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PDCA and beyond

PDCA and beyond. Hand-out. Jos Van Thienen Almada , Portugal May 2012. Fathers of the quality revolution. 30s: Walter A. Shewhart. 50s: W. Edward Deming.

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PDCA and beyond

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  1. PDCA and beyond Hand-out Jos Van Thienen Almada, Portugal May 2012

  2. Fathers of the qualityrevolution 30s: Walter A. Shewhart 50s: W. Edward Deming Discussed the concept of the continuous improvement cycle (PDCA) in his 1939 book, "Statistical Method From the Viewpoint of Quality Control“ Modified and popularized the Shewart cycle in the 50s to what is now referred to as the Deming Cycle.

  3. Twotools IMAR Soft Human Strategy focus PDCA Hard Instrumental Strategy

  4. Teach as youpreach PDCA as a scaffoldfortoday’ssession

  5. Learningobjective: learnaboutqualitycyclemethodology Plan • Understand the basic principles of quality cycles, i.e. the how and the when, the why and the what • Learnhow to implement a rapidcycleor PDCA improvementprocess • Exchange experiences (learn from and with each other)

  6. PDCA and beyondPart One PDCA forcontinuousdevelopment

  7. Plan Do Act Check

  8. PDCA as a way of monitoringquality (1) A simpletool, particularlysuited forday-to-dayusage on different levels and for different purposes. (2) As a learningcycleit fits perfectlywell in the frame of Demings TQMP. (3) It puts intopractice the generalprinciples of qualitydevelopment.

  9. Qualitydevelopment: generalprinciples • Contextual • Systematic • Cyclical • Goaldirected • Timebound

  10. 2 P d c A : s t e p s

  11. Hoppinginto PDCA: howwelldidyouperform?

  12. PLAN • Define the problem (turn into a challenge) and set goals • Collect data and analyse them • Come up withalternativesolutions and select them • Plan the project milestones and incorporateactions in a plan of action

  13. DO • Do changes to solve the problems • Do themon a smallorexperimentalscale • Youcan test whethertheyworkornot, and easilyadjustcourse • Youdon’tdisruptday-to-day routine activities • Youdon’tworrypeople (fearforchange!) • Communicatewhatyou are doing (and why)

  14. CHECK • Gather relevantinformation (formal and informal, qualitative and quantitativeassessments) • Demingrenamedthis step: study. Studywhatworkedorwhatdidnotwork. • Report yourresults and communicatethem (makeit a ‘common’ project)

  15. ACT • Re-act • Standardizesuccessfulsolutions • Pre-act • Findopportunitiesforfurthterimprovements • Provide safeguards to prevent relapseinto the previous stage

  16. Check

  17. PDCA and beyondPart two Empowerment bymeans of IMAR

  18. Inspire Mobilize Reflect Appreciate

  19. Learningobjective Plan • Learn about how we can empower people (i.e. bring in the human factor). Empowerment through • Inspiration • Motivation/mobilization • Appreciation • Reflection (reflectivepractice) • Exchange experiences (learn from and with each other)

  20. Leadershippepper1 Giveincentives Findnewideas Createchallenges Discover newpossibilities Inspire Inspire

  21. Inspire

  22. Inspire (2)

  23. Leadershippepper2 Spread enthousiasm Getpeoplegoing Makethem express theirinspiration Makethemusetheircompetences in order to do this Motivate Mobilize

  24. Mobilize/Motivate

  25. Mobilize/Motivate (2)

  26. Leadershippepper3 Express what’s of a certainvalue in yourorganisation Appreciateefforts and results Payattention to eachother’scontributions Appreciate Appreciate

  27. Appreciativeinquiry: what? Attitude orperspective Methodorstrategy

  28. Appreciate

  29. Appreciativeinquiry as a strategy

  30. Leadershippepper4 Look back upon the process and itsresults Try to defineproblems and successes Talk withothersabout the heart of the matter Look aheadfornewchallenges reflect Reflect

  31. Reflect

  32. The GROW model forpersonalgrowth

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