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Social Software for Teaching

Social Software for Teaching. What the PC plus the Internet plus the search engine did for web pages, was to “enable anyone with connectivity to find anything that interests them .”.

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Social Software for Teaching

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Social Software for Teaching

  2. What the PC plus the Internet plus the search engine did for web pages, was to “enable anyone with connectivity to find anything that interests them.”

  3. What the PC and the Smartphone plus the Internet plus Facebook is doing is to “enable anyone with connectivity to find anyone who interests them.” Craig Mundie, Chief Strategy & Research Officer, Microsoft

  4. Key Point: Interaction

  5. http://www.theconversationprism.com/

  6. Why Social Software?

  7. 3 Kinds of Interaction

  8. 3 Kinds of Interaction Student-Student

  9. 3 Kinds of Interaction Student-Student Student-Instructor

  10. 3 Kinds of Interaction Student-Student Student-Instructor Student-Content

  11. Where do you go from here?

  12. And not end up like this?

  13. Interaction Student-Student Student-Instructor Student-Content The Point:

  14. Doug Johnson Assistant Director for Learning Services Office of Academic Technology wanderer@ufl.edu

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