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Opportunities in the Commercial Market. Mid- Atlantic 2007 – 2009 $2,500.000 +. ► Chillers - $ 450,000. ► Cooling Towers – $ 600,000. ● Not just sumps/hot decks [CR for supports]. Getting Started The ENECON Way. This is a Career Not a Job. Study (During NON-Selling Hours)
Opportunities in the Commercial Market Mid- Atlantic 2007 – 2009 $2,500.000 + ► Chillers - $ 450,000 ► Cooling Towers – $ 600,000 ● Not just sumps/hot decks [CR for supports]
This is a Career Not a Job • Study (During NON-Selling Hours) • Learn how to use the sales tools that you are given • Newsletters • Third Party Tests • Product Tech Sheets • Process Instructions • Power Point Presentation • ENECON Business Center
Be Professional • 1) Know the names of each product • 2) Know your territory • Direct Markets • Commercial • Industrial • Water/Waste Water • Power • Marine
Belly to Belly • 1st day out – Cold Call Office Buildings Hotels Hospitals Motels Small Industrial Parks Small Waste Water Plants Places you can do a “Walk About”
Be Prepared to Sell the Film • The films and PPT take the telling out of the selling • The films and PPT are geared to interest the prospect and to prompt him to ask questions • The films are always ready to sell • Sell yourself first
Preparing for Monday • Practice your “Elevator Pitch” Goal- Get the decision maker to agree to a presentation “Hi, I’m Matt with Enecon, we fix things that can save you time, aggravation and money.” Get the Prospect to ask a question
Schedule a Sales Call If calling on a Commercial Account and you can do an introductory Presentation show the Enecon Everywhere - GOAL- to schedule a FULL Sales Call If possible schedule for early AM or afternoon, not 11 – 12 in the morning
Great! You Booked An Appointment…NOW Qualify to Confirm: “ One last suggestion –We have (or ENECON has) developed a facilities maintenance survey and it is four simple questions. It will take you about 2 or 3 minutes to fill out. Your answers will help me be prepared for the key issues that are most important to you. When I receive it back it will confirm our appointment on (Date/Time) at (location).”
Email Qualifier/Appt Confirmation Hello (name), It was a pleasure speaking with you today. If you could take a moment to answer the questions below it will enable me to prepare for our meeting together. To begin simply hit reply to this email within 24 hours. The questionnaire will serve as confirmation of our scheduled appointment on (Date/Time) at (location). • What area(s) of your facility and its maintenance would you like to improve? • How do you deal with the effects of erosion, corrosion, chemical attack and wear at your facility? • Do you prefer to repair or replace damaged or underperforming equipment? • What are your most effective methods to repair and maintain your fluid flow equipment? Thank you, Matt Goldberg Vice President Eastern Region Cell: 215-280-7510
Stay Organized • Enter all contact information from cold calling as soon as you are done for the day • Start a customer data base for phone call appointment setting and for email campaigns and customer event marketing.
PHONE Prospecting Plan on calling the Commercial and Waste Water Markets in your territory to get appointments. Plan on structuring your time each day around phone calls to get appointments and “cold calls” to get appointments and contact information.
Structured Phone Prospecting • Goal: Get a LIVE Conversation with a “Suspect” to get an appointment. • Be Prepared to have a Conversation OR to leave a Voicemail. • This can be a 4 Step Process
Conversation - Intro • Hi [SUSPECT_FIRST_NAME], My name is [USER_FIRST_NAME] [USER_LAST_NAME] and I’m with ENECON Corporation. • Is my name familiar to you? (*) • (*) If when you ask “Is my name familiar to you?” They say “No should it be?” counter with “Not necessarily; however, we are members of a number associations nationally and we work in about 60 counties around the world, so sometimes people are either familiar with the company or the local representative.”
Conversation – Intro Part 2 • Do you have a minute for me to tell you why I called? • “We’ve been very successful working with companies in the Commercial Real Estate Industry (Healthcare Industry) to help save money by fixing things rather than replacing them.”
Conversation - Credibility • Recently we worked with a client in an Office Building and saved them $2,700.00 by training their staff on how to repair a piece of equipment in-place rather than replacing it. (**) • (**) If they ask what the repair was: It was an Air Handler Shaft Repaired In-Place. The Bearing had spun out on the shaft and we taught them how to rebuild the shaft in the damaged area without having to remove the shaft.
Conversation – Benefit to Suspect • More important than the cost savings, they were up and running by the next morning and their tenants were never aware there was even a problem in the building. (***) • (***) If they say they don’t have issues with shafts, ask if they ever have issues with leaking pipes or their chillers, cooling towers, concrete – potential trip and fall hazards, leaking elevator pits, water leaking through the concrete in their parking garage.
