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Introduction into the Wonderful World of Research

Learn the essential steps in conducting quality research, from choosing a topic to organizing information, citing sources, and crafting compelling essays. Explore different research styles like MLA, APA, and Turabian.

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Introduction into the Wonderful World of Research

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  1. Introduction into the Wonderful World of Research Everything You Ever Wanted to Know… and Some You Didn’t…

  2. What EXACTLY is research • Having a topic you know little or nothing about • Determining what you need/want to know about that topic • Finding information about the topic from various sources • Organizing information through bib cards, note cards, outline, and essay • COMBINING all the found information into essay form using quotes and paraphrases • GIVING CREDIT to those whose information you borrowed by the means of parenthetical citation • Creating a work cited page to show where you obtained your sources • Several styles of research: MLA, APA, Turabian

  3. Paragraph OrganizationUse the following topic for research and completing an outline - must have! • Your paper will focus on how your leader defines the values of the society in which they lived. • First your will pick your leader. • Second you will decide how they defined their society • Third your will decide how they defined society • Lastly, you will come up with three reasons how the person you have chosen defined the values of the society. • Ex. What did they do to convince the people? Use specific events, documents, speeches that this person made to convince the people to follow his/her values.

  4. Due Dates • Library/research dates – March 21stand 22nd and April 5th. 6th. 7th, 11th. 12th. 13th– if you are absent on these days then you are on your own for research • 5 Highlighted Sources and Bib Cards – March 23rd • Outline and Thesis- March 25th • Rough Draft –April 8th • Final Draft – April 13th • Reminder – final draft is to be turned in with all other assignments and sources in the manila/ plastic envelope. 10 points off each day it is late.

  5. Items neededI will not be providing these for you! • A large size brown envelope that claps- or a plastic one if you would like! • Time out of class to work on it!!! • Access to word processing • Access to a printer • Highlighter • Notecards for Bib Cards

  6. Knowing the lingo… • Source – your information – can be a book, magazine, data base, web site, interview, newspaper, etc… • Bibliography cards – Each source will be recorded on a bibliography/ source card. Bib. Cards must be completed on 3x5 lined cards. They can either be white or colored. You will have ONE card for each source. –is a record of all of your sources • Outline – a structure way of organizing your information – making it easier to write the paper • Citations – what you place in your paper to give credit to the place you obtained the information

  7. THE RULESYou must follow the following guidelines • You MUST comply with ALL due dates! I will not take any pre-draft assignment late. If you are absent, you must turn it in to me the day you return. If something else is due on the day of your return, IT IS DUE! The final paper can be turned in late at a 10 point per day deduction. • Length – Your paper should be 3-5 typed pages. It should be only double spaced and size 12 font size. Arial or Times New Roman is the ONLY accepted font. You final draft is to be typed in only black ink. Margins are to be one inch all the way around your paper…check this on your computer. • Sources – Your paper MUST include at least FIVE sources – these should be internet, data base, or print resources. You MUST provide copies of ALL SOURCES. If you get the information from a website or a date base, print the WHOLE article. If you get it from an actual printed source, you must make a copy of the source. Failure to provide copies will result in a failing grade. • The final paper, the rough draft, the bib cards, the outline and ALL Sources MUST be turned in in the manila folder.

  8. THE RULES continued… • Documentation – Parenthetical Documentation MUST be used. Failure to do so will result in a failing grade. Any source used in your paper MUST be documented in your paper. Be sure they match, for any source documented in your paper must be listed on your work cited page and vise versa. Directions on how to do parenthetical documentation is in this packet. • Format – Follow MLA style. Again, I advise getting an MLA handbook. You may also use the following website to help you with MLA/research http://bcs.bedforsmartins.com/resdoc5e/ • Grammar – Points will be deducted for grammatical errors • Content – Points will be deducted for content • Quotes – Your paper MUST include exactly FIVE RUN-IN QUOTES (four typed lines or less). These quotes MUST be documented and highlighted. This means that most of your paper will be paraphrased – which also must be documented.

