. (cm) Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
Weakest point of Belle detector Belle BaBar Ksp0 Class I: 37% Class II: 27% 64% For more precise comparison, we need to take VTX resolutions into account. “Effective vtxing efficiency” should be defined (like the effective flavor tagging efficiency). However, it is clear that BaBar SVT is better than Belle SVD2 for these studies. Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
p p+ Ks Constraint from B decay point Time-dependent CP violation in B0g K*0g One of the most important measurements at SuperKEKB • Very sensitive to CP-violating SUSY-GUT phases • Theoretically cleaner than B0gfKs • Bvtx reconstruction with Ks+IP is the key ! • Expected error on S term ~0.14 at 5ab-1 with eVTX = ~70% assumed for the LoI-VTX design Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
Related studies • Other important TCPV studies that require Bvtx with Ks+IP • B0g K*0(gKsp0)g • B0g KsKsKs • B0g KsKsKL, incl. f(gKsKL) Ks • Bvtx with Ks+IP is a unique technique at asymmetric B factories. It plays very important roles to elucidate the New Physics Flavor Problem. Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
What are the requirements on the SVD3 design ? • Occupancy in the innermost layer will be an issue • Expected background ~ 20 times larger than the present level • APV25 readout prototype for Belle should be made. • Larger SVD (r ~ 15cm) is needed, and is beneficial for physics. R&D is needed. • Better software tools should also be developed. • e.g.) Geant4 based MC • The new tools will be used to study detector configuration and physics performance. These three things are major R&D items. C) is a software work. In the following I discuss R&D related to A) and B). Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
1) Prototype innermost layer with APV25 readout • Striplet DSSD (KEK + TIT + ?) • Hybrid (?) • Flex (Niigata + ?) • Ladder assembly (?) • Test system (APVDAQ) (Vienna) • System test (TIT + ?) Contact me. Please sign up ! Many things to do. Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
Flex R&D T. Kawasaki • Goal: fabricate two kinds of Flex circuits and test them • fine pitch (~38mm) for the innermost layer • Long Flex (L ~ 30cm, pitch ~ 100mm) for the outermost layer • Procedure • CAD design + mask preparation (at least twice) • mask modification (at least twice) • tests (can be done at Niigata U.) Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
2) Prototype outermost layer • Configuration Study (KEK + ?) • Sensors (KEK + ?) • Ladder design (?) • Mechanical design (?) Contact me. Please sign up ! [items common to 1) are not shown here.] Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
Expected S/N APV25s1 noise performance ENC = 270 + 38/pF e- (@ Tp = 50ns) For S = 20,000e- S/N ~ 15 for 28pF Cf. VA1TA ENC = 250 + 12/pF e- (@ Tp = 500ns) Each DSSD should be read out separately. Flex capacitance should also be minimized. Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
VTX configuration Now I think P-side should be used for rf meas. Based on LEP-SI model Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
Sensor options for the outermost layer Now is at the stage of brain-storming. Please join if you are interested. • Thick (500mm) 4in. DSSD • a backup solution • high-resistivity may be needed • Thick (500mm) 6in. DSSD • HPK does not have equipments for this. • “Stripixels” on 6in. wafers ? • Achieve 2-D measurement with 1-side processing • No need for floating ground (both X and Y readout ~ 0V) • Cheaper than DSSD • S/N and capacitance may be an issue • Double-sided stripixels to have large S/N ? • Other ideas … Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
Stripixels Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
Another important work • Conceptual design of readout system • Repeater • Optical (fast) data transfer • FADC • DAQ (incl. “TTM”) • Design team should be formed. Initial discussions should be started soon. Please join the design team. Contact me. Please sign up ! Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
Backup slides Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
Cost estimation (k yen) Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
B0g Ksp0 by BaBar Class I: 37% Class II: 27% Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
We need a large VTX ! • SuperKEKB LoI indeed assumes a large VTX (similar size to BaBar SVT) because we can not guarantee the successful operation of a drift chamber for r < 15cm. • Also from physics requirements, a large VTX is needed. Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
Proposal for physics simulation • Develop GEANT4 simulation code, in particular for VTX+CDC • Prototype of the future official package • Study the following benchmark modes • Time-dependent CPV (TCPV) in B0g K*(gKsp0)g • Quantitative evaluation of the gain by the larger VTX in B0g K*(gKsp0)g • This study covers almost everything (Tracking, VTX, PID for flavor tag, g, p0 rec. etc..) • Full reconstruction • Degradation due to beam-originated background • Test new ideas for robust and efficient tracking • (more if manpower/time available: possible once tools become available) Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
Proposal for physics simulation (cont.) • Feedback into detector design • Optimization of the design of VTX outer layers • How large should the VTX be ? • How many layers ? (tracking efficiency, robustness, mass resolution) • Gain by thinner DSSDs • (more if manpower/time available) • Status report at SuperB05 and LCPAC05 Masashi Hazumi (KEK)