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Lecture 15: Complexity Notes. David Evans http://www.cs.virginia.edu/evans. This is selected from CS200 lectures 16, 30, 37, 38 from http://www.cs.virginia.edu/cs200/lectures/. CS588: Security and Privacy University of Virginia Computer Science. What does really mean?.
Lecture 15: Complexity Notes David Evans http://www.cs.virginia.edu/evans This is selected from CS200 lectures 16, 30, 37, 38 from http://www.cs.virginia.edu/cs200/lectures/ CS588: Security and Privacy University of Virginia Computer Science
What does really mean? • O(x)– it is no more thanxwork (upper bound) • (x) – work scales as x (tight bound) • (x) – it is at leastxwork (lower bound) If O(x) and (x) are true, then (x) is true. CS588 Spring 2005
Meaning of O (“big Oh”) f(x) is O (g (x)) means: There is a positive constant c such that c * f(x) <g(x) for all but a finite number of x values. CS588 Spring 2005
O Examples f(x) is O (g (x)) means: There is a positive constant c such that c * f(x) <g(x) for all but a finite number of x values. x is O (x2)? Yes, c = 1 works fine. 10x is O (x)? Yes, c = .09 works fine. No, no matter what c we pick, cx2 > x for big enough x x2 is O (x)? CS588 Spring 2005
Lower Bound: (Omega) f(x) is (g (x)) means: There is a positive constant c such that c * f(x) >g(x) for all but a finite number of x values. Difference from O – this was < CS588 Spring 2005
xis (x) Yes, pick c = 2 10xis (x) Yes, pick c = 1 Is x2 (x)? Yes! x is O(x) Yes, pick c = .5 10x is O(x) Yes, pick c = .09 x2 is notO(x) f(x) is (g (x)) means: There is a positive constant c such that c * f(x) >g(x) for all but a finite number of x values. f(x) is O (g (x)) means: There is a positive constant c such that c * f(x) <g(x) for all but a finite number of x values. Examples CS588 Spring 2005
Tight Bound: (Theta) f(x) is (g (x)) iff: f(x) is O (g (x)) and f(x) is (g (x)) CS588 Spring 2005
Examples • 10xis (x) • Yes, since 10xis (x) and 10x is O(x) • Doesn’t matter that you choose different c values for each part; they are independent • x2is/is not (x)? • No, since x2is not O(x) • x is/is not (x2)? • No, since x2is not (x) CS588 Spring 2005
Measuring Work • When we say a procedure or a problem is O(f(n)) what are we counting? • Need a model computer to count steps CS588 Spring 2005
How should we model a Computer? Colossus (1944) Cray-1 (1976) Apollo Guidance Computer (1969) CS588 Spring 2005 IBM 5100 (1975)
Modeling Computers • Input • Without it, we can’t describe a problem • Output • Without it, we can’t get an answer • Processing • Need some way of getting from the input to the output • Memory • Need to keep track of what we are doing CS588 Spring 2005
Modeling Input Punch Cards Altair BASIC Paper Tape, 1976 Engelbart’s mouse and keypad CS588 Spring 2005
Simplest Input • Non-interactive: like punch cards and paper tape • One-dimensional: just a single tape of values, pointer to one square on tape 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 How long should the tape be? Infinitely long! We are modeling a computer, not building one. Our model should not have silly practical limitations (like a real computer does). CS588 Spring 2005
Modeling Output • Blinking lights are cool, but hard to model • Output is what is written on the tape at the end of a computation Connection Machine CM-5, 1993 CS588 Spring 2005
Modeling Processing • Evaluation Rules • Given an input on our tape, how do we evaluate to produce the output • What do we need: • Read what is on the tape at the current square • Move the tape one square in either direction • Write into the current square 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Is that enough to model a computer? CS588 Spring 2005
Modeling Processing • Read, write and move is not enough • We also need to keep track of what we are doing: • How do we know whether to read, write or move at each step? • How do we know when we’re done? • What do we need for this? CS588 Spring 2005
Finite State Machines 1 0 0 2 1 Start 1 # HALT CS588 Spring 2005
Hmmm…maybe we don’t need those infinite tapes after all? not a paren not a paren ( 2 1 Start ) ) What if the next input symbol is ( in state 2? # HALT ERROR CS588 Spring 2005