ASK FOR APPOINTMENT • “[SUSPECT_FIRST_NAME], long story short we provide solutions to problems ranging from repairing leaking pipes to extending the life of chillers and cooling towers, concrete repair, etc. • I would like to meet with you to learn about the problems that are a pain for you. • Could we possibly carve out 20 or 30 minutes next week to meet or would the following week better suit your schedule?”
PUSHBACK? – PUSHBACK! • If you get “pushback” …”I’m too busy”, “I don’t have time”, etc. counter with – • “I understand, we are all crunched for time these days; but, typically with clients in the Commercial Real Estate and Health Care Industry we can help them: • Save money • Decrease downtime • Increase energy efficiency If we can set aside 20 to 30 minutes sometime in the next two weeks for me to learn more about types of problems that typically cost you time and money, we might have some solutions to issues you are currently facing now or problems that may come up in the future. Is there a 20 to 30 minute block of time we can set aside this week or next?”
Great! You Booked An Appointment..NOW Qualify to Confirm: “ One last suggestion –We have (or ENECON has) developed a facilities maintenance survey and it is four simple questions. It will take you about 2 or 3 minutes to fill out. Your answers will help me be prepared for the key issues that are most important to you. When I receive it back it will confirm our appointment on (Date/Time) at (location).
Email Qualifier/Appt Confirmation Hello (name), It was a pleasure speaking with you today. If you could take a moment to answer the questions below it will enable me to prepare for our meeting together. To begin simply hit reply to this email within 24 hours. The questionnaire will serve as confirmation of our scheduled appointment on (Date/Time) at (location). • What area(s) of your facility and its maintenance would you like to improve? • How do you deal with the effects of erosion, corrosion, chemical attack and wear at your facility? • Do you prefer to repair or replace damaged or underperforming equipment? • What are your most effective methods to repair and maintain your fluid flow equipment? Thank you, Matt Goldberg Vice President Eastern Region Cell: 215-280-7510
Voicemail • Four Step Process to determine if the Suspect is going to be turned into a Prospect with in the next 4 weeks or be “reshuffled for 6 months” • Suspects if interested, will most often call back on the fourth and “final” message.
1st Voicemail • Hello [SUSPECT_FIRST_NAME], My name is [USER_FIRST_NAME] [USER_LAST_NAME] • I’m with ENECON Corporation. My telephone number is [USER_PHONE]. • We work with companies in the Commercial Real Estate and Health Care Industry to help them explore ways to repair existing equipment in lieu of replacing it. • We recently worked with a client in an Office Building and saved them over $3,000.00 by training their staff in how to make an in-place repair. • More important than the cost savings, they were up and running by the next morning and their tenets were never aware there was an issue in the building. • [SUSPECT_FIRST_NAME], we provide solutions to problems ranging from repairing leaking pipes to extending the life of chillers and cooling towers. • I would like to meet with you to learn about the problems that tend to be a pain for you. • Please call me. • Again, my name is [USER_FIRST_NAME] [USER_LAST_NAME] I’m with ENECON Corporation. My number is [USER_PHONE]
1st Email • Hi [SUSPECT_FIRST_NAME], • ENECON focuses on saving facilities in the commercial property management industry time, money and manpower by employing high performance rebuilding and coating systems to repair and preserve machinery, equipment and structures. • Whether the problem is with a chiller water box and tube sheets, deteriorating cooling tower basins, leaking pipes & roof penetrations or spallingconcrete, etc we make a wide range of products and provide turnkey installation services that frequently present a very cost effective solution when compared to a “conventional” repair. • I would propose we have a quick telephone conversation to discuss the potential value of a thirty minute meeting in the near future. If we decide there is a mutual benefit to getting together we can schedule a time so we can learn more about your organization, your challenges and see if we might be able to offer any solutions. • Please call me to discuss. [USER_SIGNATURE]
2nd Voicemail • Hello [SUSPECT_FIRST_NAME], My name is [USER_FIRST_NAME] [USER_LAST_NAME] I’m with ENECON Corporation. My telephone number is [USER_PHONE]. • We work with companies in the Commercial Real Estate and Health Care Industry to help them reduce liability by addressing safety issues. • We work in 60 counties around the world to provide unique solutions to problems ranging from deteriorated concrete to leaking pipes. • We recently worked with a client in the commercial real estate industry to rebuild and coat a stairway that had become both unsafe and unsightly. • I would like to meet with you to learn more about your organization, the types of issues that typically cost you time, money and / or pose a safety issue • Please call me. • My number is [USER_PHONE]. Again, my name again is [USER_FIRST_NAME] [USER_LAST_NAME] I’m with ENECON Corporation. My telephone number is [USER_PHONE].
