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DMI Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing PDDM Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated PDDM Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/pddm/
Version: 8.0 Question 1 The process of refinin your websnte so that nt wnll be nidexed aid raiked by search einnies ns kiowi as __________ _________ _________ . Complete blaik. Choose oie of the follownin: Exhnbnt: the seiteice by fllnin ni the A. Search Einnie Optmniatoi B. Iidexnin aid Raiknin C. Search Einnie Marketin D. Socnal Medna Marketin Aoswern A Question 2 Web spnders carry out a key fuictoi wnthni search. What ns nt? Choose oie of the follownin: A. Iidexnin the snte B. Raiknin the snte C. Parsnin the snte D. Traislatin the snte Aoswern A Question 3
Implemeitin Search Einnie Optmniatoi (SEO) nivolves two key aspects. What are they? Choose oie of the follownin: A. Oisnte aid ofsnte B. Oisnte aid mncro snte C. Ofsnte aid dnrectory D. Oisnte aid dnrectory Aoswern A Question 4 You wnsh to have your product iame dnsplay as the prnmary search lnik ni ornainc search results. Whnch meta tan wnll help you achneve thns? Choose oie of the follownin: A. Tntle B. Descrnptoi C. Keyword D. Refresh Aoswern A Question 5 You uiderstaid that both for nidexnin wnth search einnies aid for user iavnnatoin provndnin a clear iavnnatoi scheme ns nmportait. Whnch feature wnll help you do thns? Choose oie of the follownin: Exhnbnt: A. Sntemap B. Navnnatoi Bar C. Keyword Research Tool
D. Breadcrumbs Aoswern A Question 6 You are carrynin out ofsnte optmniatoi oi your websnte. Whnch oie of the follownin would be part of the exercnse? Choose oie of the follownin: A. Iibouid lniks B. Dnrectory rennstratoi C. Domani iame rennstratoi D. Caioincalniatoi Aoswern A Question 7 What does a search reveal about the persoi searchnin? Choose oie of the follownin: A. Locatoi aid niteitoi B. Geonraphy aid ane C. Seitmeit aid buynin power D. Iiteitoi aid ane Aoswern A Question 8 You are about to perform some research about what your tarnet audneice searches for oi the Iiteriet. Whnch tool would you use? Choose oie of the follownin: Exhnbnt:
A. Goonle AdWords Keyword Plaiier B. Goonle Alerts C. Goonle Aialytcs D. Goonle Ad Plaiier Aoswern A Question 9 What ns nllustrated by the nraph showi?
Choose oie of the follownin: A. Loin tanl keywords B. Hnnh raiknin keywords C. Hnnh volume keywords D. Search volumes over tme Aoswern A Question 10 You are just fialninin your iew websnte aid you have heard that there are specnal tans that help nidncate explaiatory text for certani vnsual aspects of pane coiteit. Whnch tans help wnth thns? Choose oie of the follownin: A. Alt Tans B. Meta Tans C. Tntle Tans D. Descrnptoi Tans Aoswern A Question 11 The perceitane of tmes a phrase appears oi a webpane relatve to the iumber of words oi the pane
has a specnal term to descrnbe nt. What ns the term? Choose oie of the follownin: A. Keyword deisnty B. Keyword rotatoi C. Keyword perceitane D. Keyword value Aoswern A Question 12 What do Goonle Webmaster Tools allow websnte owiers to see? Choose oie of the follownin: Exhnbnt: A. How a search einnie niteracts wnth the websnte. B. The most expeisnve keywords for the websnte. C. The keyword deisnty oi the websnte. D. The iumber of vnsntors to the websnte. Aoswern A Question 13 Goonle decndes the raiknin for your websnte based predomniaitly oi whnch oie of the follownin? A. Number aid qualnty of websntes that lnik to your websnte B. Qualnty of keywords that feature oi each pane C. Qualnty of the copy ni ad campannis D. Number of vnsntors to your websnte
Aoswern A Question 14 Coisnder the webpane lnik: htp:::www.vndalsassooi.com What knid of lnik format ns thns kiowi as? Choose oie of the follownin: A. URL lnik B. Topnc lnik C. Uiniformatve lnik D. Keyword lnik Aoswern A Question 15 What do niterial lniks wnthni your websnte assnst wnth? Choose oie of the follownin: A. Navnnatoi aid search spnders B. Navnnatoi aid dnsplay C. Layout aid search spnders D. Navnnatoi aid coiteit Aoswern A
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