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VD. S T I. How do you get an STI?. Any kind of sex (anal, vaginal, oral, or close genital contact) with any partner (male or female). You can also get an STI from someone’s blood !. Drugs. Don’t ever share needles for any use!. At-home Tattoos. Non-Professional Piercings.

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  1. VD S T I

  2. How do you get an STI? Any kind of sex (anal, vaginal, oral, or close genital contact) with any partner (male or female)

  3. You can also get an STI from someone’s blood! Drugs Don’t ever share needles for any use! At-home Tattoos Non-Professional Piercings

  4. What do drugs & alcohol have to do… …with getting an STI?

  5. Mom Birth to baby

  6. Congenital Syphilis Moon/Hutchinson’s Teeth Bone Damage (Saber Shinn)

  7. There are 2 types of STI’s Curable INCURABLE Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis Vaginal infections Pubic Lice Hepatitis Herpes HPV HIV

  8. STI Germs enter our body through Body FluidsSkin to Skin (sexual skin contacts infected skin) (semen, blood, vaginal fluid) Chlamydia Gonorrhea Trichomoniasis Hepatitis Syphilis HIV Syphilis Herpes HPV Pubic Lice

  9. CHLAMYDIA GONORRHEA Bacterial STIs Curable! Most common in teens Passed through UNPROTECTED SEX!

  10. Heads up Ladies! Most women don’t show symptoms of • Chlamydia & Gonorrhea. That’s why we call these • SILENT STIs • Symptoms could show up 1-3 • weeks after unprotected sex • with an infected partner. • But here’s what to watch for: • Discharge from the vagina • Bleeding between periods • Pain when you pee • Having to pee more often • Pain in your belly area, sometimes with fever and nausea

  11. Symptoms for guys are different… they most often will show symptoms, but not always. • Here’s what to watch for: • Thick yellow or greenish drip from the penis • Burning when you pee • Needing to pee more often • Swollen or tender testicles For both guys and girls these infections are spread during any kind of unprotected sex with an infected partner.

  12. Bacterial STIs can cause reproductive damage (sterility) in both men and women!

  13. Gonorrhea infections can be passed through ORAL sex… and can live in the mouth.

  14. SYPHILIS is a very old bacterial STI. Hundreds of cases are diagnosed in Columbus every year. This infection is passed skin to skin or through the blood. It gets very serious the longer that you have it.

  15. The infection causes a pain-free blister called a Chancre lasts 2-6 weeks

  16. Cervix

  17. Chancres can be found other places as well. Mouth/Lips Tongue Rectum

  18. 2-3months later Hair loss and/or a skin rash appear Rash is CONTAGIOUS to the touch!

  19. … causing internal damage to organs This is the most devastating stage of syphilis Now the infection is inside the body.. 30 10 20 Years with NO symptoms The infection is treatable at any stage but damage to organs is not CAN BE FATAL!

  20. GUMMA

  21. Vaginal Infections Like yeast infections and BV make it easier for women to catch STI’s. If you have any itching, burning, or strange discharge make sure you see a doctor! Don’t treat these infections at home.

  22. Trichimoniasis

  23. Trich is a parasite transmitted through unprotected sex Symptoms are….. Foamy, white, smelly vaginal discharge None

  24. PUBIC LICE (Crabs) • Called “Crabs” because of how they look • Passed from person to person through genitals touching or shared bedding, towels, or clothing • Feed on blood • Cause itching & sores to form • Killed with head lice medication

  25. Viral STIs • Hepatitis • HIV • Herpes • HPV

  26. Hepatitis = Inflamation of the liver ‘S WHO at risk? types : A B C Acute : symptoms come on quick & don’t last long. Hepa A comes fromFECAL matter in food! Acute or Chronic : causes mild to moderate liver damage over many years Hep B & C is from body fluids – sexual & BLOOD. Acute or Chronic: causes severe liver damage over several years

  27. Virus is only found in HUMANS and can only be passed from human to human. Immune system isn’t working & the body isn’t able to fight off infection. We haven’t been able to find cures for viral infections like HIV – these are in your body for life. HIV: The Virus that Causes AIDS H:Human I:Immuno-Deficiency V:Virus

  28. Symptoms of HIV • The symptoms of HIV are different depending • on the phase of infection. • Within the first few weeks……you may have no signs or symptoms at all, although you can still transmit the virus to others. Many people develop a brief flu-like illness two to four weeks after becoming infected. Signs and symptoms may include: • Fever • Headache • Sore throat • Swollen lymph glands • Rash

  29. Globally SEX BLOOD NEEDLES Mom to baby • Fluids that spread HIV Fluids that DON’T! • Blood Sweat • Semen Tears • Vaginal Fluid Urine • Breast Milk Saliva

  30. AIDS The disease caused by the HIV virus A:Acquired I : Immune D: Deficiency S: Syndrome Infection must be acquired from an infected person It breaks down the body’s system designed for fighting infection – the immune system The immune system becomes “deficient” in fighting infections Lots of symptoms happening at the same time means the immune system is very weak – HIV turns into AIDS

  31. HERPES “the gift that keeps on giving” PAINFUL Causes sores on your genitals or your mouth!

  32. There are two types of Herpes: • Simplex 1 • Herpes of the MOUTH • “cold sores” • COMMON! Passed casually • Simplex 2 • Herpes of the GENITALS • Outbreaks on penis, vagina & rectum • Can be passed anytime (not just during outbreak times) Simplex 1 can be passed to genitals…Simplex 2 can be passed to the mouth

  33. Oral Herpes – Simplex 1

  34. Genital Herpes – Simplex 2

  35. Genital Herpes on the mouth…Oral Herpes on the genitals

  36. VALTREX does not cure herpes You always risk spreading herpes to your partner HERPES IS FOREVER

  37. What is genital HPV infection? • HPV means Human Papilloma Virus. • There are more than 40 HPV types that can infect the genital areas. These HPV types can also infect the mouth and throat. • Most people who become infected with HPV do not even know they have it. • Sometimes HPV infections can be cleared by a healthy body. Those that are not cleared and can cause: • Genital warts • Cervical cancer • Cancer of the genitals • Cancer of the head and neck • There is no way to know which people who get HPV will go on to develop cancer or other health problems.

  38. Each year, about 12,000 women get cervical cancer in the U.S. Almost all of these cancers are HPV-associated. Regular Pap tests are important! They can find dangerous cell changes before cancer develops. Two vaccines (Cervarix and Gardasil) are available to protect females against the types of HPV that cause most cervical cancers. The vaccine also works for males to prevent GENITAL WARTS…

  39. HPV also causes GENITAL WARTS

  40. Vagina Penis

  41. Rectum Mouth

  42. How to protect yourself: • Don’t have sex (ABSTINENCE) • Using condoms or a barrier during any kind of sex • Getting checked for STIs regularly • GET VACCINATED! • Don’t have sex with a person who you think might be infected and LIMIT your sex partners! • Don’t use drugs or alcohol when you might have sex

  43. Helpful websites…. http://www.cdc.gov/std/healthcomm/fact_sheets.htm http://www.itsyoursexlife.com/gyt/gytnow http://www.catf.net http://www.plannedparenthood.org/central-ohio

  44. LISTEN UP! If you’re sexually active you need to be tested! But where can I go?

  45. The Columbus Public Health Department Sexual Health WALK-IN Clinic240 Parsons Ave.(Second Floor)Columbus OH 43215 (614) 645-7772 http://publichealth.columbus.gov/ sexual-health.asp Plan to get there early since the clinic fills up quickly!

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