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Introduction to EXAFS III: XANES, Distortions, Debye-Waller, Glitches. Scott Medling Michael Kozina Brad Car Yu (Justin) Jiang Lisa Downward C. Booth G. Bunker. F. Bridges Physics Dept. UCSC, MC2 Chalmers. Outline Review Brief introduction to XANES (NEXAFS)
Introduction to EXAFS III: XANES, Distortions, Debye-Waller, Glitches Scott Medling Michael Kozina Brad Car Yu (Justin) Jiang Lisa Downward C. Booth G. Bunker F. Bridges Physics Dept. UCSC, MC2 Chalmers Outline • Review • Brief introduction to XANES (NEXAFS) • Why understand distortions ? • Phonon vibrations and correlations • Modeling thermal vibrations : Correlated Debye and Einstein models • Polarons, Jahn-Teller distortions • Glitches – monochromator glitches, sample Bragg peaks. Chalmers 2011
Review - EXAFS Equations Fi(k,r), c , i --calculated using FEFF σi – width of pair distribution function, g(ro,i,r) Ai= Ni So2 (ħk)2/2m = E-Eo Simplify to first neighbor peak only (we will fit in r-space – Fourier transform space) Use either: FEFF to generate a theoretical standard (calculate Fi(k,r), c , i ) or an experimental standard Experimental standard Chalmers 2011
XANES Region around edge; typical up to 30 eV above, but can be higher. Includes small pre-edge features at bottom of edge. “White” line at top of edge varies with environment – from film days, high intensity line would make film “white” on photo. Chalmers 2011
How do you describe XANES? Same matrix elements – dominated by electric dipole transitions, Δℓ = ± 1, but small quadrupole transition sometimes in in pre-edge. K-edges , 1s → np ; often mixture (hybridization) of states on neighboring atoms. L3, L2 edges, 2p → nd or ms; 2p → nd dominate. Dipole Quadrupole Chalmers 2011
Final state of photoelectron difficult to determine Problem: is it localized (atomic-like), or extended (band-like) ; should it be treated as a scattering process rather than localized or band states ? Complex theoretical problem Edge position – usually depends on valence and local environment – bond lengths and symmetry. Only Qualitative agreement between theory and experiment (numerical calculation are intensive). No theoretical model to do direct fit of XANES -- EXAFS can do quantitative fits J. SOLID STATE CHEM 141 294-297 (1998) Structure in edge – depends on environment – often little structure for small clusters/molecules. More XANES structure as make cluster large (FEFF8 -- scattering approach) and include multiple scatterings. LiMn2O4 FEFF calculations for Mn K-edge Chalmers 2011
Other considerations • Core-hole life time 10-15 sec. Some other electron drops into core-hole and emits a fluorescence photon – ends the process. Entire absorption and multi-scattering of photo-electron takes place within life time. Locally the lattice is frozen on this time scale. • Core-hole lifetime becomes shorter for higher Z - by uncertainty principle short life time gives an energy broadening of spectra. At Cu edge (9 keV) a few eV, but at high Z, (I or Ba) large broadening. Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) can partially avoid this broadening. • White lines, particularly for L edges, can be very high and can distort fluorescence data (self-absorption); also important to have small particles because if particle size is too large, it distorts white line. Particle diameter < absorption length. Chalmers 2011