  9. THESISThis sentence is what will guide your research • Before you go delving over all your books, websites, and other information, you need to make a driving thesis. • A driving thesis is what you are trying to PROVE. What are you trying to research and answer. By adding ‘driving’ to the thesis means that this thesis will continue through the duration of your research paper.

  10. Your Thesis…. • For this particular paper and research, your thesis has a clear direction. • Who is your person? • What did they do to obtain power? • When, where and in what capacity did they get power? • What was the impact? • What type of power did/do they have? (fame, political, athletic, business, criminal, etc..) • How has your person shown power? • How has power affected your person? • Has your person used power for good or bad?

  11. Steps to complete the research paper • Have your powerful person • Find a source • Read the source • Determine if the source is valid and beneficial to your research • If it is good stuff…PRINT IT! Do not put it into a word document! • Make a bibliography card (3x5 lined card) • Show it to me to make sure it is correct. Correct if need be. • Repeat until you have all of your sources and cards! • Once you have all of your sources, you will need to highlight that information that you will use in your essay. You will use one color for quotes and another color for paraphrases. • After bib cards and highlighting your sources, you need to make an outline for your paper based upon the one in this packet. • After you make an outline, you will begin to write a rough draft of the actual research paper…including parenthetical documentation and a work cited page. • Final step – typed final draft with parenthetical documentation and a work cited page

  12. Examples of Bibliography Cards and Work Cited EntriesYou will use this concept when making bibliography cards and when you create your work cited page • INTERNET - Given the ever changing information on the internet, there are literally dozens of ways to cite an web page. Below is the basic citation concept if using an article off the internet. You must provide all the information available, to include, the author’s last name, first name, title of the article, name of the website, the sponsor of the site, the updated date, the medium, and the date you accessed the information. New MLA guidelines do not require an URL address. However, if a teacher/professor does, you place it in brackets at the end of the citation. NOTE: Punctuation/ Spacing should be double, and citations are always use a hanging indention ( see guidelines) Mathis, Kimberly. “Looking Your Best Under Pressure”. Southern Way of Life. 2009-2013. Web. 19 January 2013.

  13. Examples of Bibliography Cards and Work Cited EntriesYou will use this concept when making bibliography cards and when you create your work cited page • DATABASE – For an article retrieved from the school’s database (see page with that information), use the following information. Author’s last name, first name, title of article, journal title, volume issue, year of publication, page numbers, database name, medium, date accessed. McKinney, Spring. “Southern Class and Fashion.” Scholastic Parent and Child 13 Nov. 2012: 73-75. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Jan. 2013.

  14. Examples of Bibliography Cards and Work Cited Entries • A BOOK WITH ONE AUTHOR – author’s last name, first name, title of book, city of publication, publisher, year of publication, the word PRINT. Vaughn, Amy. How Not to Teach to the Test. Morganton: Penguin Press, 2013. Any other bibliographic entry may be found in the website listed on page 7 of this packet.

  15. Useful Databases and Websites • NCWiseowl: www.ncwiseowl.com • Username: none • Password: wiseowl • Easybib: www.easybib.com • This website will help you with bibliography cards. • Diana Hacker: http//bcs.bedfordsmartins.com/resdoc5e/ • This website is a reference to help with documentation. Click on the Humanities link and the drop down documenting sources.

  16. Parenthetical Documentation- the most important lingo you will need to knowFailure to provide this in your research paper will result in a failing grade!! In writing a research paper, you must document EVERYTHING that you borrow – not only direct quotes and paraphrases but also information and ideas – ANYTHING that is not yours. You MUST indicate the source of any borrowed material that readers might otherwise mistake for your own. If you do not, you are guilty of plagiarism. You must indicate exactly where what you borrowed from each source and exactly where in the work you found the material. The most practical way to do this is to insert brief parenthetical acknowledgement in your paper wherever you incorporate another’s words, facts, or ideas. Usually, the author’s last name and page number are enough to identify the source. INFORMATION REQUIRED IN PARENTHETICAL DOCUMENTATION • Documentation in the text must point to specific sources in your work cited page. • When your works cited page contains only one work by the author cited, you use the author’s last name and page number to identify the work. (Beach 124). • If the work has two authors, give both last names in alphabetical order ( Baker, Towery 345). If there are three or more authors, give the name of the first author followed by “et.al (Lynch et.al 98) • If the work has not author, you use the title in the documentation. (“I Love Being a Teacher” 12). • Omit page numbers on non-printed sources ie. internet and data base. (Jenkins). EXAMPLES • Ancient writers attributed the invention of the monochord to Pythagoras (Marcuse 137). • Frye has argued this point before (12). • It may be true that “in appreciation of the medieval art the attitude of the observer is of primary importance…” (Robinson 135).