2nd Email • SUSPECT_FIRST_NAME], • Repairs in the commercial property management industry present a unique set of challenges because ideally they need to be fast, efficient, cost-effective and have as little impact (noise, odor, etc) on your personnel as possible. • The materials we manufacture often provide a faster turnaround time than a conventional repair; they cost less and have very little impact on the occupants of the facility. • We are unique, in that we have the ability to offer hands-on field training to your staff in the application of our products or provide you with a complete turnkey solution to your problem. • Every facility has its own distinctive set of issues; therefore, I would like to schedule a meeting to learn more about the challenges you historically face and see if there might be areas where we can offer solutions as future needs arise. • Are you available for a thirty minute meeting next week or the week following? Please call me to discuss.[USER_SIGNATURE]
3rd Voicemail • Hello [SUSPECT_FIRST_NAME], My name is [USER_FIRST_NAME] [USER_LAST_NAME] I’m with ENECON Corporation. My telephone number is [USER_PHONE]. • We have a very successful track record helping companies in the Commercial Real Estate and Health Care Industry save time and avoid potentially unhappy tenets. • We recently worked with a client in an office building to stop hydrostatic water pressure from entering one of their elevator pits. As a result we kept the City Elevator Inspector from shutting down the elevator. • This project was completed working at night over the course of several evenings so as not to impact the tenets. • I would like to share with you how we have been able to save other companies in the Commercial Real Estate and Health Care Industry time, money, reduce their risk and keep their tenets happy. • Please call me. • Again, my name is [USER_FIRST_NAME] [USER_LAST_NAME] I’m with ENECON Corporation. My telephone number is [USER_PHONE].
3rd Email • [SUSPECT_FIRST_NAME], • Historically we work with Facilities Maintenance Managers and Building Engineers to: • 1.Explore ways to avoid costly equipment replacement. • 2. Shorten the turnaround time needed for repairs to machinery, equipment and structures. • 3. Reduce the need to undertake expensive rehabilitation projects. • We have worked with clients such as: CB Richard Ellis and Hines Property Management to provide solutions for repairing equipment and structures as opposed to replacing them. • Our solutions are often less expensive, require less downtime and provide a more efficient finished product than a conventional repair or even replacement. • I would propose we have a quick telephone conversation to discuss the potential value of a thirty minute meeting in the near future. If we decide there is a mutual benefit to getting together we can schedule a time so we can learn more about your organization, your challenges and see if we might be able to offer any solutions. • Please call me to discuss. [USER_SIGNATURE]
4th and “Final” Voicemail • Hello [SUSPECT_FIRST_NAME], My name is [USER_FIRST_NAME] [USER_LAST_NAME] I’m with ENECON Corporation. My telephone number is [USER_PHONE]. • We work with companies in the Commercial Real Estate and Health Care Industry to help them save time, money and reduce potential liability. • I’ve called you on several occasions to schedule a time to introduce myself and my company in person. I know you are quite busy and because I haven’t heard back from you I am assuming this is not a good time for us to have a conversation. • I don’t want to make a pest of myself, so I will not be calling again. However, if time allows I might try to touch base with you in about six months. • If you’ve been meaning to call back and simply haven’t had the chance, I would welcome the opportunity to share with you how we’ve helped other Commercial Property Management Firms. • Please call me if you would like to discuss. • Again, my name is [USER_FIRST_NAME] [USER_LAST_NAME] I’m with ENECON Corporation. My telephone number is [USER_PHONE].