Empirical approaches • Edges shift with increasing valence (same number of neighbors) for K edges 3-4 eV per valence unit for L3 edges can be larger 7eV/unit • Shift appears to be mainly a bond length change – higher valence, shorter the bond length. Estimates of charge transfer are quite small. • Edge positions differ for different configurations -- tetrahedral vs octahedral. • For mixed samples (geological) - may be a sum of known compounds. If have good XANES for the references, can fit data to a weighted sum of reference files. Often works well, - can provide relative abundances quickly. Requires that you know all compounds -- if missing one results aren’t reliable. • Principal component analysis • Based on linear algebra; treat each XANES spectra as a vector. Can one find a set of vectors (components) such that data is a linear weighted sum of the component? Turns out YES – and can find a minimum number - robust. Chalmers 2011
Distortions -- Motivation • All systems have local distortions from lattice vibrations. In large-unit-cell systems an atom may be weakly bonded to the rest of the crystal – can have large vibration amplitudes – called a “rattler”. This disorder can strongly scatter thermal phonons and lead to a glass-like, low thermal conductivity. • Some systems have a Jahn-Teller (JT) distortion– e.g. the six O atoms around Mn+3 in LaMnO3 are not equivalent; there is a distortion with two long bonds and 4 shorterbonds (the four are slightly split). A similar JT splitting is expected for Cu2+. In contrast for CaMnO3, the 6 Mn+4-O bonds are equal within 0.01Ǻ. The competition between distorted and undistorted sites determines the magnetic and transport properties in substituted manganites (La1-xCaxMnO3) which are metallic and ferromagnetic at low T for some concentrations x, but non-metallic and insulating at high T. • All these properties require knowledge about the broadening of the atom-pair distribution functions – usually described in terms of the width σ. σ2 = sum over all broadening mechanisms Chalmers 2011
Thermal vibrationsSimple example – isolated atom pair Use reduced mass – MR = 1/2m x is the variation in the bond length, about r0 κ is the spring constant only one mode of vibration -- Einstein model m m at high T κ = MRω2 ħω = kBΘ zero-point motion Chalmers 2011
Split peaks and σ When one has an unresolved split peak (i.e. small splittings) it contributes to the broadening (See EXAFS book by B. Teo); easiest to see at low T. r ~π/(2kmax) to resolve Equal splitting of 6 bonds into two groups (3+3) split by Δr; and each split peak has same σj δ(σ2) = (Δr/2)2 ; σone peak fit = σj2 + (Δr/2)2 Splitting into three peaks with equal splittings, Δr. Then δ(σ2)= ((2/3)Δr)2 Chalmers 2011
Different Phonon Modes http://physics.ucsc.edu/~bridges/simulations/index.html Long Wavelength Acoustic Phonon Positive correlations Short Wavelength Optical Phonon Negative correlations Motions of neighboring atoms are correlated in dynamical examples Polaron transportation Chalmers 2011
Debye-Waller factors, Diffraction, and Correlations • Important: EXAFS measures MSD differences in position (in contrast to diffraction!!) • Harmonic approximation: Gaussian Pi Pj • Ui2 are the position mean-squared displacements (MSDs) from diffraction • Φ is the correlation factor – can be positive or negative.
Comparison between Einstein and Correlated Debye models – T Dependence I(Simple systems) Correlated Debye Model (All modes; sometimes restricted to Acoustic modes) Einstein model (local modes, optical modes) Rijis for atom pair ij MR – reduced mass κ– Spring constant ΘE– Einstein Temperature ΘcD– Correlated Debye Temperature; ΘcD =ℏωcD/kB c – effective speed of sound = ωcD/kD • At T~0, σ2E(0) = ħ2/(2MRkBΘE) • = kBΘE/(2κ) Chalmers 2011
Einstein, ΘE = 750K Debye model, ΘD = 950K Einstein, ΘE = 950K Temperature Dependence of σ2 Einstein vs Correlated Debye • Some general properties: • For thermal vibrations σ2thermalvs T has a positive slope; linear with T at high T. Einstein model has a sharper bend with T. • Zero-point motion determines σ2thermalat low T – for Einstein Model, should correlate with appropriate Raman mode . • If static disorder present (σ2static), produces a rigid vertical shift [σ2 = σ2static + σ2thermal]. Chalmers 2011