How many states do we need? not a paren not a paren ( 2 not a paren 1 Start ( ) 3 ) not a paren ) # ( 4 HALT ERROR ) ( CS588 Spring 2005
Finite State Machine • There are lots of things we can’t compute with only a finite number of states • Solutions: • Infinite State Machine • Hard to describe and draw • Add a tape to the Finite State Machine CS588 Spring 2005
FSM + Infinite Tape • Start: • FSM in Start State • Input on Infinite Tape • Pointer to start of input • Move: • Read one input symbol from tape • Follow transition rule from current state • To next state • Write symbol on tape, and move L or R one square • Finish: • Transition to halt state CS588 Spring 2005
Matching Parentheses • Repeat until halt: • Find the leftmost ) • If you don’t find one, the parentheses match, write a 1 at the tape head and halt. • Replace it with an X • Look left for the first ( • If you find it, replace it with an X (they matched) • If you don’t find it, the parentheses didn’t match – end write a 0 at the tape head and halt CS588 Spring 2005
Matching Parentheses Input: ) Write: X Move: L ), X, L (, (, R X, X, L X, X, R 2: look for ( 1 Start (, X, R #, 0, # #, 1, # HALT Will this report the correct result for (()? CS588 Spring 2005
Matching Parentheses (, (, R X, X, L ), X, L X, X, R 1 2: look for ( (, X, R Start #, #, L #, 1, # #, 0, # 3: look for ( X, X, L HALT #, 1, # (, 0, # CS588 Spring 2005
Turing Machine • Alan Turing, On computable numbers: With an application to the Entscheidungsproblem, 1936 • Turing developed the machine abstraction to show the halting problem really leads to a contradiction • Our informal argument, depended on assuming we could do if and everything else except halts? CS588 Spring 2005
Describing Turing Machines z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z TuringMachine ::= < Alphabet, Tape, FSM > Alphabet ::= { Symbol* } Tape ::= < LeftSide, Current, RightSide > OneSquare ::= Symbol | # Current ::= OneSquare LeftSide ::= [ Square* ] RightSide ::= [ Square* ] Everything to left of LeftSide is #. Everything to right of RightSide is #. ), X, L ), #, R (, #, L 2: look for ( 1 Start (, X, R HALT #, 0, - #, 1, - Finite State Machine CS588 Spring 2005
), X, L ), #, R (, #, L Describing Finite State Machines 2: look for ( 1 Start (, X, R #, 0, # #, 1, # HALT TuringMachine ::= < Alphabet, Tape, FSM > FSM ::= < States, TransitionRules, InitialState, HaltingStates > States ::= { StateName* } InitialState ::= StateName must be element of States HaltingStates ::= { StateName* } all must be elements of States TransitionRules ::= { TransitionRule* } TransitionRule ::= < StateName, ;; Current State OneSquare, ;; Current square StateName, ;; Next State OneSquare, ;; Write on tape Direction > ;; Move tape Direction ::= L, R, # Transition Rule is a procedure: StateName X OneSquare StateName X OneSquare X Direction CS588 Spring 2005
), X, L ), #, R (, #, L Example Turing Machine 2: look for ( 1 Start (, X, R #, 0, # #, 1, # HALT TuringMachine ::= < Alphabet, Tape, FSM > FSM ::= < States, TransitionRules, InitialState, HaltingStates > Alphabet ::= { (, ), X } States ::= { 1, 2, HALT } InitialState ::= 1 HaltingStates ::= { HALT} TransitionRules ::= { <1, ), 2, X, L >, < 1, #, HALT, 1, # >, < 1, ), #, R >, < 2, (, 1, X, R >, < 2, #, HALT, 0, # >, < 2, ), #, L >,} CS588 Spring 2005
Enumerating Turing Machines • Now that we’ve decided how to describe Turing Machines, we can number them • TM-5023582376 = balancing parens • TM-57239683 = even number of 1s • TM-3523796834721038296738259873 = Photomosaic Program • TM-3672349872381692309875823987609823712347823 = WindowsXP Not the real numbers – they would be much bigger! CS588 Spring 2005
Complexity Class P Class P: problems that can be solved in polynomial time by a deterministic TM. O (nk) for some constant k. Easy problems like sorting, making a photomosaic using duplicate tiles, simulating the universe are all in P. CS588 Spring 2005
Deterministic Computing • All our computing models so far are deterministic: you know exactly what to do every step • TM: only one transition rule can match any machine configuration, only one way to follow that transition rule • Lambda Calculus: always -reduce the outermost redex CS588 Spring 2005