4th and “Final” Email • [SUSPECT_FIRST_NAME], we have a very successful track record of helping companies in the Commercial Real Estate Industry save significant amounts of time, money and address critical safety issues. • Our company is quite unique, in that we have the ability to offer hands-on field training to your staff in the application of our products or provide you with a complete turnkey solution to your problem. • I've called and e-mailed you a few times to schedule a time to introduce myself and my company in person. I know you are quite busy and because I haven't heard back from you I am assuming this is not a good time for us to have a conversation. I don't want to make a pest of myself, so I will not be calling or e-mailing again. However, if time allows I will try to touch base with you in about six months. • If you have been meaning to call back and simply haven't had the chance, please give me a call or send me an e-mail and we can discuss some of the issues that historically cause you problems. • [USER_SIGNATURE]
Be Prepared for the Sales Call • GOOGLE THE SUSPECT • Presentation Folders • Product Brochures • Specific Newsletters • Presentation Cards • Order Form (filled out in advance) • Do you have a laptop/DVD player, extension cord, business cards, sales order form? Customize the Power Point Practice Your Meeting Set Up
Meeting Set Up/Film Intro “Thanks for taking the time to invite me in today. I also want to thank you for responding to our pre-meeting email. (Pause) I have a video I would like you to see- it shows how we offer industrial strength solutions for repair and maintenance needs all around the world.(Pause) Chance are you just may see some solutions that can be applied to issues you are dealing with now. After the video- we can talk about the responses in your email and any applications that might have caught your attention- sound fair?” (Pause) – START THE FILM
Know where you are going • Schedule your cold calling in close proximity to your full presentation • Know where you can sit in your car during the day and make the phone calls necessary to make appointments and follow up calls • Know where you can get Internet Access
It’s Show Time Arrive Early Set up the Conference Room the way you need to be successful (Establish Control) Position yourself in the room where.. You can watch the people during the film SO.. You can see who is taking notes, etc. Test Laptop – Have Film/PPT’s both Open and ready Have sales tools displayed Product Samples Brochures/Pens/pads Note pad
Which Film? • Commercial Accounts Enecon Everywhere • Industrial/Power/Marine/Water-Wastewater ENECON Worldwide
Meeting Set Up/Film Intro “Thanks for taking the time to invite me in today. I also want to thank you for responding to our pre-meeting email. (Pause) I have a video I would like you to see- it shows how we offer industrial strength solutions for repair and maintenance needs all around the world.(Pause) Chance are you just may see some solutions that can be applied to issues you are dealing with now. After the video- we can talk about the responses in your email and any applications that might have caught your attention- sound fair?” (Pause) – START THE FILM
REMEMBER • The Film maintains the credibility that YOU established by getting the sales call. • HOWEVER • The Film does NOT sell for you… • So after the Film is over • YOU MUST…
START A CONVERSATION If the Suspect does not bring up an issue you can start with…. • “ In your email you mentioned that __________ was something you wanted to address – could you describe how __________ is affecting your facility? “ • “What in the video caught your attention?” • “I was curious, what area(s) of your facility and its maintenance would you like to improve?” • “How do you currently deal with the effects of (let’s say) erosion, corrosion or chemical attack?” • “How have you addressed the repair of ___ so far? You may have seen some damaged concrete on the way into the appointment.” • “How do you typically like to work with vendors when it comes to your maintenance needs?”
Tool Box Items • SpeedAlloy - Leak Extinguisher • DurAlloy+ SpeedAlloy -Mechanics Repair Kits • Eneseal Products • DuraQuartz These are 1st Time Close Products
PAIN = SALES • Prospects must hear themselves talk about their problems • Decisions to buy are made emotionally • Prospects must be connected to their problems emotionally • Prospects fix problems for their reasons, NOT Yours!!
Example of Pain • Suspect says “ Tell me about that DuraQuartz product from the video” • You Say, “Are you currently having any concrete issues? • Suspect ”Yes, our loading dock has areas that are damaged” • You Say ”How does that loading dock damage affect you?”
Need or Want • Once the Suspect describes his “pain” ask one more question. “Is this something you need to fix now or something that you want to fix down the line sometime?” URGENCY IS KEY
Show Them Newsletters • Once a prospect emotionally connects with their problems and shows a sense of urgenecy…. • NEWSLETTERS help the prospect intellectually justify buying • WHY • We have solved similar problems for similar companies
WRITE it down • Have your filled out sales form out and ready • Write the product that they have shown interest down • They will see you do it • Establish where the product will be used • Ask to see the area after the conversation is completed • Move on to next “issue” – in conversation
After you look at the “problem” • ASK for the Order • They expect you to • That is why you are there • Do it!
Bone Yard • If no sale has been made ask to see the plant/facility • Shows your interest in THEM • Chance for establishing rapport • Chance to meet others in facility • YOU WILL SEE AREAS TO SELL SOLUTIONS
Its not over!“Who Else?” • Ask for a referral to someone they know • Ask who handles the water treatment Ask who handles the HVAC • Ask what associations he/she belongs to • Who is their Safety Engineer • Schedule to work with his guys to provide “hands on” application training before you leave
Send Follow Up Thank You EMAIL • Include Newsletters • Include a review of what they bought or what they were interested in buying • Establish when you will be back in front of them
Replicate Yourself • Indirect Markets- Those companies and/or individuals that are already doing business with the Direct End Users • Mechanical Contractors • Water Treatment Companies • Pump Repair Shops • A + E Firms • Think outside the box
FEET on the Street • How many sales people does the In-Direct Suspect have? • What are the responsibilities of the sales people? • Cultivate the sales people • YOU are helping each other