Other types of distortions • Contributions to 2 • Thermal phonons – Einstein or Debye models. • Static distortions – distribution of pair distances from strains, impurities, etc. • Polarons – a distortion associated with a partially localized charge. • Jahn-Teller distortions e.g. Mn+3, Cu+2 • Off-centerdisplacements (ferroelectric) • Dynamic distortions – time scale? Polaron Distortion produced by charged carrier and follows carrier; dynamic. Can move very fast if charge carrier moves rapidly. If too fast, lattice response is small. For uncorrelated mechanisms: σ2total= σ2thermal+ σ2static +σ2polarons+ σ2JT+ σ2off Chalmers 2011
The Jahn-Teller (JT) Distortion • JT distortions lead to a distribution of Mn-O (or Co-O) bond lengths. • Mn3+ (LaMnO3) has 3d4 configuration – one eg elect. • The oxygen displacements about Mn3+for a Jahn–Teller distortion are indicated by arrows • Assumes one quasi-localized eg electron is present on Mn; localized for times long compared to optical phonon period (~10-13 sec.). • Mn4+, 3d3 config., (CaMnO3) - no eg electrons, no JT. • (What happens for La1-xCaxMnO3??) • Cu+ - 3d10 ; Cu+2 - 3d9, JT active • Simplified energy level diagram; eg and t2g split by crystal field. • Large exchange energy (Hubbard U), so each level can only be singly occupied. • For only one egelectron, a JT distortion of the surrounding O6 octahedron can occur spontaneously; this splits the egdoublet by an energy EJT, and lowers total energy by ΔE = -EJT/2 +Estrain • If ΔE < 0, Jahn-Teller distortions form. A.J. Millis, Nature 392, 147 (1998) UCSC April 2011
Spikes/peaks in EXAFS data that are not part of EXAFS oscillations • Some obvious, others not; change shape of EXAFS k-space/r-space data and can introduce significant error. • Several causes • Harmonics in X-ray beam or non-uniform samples + • multiple diffraction in monochromator crystals . • Bragg diffraction from sample (single crystal , crystal substrate, or oriented thin film). • Need to be able to minimize and/or remove them Glitches in EXAFS spectra Only important when diffraction is possible, and peaks relatively large. Usually not important for soft X-rays < 2 keV; (depends on crystal). Glitches also become very small at high energies E > 20-25 keV. Chalmers 2011
Monochromator Glitch library (SSRL) http://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/userresources/index.html Changes in Io intensity as scan energy Quite extensive library for 111 and 220 crystals Covers range from 2.5 to ~ 23 keV for some crystals In practice we choose mono-crystals that have the lowest amplitude glitches in the energy range for our samples. Si(220) phi=0 (SSRL BL 7-3) Si(220) phi=90 (SSRL BL 7-3) Chalmers 2011
Examples of multiple diffractionsin 2-D (exist in 3-D) Ewald sphere in K-space 2d sin θ = nλ; k = 2π/λ Incident beam Desired monochromator Bragg planes Other sets of planes (Blue and Green) that meet Bragg condition over a tiny rotation angle Chalmers 2011
Glitches -Variations in ln(Io/I1):Harmonics or non-uniform sample Bragg scattering: 2dsinθ = nλ n= 1 fundamental; n > 1 harmonics Assume no harmonics, and uniform t I1 = Ioe-µt µt = ln(Io/I1) Non-uniform t - consider i elements: µti = ln(Ioi/I1i) for each element Harmonics present – IH Usually 2nd (220’s) or 3rd (111) are main harmonics. Intensity above 30 keV small Io = Io' + IH ; IH/ Io ' small. I1 = Io'e-µt + α IH ln(Io/I1) ≈ µt + IH/ Io'(1- αeµt) Chalmers 2011
Examples of glitches in unfocused beam:multiple diffractions Typical slits; slope of intensity varies as glitch passes. These data collected with small slits 0.2mm Expanded view of large glitch – subtracted scan at 6765 eV from rest of scans Chalmers 2011