Nondeterministic Computing • Allows computer to try different options at each step, and then use whichever one works best • Make a Finite State Machine non-deterministic: doesn’t change computing time • Make a Turing Machine non-deterministic: might change computing time • No one knows whether it does or not • This is the biggest open problem in Computer Science CS588 Spring 2005
Making FSM’s Nondeterministic 0 0 0 1 3 1 2 1 # HALT CS588 Spring 2005
Nondeterministic FSM 0, 1 0 1 3 1 2 # HALT CS588 Spring 2005
Power of NFSM • Can NFSMs computing anything FSMs cannot compute? • Can NFSMs compute faster than FSMs? No – you can always convert an NFSM to a FSM by making each possible set of states in the NFSM into one state in the new FSM. (Number of states may increase as 2s) No – both read input one letter at a time, and transition automatically to the next state. (Both are always (n) where n is the number of symbols in the input.) CS588 Spring 2005
Nondeterministic TMs • Multiple transitions possible at every step • Follow all possible steps: • Each possible execution maintains its own state and its own infinite tape • If any possible execution halts (in an accepting state), the NTM halts, and the tape output of that execution is the NTM output CS588 Spring 2005
Complexity Classes Class P: problems that can be solved in polynomial time by a deterministic TM. O (nk) for some constant k. Easy problems like simulating the universe are all in P. Class NP: problems that can be solved in polynomial time by a nondeterministic TM Hard problems like the pegboard puzzle sorting are in NP (as well as all problems in P). CS588 Spring 2005
Problem Classes Fill tape with 2n *s: (2n) Simulating Universe: O(n3) Undecidable NP Decidable P Halting Problem: () Sorting: (n log n) Cracker Barrel: O(2n) and (n) CS588 Spring 2005
P = NP? • Is there a polynomial-time solution to the “hardest” problems in NP? • No one knows the answer! • The most famous unsolved problem in computer science and math • Listed first on Millennium Prize Problems • win $1M if you can solve it • (also an automatic A+ in this course) CS588 Spring 2005
If P NP: Fill tape with 2n *s: (2n) Simulating Universe: O(n3) Undecidable NP Decidable P Halting Problem: () Sorting: (n log n) Cracker Barrel: O(2n) and (n) CS588 Spring 2005
If P = NP: Fill tape with 2n *s: (2n) Simulating Universe: O(n3) Undecidable NP Decidable P Halting Problem: () Sorting: (n log n) Cracker Barrel: O(2n) and (n) CS588 Spring 2005
Smileys Problem Input: n square tiles Output: Arrangement of the tiles in a square, where the colors and shapes match up, or “no, its impossible”. CS588 Spring 2005
How much work is the Smiley’s Problem? • Upper bound: (O) O (n!) Try all possible permutations • Lower bound: () (n) Must at least look at every tile • Tight bound: () No one knows! CS588 Spring 2005
NP Problems • Can be solved by just trying all possible answers until we find one that is right • Easy to quickly check if an answer is right • Checking an answer is in P • The smileys problem is in NP We can easily try n! different answers We can quickly check if a guess is correct (check all n tiles) CS588 Spring 2005
Is the Smiley’s Problem in P? No one knows! We can’t find a O(nk) solution. We can’t prove one doesn’t exist. CS588 Spring 2005
This makes a huge difference! n! 2n time since “Big Bang” Solving a large smileys problem either takes a few seconds, or more time than the universe has been in existence. But, no one knows which for sure! 2032 today n2 n log n log-log scale CS588 Spring 2005
Who cares about Smiley puzzles? If we had a fast (polynomial time) procedure to solve the smiley puzzle, we would also have a fast procedure to solve the 3/stone/apple/tower puzzle: 3 CS588 Spring 2005
3SAT Smiley Step 1: Transform into smileys Step 2: Solve (using our fast smiley puzzle solving procedure) Step 3: Invert transform (back into 3SAT problem CS588 Spring 2005
The Real 3SAT Problem(also can be quickly transformed into the Smileys Puzzle) CS588 Spring 2005