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The Church: Chapter 2. Jesus Christ Instituted the Church. God Prepares His People. Thinking with the Church. Read the words by Pope John Paul II on p. 36. Then write a 1-3 sentence summary of each paragraph.
The Church: Chapter 2 Jesus Christ Instituted the Church
Thinking with the Church • Read the words by Pope John Paul II on p. 36. Then write a 1-3 sentence summary of each paragraph. • God wanted to save and sanctify the human race, not just individuals. This plan began with Abraham. • God unfolds His plan through His chosen people. To lead them He uses specially chosen persons. • The events in the Old Testament prepare and prefigure (foreshadow) the New Covenant in Christ.
Thinking with the Church • The object of God’s plan expands from the Nation of Israel to include all nations, languages and races. • Christians are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.”
Preparation • How did the Old Testament covenants develop visibly (outwardly, externally)? • From two persons to an entire nation • Yet at the same time there is “contraction” • From the world to a chosen people • This pattern will revert
Culmination • Who is the culmination of the covenants? • Culmination = fulfillment, high point, zenith • What are some ways Jesus is presented as the culmination of these covenants? • THINK: Opening words or phrases in • Matthew • Mark • Luke • John
Culmination • What is typology? • Chose one of the types on p. 38, and explain the anti-type • What are some other types? • THINK: Fulfillment of type of Moses • Murder of infant boys • Moses is “fatherless” • Shepherd • In the desert • Sermon on the Mount
Culmination • What words does St Augustine use to show that Jesus is the culmination of the Old Testament covenants? • Tell me more about this most important doctor of the Church • Early Life • Contribution to Scripture study • Later Life
Promises • What does “fullness of time” mean? • The right time • God looks into time and says “Now is the right time” • What are three promises that God makes? • Found in the ¶ “For generations” (p. 40)
Promises • What does St Paul say instead of “fullness of time”? • What are four key elements to St Paul’s words? • What else does God see concerning the fullness of time? • HINT: Luke 1.28ff • Read Luke 2.8-12 • What do the words of the angels reveal about the infant Jesus?
Promises • Read Luke 2.22-35 • What do Simeon’s words reveal about the infant Jesus? • HINT: Don’t just focus on one thing Simeon says; read all that he says • What does the visit of the Magi reveal about the infant Jesus?
Promises • IMPORTANT: From His earliest days, God shows us that Jesus is the culmination of the covenant with the Old Testament patriarchs, and the fulfillment of God’s promises
Proclaiming the Kingdom of God The Third Luminous Mystery
What is the relationship between the Kingdom of God and the Church? • What do we learn about the Church through Christ’s appointing of the Twelve Apostles?
Complete the following table to organize your knowledge on how the Kingdom of God is present visibly and invisibly.
What is Christ’s public ministry and when did it begin? • What was the central theme of Christ’s preaching? • Why did Christ teach using parables?
What does the Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds reveal about the Church? • It explains why God allows evil in the world and even among members of his Church—they are like the weeds sown by the devil, something God temporarily permits for the sake of the good “wheat,” or faithful followers of Christ.
What does the Parable of the Mustard Seed reveal about the Church during the time of Christ’s public ministry? • Explain the meaning of one of the five parables of the Kingdom of Heaven listed in the sidebar (p. 42).
What is Christ’s hidden life? • What can we assume about Christ’s Hidden Life? • How do the Synoptic Gospels support the assumption that Christ lived a normal life during his hidden years? • Who were Christ’s disciples?
How many disciples did Christ have? • When did the Apostles begin to exercise their responsibilities as shepherds of the Church? • How did the Apostles receive special training during Christ’s public ministry? • Witnessed His preaching and miracles • Much of the teaching was given privately to the Apostles (or directed at them with others overhearing)
God Prepares His People Salvation through the Cross and Made Known in the Breaking of the Bread
Assignment • Read 48-51 • Workbook 15-17 • Study Questions 17
Basic Questions • Why did Jesus die on the Cross? • Sacrifice by the Father or self-sacrifice? • What is different from Jesus’ death compared to other deaths? • What does the Eucharist do for us? • IMPORTANT: What is the connection between the Cross and the Eucharist? • KEY: The body of Christ which was sacrificed on the cross is the same body of Christ received in the sacrifice of the Holy Mass
Lamb of God • What did St. John the Baptist call Jesus? • See John 1.29-34 • “Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” • How would the people to first this these words have understood this saying? • Where does the phrase come from?
