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Science Debate 2008: Shaping Healthcare Policies for a Healthier Nation

Explore the impact of research funding on healthcare policies in the 2008 election. Learn key insights and perspectives from leaders in science and policy.

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Science Debate 2008: Shaping Healthcare Policies for a Healthier Nation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 10:30 a.m. Welcoming Remarks - Alan Leshner, PhD New Congress, New Administration: New Possibilities The Honorable John E. Porter Partner Thanks - Mary Woolley Your Candidates–Your Health 2008 Report Stacie Propst, PhD Communicating with the New Congress Bart Moore of the National Journal Partner Comments and Q & A Closing remarks - Mary Woolley

  2. Alan I. Leshner, PhD AAAS CEO

  3. The Honorable John Edward Porter Research!America Chair

  4. Mary Woolley Research!America President & CEO

  5. “Science Debate 2008 and Your Candidates-Your Health partnered in this historic election to position science as an essential tool in solving the nation’s most difficult problems. Now our community must follow through to ensure that President-elect Obama and the 111th Congress know how critical it is to grow our investment in science and use sound science to inform policymaking.” Shawn Otto, Science Debate 2008

  6. Stacie Propst, PhD Research!America Vice President, Science Policy & Outreach

  7. “I strongly support increasing funding for the NIH. Even though biomedical research costs are increasing each year, annual funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has not kept up. This isn't just counter-productive, it is a failure to keep faith with so many Americans who are in the fight of their lives against cancer and other diseases, and it overlooks our country's tradition of medical innovation.” President-elect Barack Obama

  8. “I support doubling federal funding for basic research in the physical sciences and engineering research. Federally‐supported basic research generates the innovation to create markets and drive economic growth but federal investment, as a share of GDP, has dropped by half since 1970.” “I want to make the Research and Development tax credit permanent so that firms can rely on it when making decisions to invest in domestic R&D over multi‐year timeframes.” President-elect Barack Obama

  9. Policy Discussions Presidential Economic & Health Policy Discussion October 14, 2008 Innovation and the Elections: Presidential Perspectives on Health September 18, 2008

  10. Media Attention Reaching approximately 111 million Americans

  11. Online Impact • Blog outreach in all 50 states • 3.8 times as many pages viewed compared to 2006 • Daily visitors increased 800% from the conventions to the election • 6.5 times 2006 visitors

  12. Congressional Responses

  13. “Now is not the time to rest. Congress should build on its investments in medical research by providing an 8-10 percent increase in funding for NIH, which will allow the Institutes to keep up with inflation and build on existing research. Our continued investment in medical research is critical to the sustainability of our health care infrastructure.” Senator-elect Mark Udall, Colorado

  14. “We must invest more in our public health infrastructure to meet the current and future health care needs of the American people. I support funding increases for agencies working to improve health promotion, disease prevention and preparedness, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).” Representative David Price, 4th District, North Carolina

  15. 111th Congress on the Record 187 Members of the 111th Congress have completed one or more of our initiatives.

  16. Goal Every member of Congress will feel compelled to declare a position on issues related to health, science and research.

  17. Bart Moore

  18. “Where our elected representatives stand on issues relating to health and medical research is important information for every American voter. Your Candidates-Your Health is a unique and valuable resource that can help voters make informed choices on these issues, which touch all our lives.” Darrell G. Kirch, MD, President and CEO, Association of American Medical Colleges

  19. “MDA has advocates in all 435 congressional districts and as a partner on Your Candidates-Your Health, we were able to empower them with critical information about their candidates. Working with Research!America, those who most need the solutions that research offers can expand their voices and have a greater impact together.” Annie Kennedy, Vice President for Advocacy

  20. “No issue is as central to the expression of a democratic civilization than the preservation and advancement of the health of all its people. Citizens expect and deserve to know how candidates think about medical research and its translation into health enhancement and clinical care delivery.” Reed Tuckson, MD, Member of the Board, United Health Foundation

  21. “We need political leaders who are committed to improving and protecting the public's health. Not sure how improving the nation's health ranks with your elected officials? Ask them today.” Georges C. Benjamin, MD, FACP, FACEP (Emeritus), Executive Director, American Public Health Association

  22. Make Your Congress–Your Health Your Priority www.yourcongressyourhealth.org

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