Coupling between Beam Intensity non-uniformity and sample non-uniformity The signal obtained from a detector is an integral over the cross-sectional area of the beam. F(x,y,E) is the X-ray flux (I/area) slit width a, slit height b μ(E) absorption coefficient t(x,y) sample thickness. Simple case: One dimension and assume F(y,E) and t(y) vary linearly with y; t(y ) = to(1 + αy); F(y,E) = Fo(E)(1 + βy) and μ(E)to αy <<1; exp(-μ(E)toαy) ~ (1- μ(E)toαy) Non-uniformities couple when both Io and t vary spatially For small α and β, correction 10-3 to 10-4 Chalmers 2011
Wedge plexiglas sample; t(y) = 1.5 +0.2y ( 1 mm slit, t(y) varies from 1.4 to 1.6 mm) Dotted lines in (b) show model Pinholes and tapers Single pinhole in foil. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A320, 548 (1992). Wedge up Wedge down Note sign change. Sum of +y and –y is almost zero. Uniform distribution of tiny pinholes has low glitch amplitude. GG. Li etal. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A340, 420 (1994) Chalmers 2011
Minimizing Glitches • Make samples as uniform as possible; small variation in thickness and few pinholes. • Eliminate harmonics (harmonic rejection mirror or “detuning” mono) • Use narrow vertical slits -- reduces glitch amplitude and can improve energy resolution. • Use different monochromator crystals • If you have significant glitches, you have a non-uniform sample or significant harmonic contamination • Small, narrow glitches (1-3 points) can be removed; but be careful Chalmers 2011
Sample glitches: single crystals, thin films • For anisotropic single crystals or thin films may want to do polarized EXAFS with E polarization along different crystal axes or directions; usually detect using fluorescence. • Over a typical EXAFS scan, usually several Bragg diffractions from sample – reduced absorption in sample. These move if sample is rotated slightly. Series of data sets at several slightly different angles, usually allows removal but time consuming. • For thin films, if incident beam is Bragg scattered from substrate and passes through sample again – get increased fluorescence. Again will move if sample is rotated slightly. Don’t use single crystals of cubic materials, use powders! Chalmers 2011
More caveats II • Don’t go too low in k-space in choosing the FT range. Remember k = 0.512 (E-Eo)½; so for k = 3 Å-1 , E-Eo= 34.3 eV, and for k = 2 Å-1, E-Eo= 15.3 eV. XANES structure usually extends up to 20-30 eV above edge and sometimes higher, so dangerous to go below k = 3 Å-1. If not sure, do fits for various FT ranges -- parameters should not change significantly. If large change in σ, say from kmin = 2.5 and 3 Å-1 then a problem. • Strong correlations between N and σ. Don’t think of σ as a “throw-away” parameter, even when you are more interested in N and r. σ must be larger than zero-point motion value. • kn weighting; depends on backscattering atom. Usually k2 or k3 make EXAFS spectra sharper – but be careful of noise at high k. Chalmers 2011
Further reading • Thickness effect: Stern and Kim, Phys. Rev. B 23, 3781 (1981). • Particle size effect: Lu and Stern, Nucl. Inst. Meth. 212, 475 (1983). • Glitches: • Bridges, Wang, Boyce, Nucl. Instr. Meth.A 307, 316 (1991); Bridges, Li, Wang, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 320, 548 (1992);Li, Bridges, Wang, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 340, 420 (1994). • Number of independent data points: Stern, Phys. Rev. B 48, 9825 (1993); Booth and Hu, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 190, 012028(2009). • Theory vs. experiment: • Li, Bridges and Booth, Phys. Rev. B 52, 6332 (1995). • Kvitky, Bridges, van Dorssen, Phys. Rev. B 64, 214108 (2001). • Polarized EXAFS: • Heald and Stern, Phys. Rev. B 16, 5549 (1977). • Booth and Bridges, PhysicaScripta T115, 202 (2005). (Self-absorption) • Hamilton (F-)test: • Hamilton, ActaCryst. 18, 502 (1965). • Downward, Booth, Lukens and Bridges, AIP Conf. Proc. 882, 129 (2007). http://lise.lbl.gov/chbooth/papers/Hamilton_XAFS13.pdf