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QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. #5. It seems like a pretty good salary bump in some management positions. I would like to know the main reason for the increases. (Fiscal/Maintenance Page 12, 13).
It seems like a pretty good salary bump in some management positions. I would like to know the main reason for the increases.(Fiscal/Maintenance Page 12, 13) • 1. Look at the 2010-11 actuals, (the salary before our current employees were hired). Please note the actual for Fiscal Service in 2010 was $69,487 and the actuals for Maintenance was $45,339. • Page 12, 13
It seems like a pretty good salary bump in some management positions. I would like to know the main reason for the increases. • Last year there was a significant raise given to these employees that is not reflected in the adopted budget for FY 12-13. Fiscal increase was to $63,000 and Maintenance was near $50,000.
It seems like a pretty good salary bump in some management positions. I would like to know the main reason for the increases. • . These contracts need to be negotiated. State averages for these positions= Fiscal $77,234 • Maintenance State average = $61,200. • Clatsop County average. ($70,000 = Fiscal and $55,000 = Maintenance). • Jewell employee contracts are very near the County average except these two.
In the organizational chart there are some positions not listed and some are listed under the wrong supervisor. • The Organizational Chart listed in the budget was created to show there would be a Superintendent and a Principal. • Page 1
Why has the Vehicle replacement allotment of $10,000 not changed? I noticed this had been rolled over for the past two years and nothing had been added to the account. I was not told the plan had been to add $10,000 a year and to have this account grow. Page 42
Textbook replacement has gone from $52,000 to $0 We have moved textbooks to areas, departments, and technology. We can get better material and less expensive material on line so much of our textbook money is in the Rural Small School Fund Grant. Page 13
What are the Major costs in the rollover Budget? • Current Service Level (CSL) • The estimated cost to roll the current general fund $3,906,000 service levels forward generates a (CSL) for 2013-2014 of $4,300,000. This mirrors expenditures budgeted at a CSL equal to 2012-2013. • The majority of the cost increase of $394,000 if we were to maintain current service level comes from: (These numbers are approximate) • A. Salaries $ 62,388 • B. Administrative Structure Change $ 63,150 • C. PERS, insurance, benefits, payroll $203,609 • D. Insurance, (liability) $ 26,000* • E. Fuel, electricity, phone, miscellaneous expenses $ 39,200
FTE, What are the changes? • The reduction of 2.5 FTE in certified will be a reduction in the High School/Middle School elective and support staff. By using the Principal and the Head Teacher more effectively we can add back a full FTE. We have several very small elective classes that are not cost effective. We can partner with other high schools and with Clatsop College to offer our students more variety and more challenging courses at less expense to the district.
FTE, What are the changes? • The reduction of 2.5 FTE in classified will come from a reduction in a temporary position, and 1.5 reduction will come in small hourly reductions in several areas, (custodial, instructional aides, transportation, and clerical). We will also use SpEd grant money to fill some of the needs that are currently being paid for from the General fund. Staff will be notified about the reduction after the budget is approved or altered and finalized.
Where are the major reductions in the 2013-14 budget? • Reductions were based on Guiding Principle #8 (Financial decisions will take into account sustainability). • Largest reduction =2.5 FTE in certified staff. The savings in this reduction will be at $185,000.
Where are the major reductions in the 2013-14 budget? • Classified reductions will be made by reducing benefits and hours worked. We will have one reduction of a temporary position and we will use Federal Funds given form SpEd to help pay for part of one of our IA’s. This will save the district somewhere in the neighborhood of $102,000.
What Has been the reduction in Instructional Assistance? • 2010-11 5.5 FTE • 2011-12 7.0 FTE • 2012-13 5.5 FTE • 2013-14 5.0 FTE (Proposed)
Where are the major reductions in the 2013-14 budget? • We are reducing building improvement by $66,000. We will be using money saved by improvements last year to reinvest them in the building to save in the future. (Guiding Principle – efficiency). We are also anticipating receiving money from a grant we applied for the barn that we will supplement this fund with. It is important to realize that we are the custodian of this community’s greatest investment and we must maintain this facility for us, our children, and our children’s children. • Facility Improvement Plan • Garden, Stadium, HVAC, Upper parking lot, Trail, Baseball
Grade 3 Test Results Reading Math • 08-09 71% • 09-10 100% • 10-11 75% • 11-12 78% • 12-13 N/A • 08-09 79% • 09-10 88% • 10-11 60% • 11-12 46% • 12-13 N/A
5th Grade Test Results Reading Math • 08-09 73% • 09-10 58% • 10-11 73% • 11-12 100% • 12-13 N/A • 08-09 64% • 09-10 58% • 10-11 53% • 11-12 70% • 12-13 N/A
8th Grade Test Results Reading Math • 08-09 62% • 09-10 58% • 10-11 64% • 11-12 67% • 12-13 N/A • 08-09 54% • 09-10 75% • 10-11 27% • 11-12 50% • 12-13 N/A
High School Test Results • Students must pass the 11th grade Reading, and Writing in order to graduate. • They must pass Math next year to graduate.
High School Test Results Read Write Math • 08-09 56% N/A • 09-10 88% 29% • 10-11 89% 22% • 11-12 83% 50% • 12-13 100% 80% • 08-09 40% • 09-10 71% • 10-11 67% • 11-12 67% • 12-13 N/A
What are our target spends to improve bench marks SAT and ACT scores? • To enhance electives, give students more challengingclasses and Duel college / HS credit 1. Page 7 – 1281 alternative ed $30,000 2. Page 14 Student Transport $20,000 3. Page 9 Math Wksp/Coach-130 $13,000 Page 9-2210 Impr inst. /312-inst Prog $3700 (Study Island)- Reading and Writing Title 2 –SRA Reading - $3500
Consulting expenditures? • Most of our consulting comes from the ESD as a service provided to us by the State. • Ex. Superintendent replacement 11-12 • Speech, Psy, specialist Legal and Audit services are under 2310, Board on page 10 of your expenditures.
Field Trips/Supplies by area • Page 14 Transportation $10,000 • All staff were asked to submit all field trip request s. They are listed by Primary, Jr. High and High School under 311. This is expenses in addition to transportation.
Temporary-Licensed on page 5? • These are coaching stipends. The extra $8000 is for a softball coach, a baseball coach, and a Cross Country coach.
Page 8 -2210? • Student Support for transcript and college prep for Seniors. One period for Head teacher. Emergency services if counseling is needed. • The $13,462 will be used for training for staff. Math coach, Study Island training, OW training, AP training.
Rental Transfers – Page 18 • Can not speak for the past, but $8000 this year to work on two homes that are not going to be occupied this summer.
Page 15 Tech services? • The $4195 appears to be a roll over from the previous year that is currently unassigned money.
What Now?? . Review the Budget Plan 2. Call the School with Questions Jewell Schools (503-755-2451) Larry Lockett, Betsy Barnes, Allyce Chronister or e-mail -- llockett@jewell.k12.or.us • We will have the Questions answered for the next meeting • Repeat and adopt