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Antigone Notes. Back story: Oedipus Rex A Play By Sophocles Created by J. Naujokas LHHS English Department Fullerton Joint Union High School District 2011. Back story to Antigone:. Oedipus Rex Athenian tragedy by Sophocles first performed c. 429 BC
Antigone Notes Back story: Oedipus Rex A Play By Sophocles Created by J. Naujokas LHHS English Department Fullerton Joint Union High School District 2011
Back story to Antigone: • Oedipus Rex • Athenian tragedy by Sophocles • first performed c. 429 BC • second of Sophocles's three Theban plays • first in the internal chronology followed by • Oedipus at Colonus • Antigone
Oedipus Rex • A play about a man who is cursed because of something his father did • Since Oedipus’ father was cursed, Oedipus and his entire family would also be cursed
Characters you need to know • Laius—Birth-father to Oedipus • Jocasta—Birth-mother to Oedipus • Polybus—Adopted father to Oedipus • Merope—Adopted mother to Oedipus
More Characters you need to know • Oedipus—Father to Antigone, Ismeme, Polyneices, Eteocles • Creon—Maternal uncle to Antigone, Ismeme, Polyneices, and Eteocles • Teiresias—A famous blind prophet
Oedipus’ Family Was Cursed Long Ago • Laius was a guest of the King of Elis • became the chariot racing tutor of Chrysippus • Chrysippus • youngest of the king's sons
Oedipus’ Family Was Cursed Long Ago (continued) • Laius abducted and sodomized Chrysippus • Chrysippus killed himself in shame • The gods cursed Laius and his descendants for his actions
Oedipus’ Family Was Cursed Long Ago (continued) • Laius (now king of Thebes) learns from an oracle that his son will kill him • he ties the baby’s feet and orders his wife, Jocasta, to kill the infant
Oedipus’ Family Was Cursed Long Ago (continued) • Jocasta cannot kill her baby • Jocasta orders a servant to kill the child • The servant leaves the baby on top of a mountain to die
Oedipus Early Life • A shepherd rescues the infant and names him Oedipus (or "swollen feet") • He takes Oedipus to Corinth, to be raised in the court of the childless King Polybus and his wife, Merope as if he were their own
Bad news for Oedipus • Oedipus hears that he is not the biological son of Polybus and Merope • they deny it, of course • he goes to an Oracle • The Oracle tells him that he will kill his dad and marry his mom • Oedipus leaves Corinth so he won’t harm his parents
Oedipus on the Run • On the road, Oedipus and another man crash chariots • They argue • Oedipus kills the man • That man was Laius—Oedipus’ birth-father
Riddle of the Sphinx • A Sphinx lays a curse upon Thebes, and it can only be lifted by answering her riddle • Oedipus arrives in Thebes and solves the riddle • His prize is the kingdom of Thebes and a smokin’ hot new wife named, Jocasta • You remember who she is, right?
EteoclesePolyneicesOedipus and Jocasta have four lovely children…AntigoneIsmene
The Plague • A plague hits Thebes and Oedipus does not know why • Creon tells Oedipus that the gods are angry because the former king was murdered and his killer was never caught • Not knowing the truth, Oedipus vows to find the killer
The Plague (continued) • Oedipus demands to know who killed the former king • Teiresias—the blind prophet—tells Oedipus the murderer is a citizen of Thebes; brother and father to his own children; and son and husband to his own mother • Gross!
The Plague (continued) • Teiresias doesn’t give Oedipus a straight answer, so he kicks Teiresias out • Jocasta tells Oedipus not to trust prophets because their prophesies often don’t come true
The Plague (continued) • She then tells him about a prophet who predicted that her own son would kill her former husband and end up marrying her…Ha, ha, ha! Huh? • UH-OH!
The Big Reveal • Both Oedipus and Jocasta figure it out • They look at each other…EEYOO! • Needless to say, they are both upset
Jocasta is really upset… • Jocasta is so upset that she hangs herself in her bedroom • Oedipus finds her hanging there, and in a rage takes her hair pins and gouges out his own eyes saying that he was too blind to see the truth
Oedipus Leaves • Oedipus leaves his kingdom, eventually cursing his children to suffer horrible fates of their own
Who will Lead Thebes? • Both Eteocles and Polyneices want to take over as king, but they don’t know who should do it • They decide to share kingship, swapping the job every other year • Eteocles would be king first • (Rock beat scissors)
A Slight Problem • After a year, it turns out that Eteocles liked being king so much that he refused to give the job to his brother, Polyneices • Polyneices was not pleased • He said what?
Thebes at War • Polyneices shows up at the gates of Thebes with an army from Argos (Thebes’ sworn enemy) and demands the kingdom • Eteoclese says “Whachoo got?”
Thebes at War • The two brothers face off in a great battle • They end up killing each other • Eteocles and Polyneices die by each others’ hands fulfilling Oedipus’ curse
The Play, Antigone • Thebes defeated the Argive army • Creon, the new king, declares that Eteocles is to be buried with honor • He also declares Polyneices a traitor, and his body is to be left to rot on the battle field, unburied
The Play, Antigone • Antigone thinks that Polyneices deserves a proper burial or his spirit will be doomed to haunt the earth • Antigone vows to bury her brother, Polyneices, or die • -Showing total disdain and disrespect for the King • What will happen now!?!!