  17. Inserting Quotes Into Your PaperThese are Guidelines for inserting quotes into a research a paper. Refer to the following methods when inserting a quote. • SHORT QUOTE: four or less lines. • Quotation marks are around the quote • Document at the end • Punctuation after the page number • Work the quoted passage into the syntax of your sentence. • Morrison points out that social context prevented the authors of slave narratives “from dwelling too long or too carefully on the more sordid details of their experience” (109).

  18. Work CitedIf you do not include a WC page with your research paper, you will not get a passing grade! McKinney 6 Work Cited Anthony, Josh. “Bright Colors and Flipped Collars are Masculine.” GQ Fashion Review. August 2008: 39-40. Gregory, Robert. Bald is Beautiful. New York: Penguin Publishing, 2004. • The last page of your research paper – should have the header and last page number in the upper corner • Put with the words Works Cited in the center of the paper. • Go into format • Select paragraph • Click on special and select hanging • Click on line spacing a select double • Works cited entries should match your bibliography cards EXACTLY!!! • They need to be in alphabetical order according to the WORD that comes first on your bibliography card. • The first line should be flush with your one inch margin. Type your citation all the way over until it automatically goes to the next line. • The second line and every line there after should be in a hanging indention. • DO NOT NUMBER YOUR SOURCES!!!

  19. Research paper Check Listuse this checklist to make sure you have all the components of the paper. Title Page 10 points _______ Outline 10 points _______ Header 1 point each _______ Heading 4 points _______ Title 2 points _______ Introduction 2 points _______ Thesis Underlined 2 points _______ Correct number of citations 2 points each _______ Correct format of citations 2 points each _______ Citation matches WC page 2 points each _______ Conclusion 5 points _______ 3-5 pages 15 points _______ Work Cited Page 25 points _______ 6 Sources 5 points each _______ WC entries match citations 2 points each _______ WC format 10 points each _______ Correct font 5 points _______ Correct font size 5 points _______ Double spaced throughout 5 points _______ Correct margins 5 points _______ Usage/ Mechanics 15 points _______ 4 short quotes/highlighted 2 points each _______ 1 long quote/highlighted 5 points _______ Content 20 points _______

  20. Very Important Reminders for the Final Paper • The following entry is correct for any encyclopedia entry. If you used an encyclopedia, you MUST use this format on the Work Cited page: • “North Carolina.” World Book Encyclopedia. 2005. • Works Cited page --- Look at the example on the handout. WC page must be alphabetized. Indentions MUST be correct. Entries MUST be correct. USE HANDOUTS. • Short quotes are NOT indented. You MUST have four quotes. Short quotes are four lines or less. They must be highlighted. • Correct format for parenthetical citations: • (Smith 20). Book with author’s last name and page number • (“Morykas”)Title of article with no author • (Careerzone) Web site with no author • (“ Physical Therapy”) Encyclopedia • No first names. Always use the author or editor’s last name. If you do not have one of those, go to whatever is next on the bib. Card. No commas before page numbers and no page numbers for websites. • Do not use 1st (I, me, my, mine) or 2nd (you, your, yours) person anywhere in your paper. • No abbreviations in formal writing. All dates and states must be written out. • No contractions • Do not end a sentence with a preposition • Use ALL of the information in this handout • Size 12 font ONLY • Arial or Times New Roman font ONLY • Black ink ONLY ----- check your printer before the due date • One inch margins on top, bottom, left and right • Paper MUST be double-spaced

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