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Obituaries: Getting all the clues

Discover detailed obituaries with over 1 billion names, 5,850 newspapers, and 210 million records dating back to 1690. Uncover valuable details like full names, relatives, birth and marriage dates, occupations, and more. Search for ancestors like Grace Stewart from Stamford, CT, to trace their history. Get access to rare resources and practical tips for exploring genealogy. Obituary records offer a unique window into the past with rich historical context.

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Obituaries: Getting all the clues

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  1. Obituaries: Getting all the clues Thomas Jay Kemp Director, Genealogy Products NewsBank, inc. 28 March 2012

  2. Over 1 billion names • Over 5,850 newspapers • All 50 states • 1690 to today • Over 263,000 rare books & documents • 210 million obituaries & death records

  3. Newspapers 5,850 & Growing! 1690-Today

  4. GenealogyBank

  5. Obituaries -

  6. Obituaries - • Full name • Names of relatives

  7. Obituaries - • Full name • Names of relatives • Name of cemetery

  8. Obituaries - • Full name • Names of relatives • Name of cemetery • Name of clergy and their denomination

  9. Obituaries - • Full name • Names of relatives • Date, place and cause of death • Name of cemetery • Name of clergy and their denomination

  10. Obituaries - • Full name • Names of relatives • Date, place and cause of death • Date and place of birth • Name of cemetery • Name of clergy and their denomination

  11. Obituaries - • Full name • Names of relatives • Date, place and cause of death • Date and place of birth • Date and place of marriage • Name of cemetery • Name of clergy and their denomination

  12. Obituaries - • Full name • Names of relatives • Date, place and cause of death • Date and place of birth • Date and place of marriage • Name of cemetery • Name of clergy and their denomination • Occupation • Education • Social groups

  13. Let’s see a typical obituary - Charlotte Observer (North Carolina) 30 November 1920, page 13.

  14. Let’s see a typical obituary -

  15. Let’s see a typical obituary -

  16. Let’s see a typical obituary -

  17. Find the ancestral home town - Times-Picayune (New Orleans, Louisiana) 26 April 1893, page 4.

  18. Can be printed across the country - San Francisco Bulletin (California) 23 October 1874, page 2.

  19. Printed in another language - El Continental (El Paso, Texas) 20 January 1959, page 3.

  20. Or in long lost styles & syntax - Boston News Letter (Massachusetts) 30 April 1705, page 2

  21. Or in long lost styles & syntax - Providence Patriot (Rhode Island) 18 September 1822, page 3

  22. Or in long lost styles & syntax - Providence Patriot (Rhode Island) 18 September 1822, page 3

  23. Or in long lost styles & syntax - Providence Patriot (Rhode Island) 18 September 1822, page 3

  24. Or in long lost styles & syntax - Providence Patriot (Rhode Island) 18 September 1822, page 3

  25. …. Papers Please Copy -

  26. …. Papers Please Copy -

  27. Typical Search -

  28. Typical Search -

  29. Typical Search -

  30. Typical Search -

  31. Typical Search -

  32. Typical Search -

  33. Typical Search -

  34. GenealogyBank.com

  35. What do you have on Grace (Toms) Stewart – who was born and married in Stamford, CT? What do we know about her? Her maiden name: Grace TomsBorn: abt1896 in Stamford, CTSpouse: Charles StewartOther: “Toms” family lived/died in Stamford area.

  36. Search for Grace Stewart = Over 3,500 hits

  37. Search for Grace Stewart = Over 3,500 hits Just Recent Obituaries = 167 hits

  38. Search for Grace Stewart = Over 3,500 hits Just Recent Obituaries = 167 hits Limit to CT only = None

  39. Search for Charles Stewart = Over 700 hits Just CT Obituaries = 1 hit

  40. Not him

  41. New Search for Grace Stewart Adding “Stamford” to the Extra search terms box Just One Obituary

  42. It was her:

  43. Grace M. Stewart, 93, …. died of pneumonia Feb. 1 at the Collingswood Nursing …Center, Rockville, MD “…a native of Stamford, Conn. …” “Her husband, Charles Stewart, died in 1920.” Washington Post – 4 Feb 1992

  44. Some Practical Tips

  45. Some Practical Tips

  46. Can You Read This? i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr theiproamtnt ltteres in a wrod are, the olny tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

  47. Some Practical Tips

  48. Over 1 billion names • Over 5,850 newspapers • All 50 states • 1690 to today • Over 263,000 rare books & documents • 210 million obituaries & death records

  49. We have never had this level of access before

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