Lamb of God • What two things does the Passover signify? • Salvation from slavery • Salvation from death • What is the full meaning of the expression “Lamb of God”? • Why do we still call Jesus the Lamb of God? • What is a similar image? • See John 10.10-16
What does it mean to be saved? • Rescued from death • Nurtured and strengthened by grace (forgiveness of sins) • Share in divine life • Image: Man lost at sea • Saved • Being saved • Will be saved
Filiation • What is another phrase for “share in the divine life”? • Sons (and daughters) of God • Latinate: Divine filiation • How is our filiation different from Christ’s? • Actual vs. adoption • Nature vs. participation • Uncreated vs. created • NOT: real vs. unreal
Filiation • What do we receive as sons of God (divine filiation)? • St Paul: “Everything belongs to you” • How can everything belong to us? How can we have all that Christ has? • Wonderful exchange • Heirs
Sacrifice • When did Jesus offer Himself as a sacrifice for our salvation? • Read Luke 18.31-34 • Did the Apostles know Jesus would suffer death before it happened? • Did they understand what it meant? • Read Luke 24.28-35; 36-48 • How did they come to understand? • What was the Apostles’ mission?
Breaking of the Bread • Read John 6.35-58 • What is the significance of Jesus feeding 5000? • Israel in the wilderness • God provides our needs • Jesus explains that He is the bread of life, the bread from heaven • What does Jesus say that He will give us in the Eucharist? • What does the Eucharist do for the Church?
God Prepares His People Fulfillment of the Old CovenantA New and Everlasting Testament
New Adam • Read the last paragraph on p. 48 • How is Jesus the new Adam? • Obedience vs. disobedience • Life-giving vs. death-giving • Image of God vs. image of the image • How did Jesus fulfill the Adamic covenant? • Caretaker • Multiply • Protoevangelium
New Adam • How does Jesus as New Adam apply to you? • HINT: Defaced picture • Image restored to the original design • We are all sons of God • By becoming the New Adam, Jesus fulfilled the Adamic covenant by • Restoring, repairing and renewing the broken image • Giving birth to the Church, the new mother of the living.
New Noah • One key component in the covenant with Noah was the promise never to flood the earth again • The flood cleansed the world of sin • The flood ushered in a new beginning, new life • Jesus fulfilled the covenant with Noah was cleansing each person • His blood cleanses us from all sin • This happens in baptism, which ushers in new life, and a new beginning
New Abraham • How did Jesus fulfill the Abrahamic covenant? • All nations blessed • “Seed” of Abraham • Not “seeds” but one “seed” • Son of Abraham • Sacrifice (Isaac and Ram) • Kingship • Many descendants • Church • Promised Land
Abraham • What is the key characteristic of Abraham that we should imitate? • Hebrews 11.1ff • Jesus fulfilled the covenant with Abraham by • Becoming the universal blessing in redeeming mankind (blessed nation) • Founding the Church, the new and perfect family of God (many descendants) • Being faithful to God in all things
New Moses • How is Jesus the New Moses? • Exodus • Deliverance from… • Sermon on the Mount • How did Jesus fulfill the Moasic covenant? • Commandments explained • Love is the key • Holy Nation, kingdom of priests • “My people”
New Moses • How does Jesus as the New Moses apply to you? • In Christ you can keep the commandments • Assembly of God = Church • Jesus fulfilled the covenant with Moses by • Leading his new people, the Church out of the bondage of sin • Giving them the New Law, the commandment to love
New David • How did Jesus fulfill the Davidic covenant? • Read Luke 1.28-36 • King • “No end” • What is the relationship between Christ’s kingdom and the world? • “In but not of this world” • Pilgrim Church
New Temple • The Temple was also part of the Davidic covenant • Built by Solomon • The place the “housed” God’s glory • Jesus fulfilled the covenant with David by • Establishing the Church, the new and everlasting kingdom, the Kingdom of God • Reigning as the King of all forever and ever • Building a new Temple, his Body, the Church, in which God dwells on earth
Mystical Body & Bride of Christ Names and Images of the Church
Mystery & Mystical • What is a mystery? • Not incomprehensible, but inexhaustible • How do we understand a mystery • Revelation • Images show us just one aspect or bit about what the church is • Images may be contradictory
Mystical Body of Christ • Read Romans 12.4-5 • Read 1 Corinthians 12.12-26 • What two main aspects of the church does the image “Body of Christ” illustrate? • Union between Christ and the Church • Union between members of the Church • Living and departed • Saints and faithful
Bride of Christ • Read Ephesians 5.21-end
Assignment • Due Wednesday • Read 60-65 • St Qu 24-27 • Due Thursday • Wkbk 29, 30 • Vocab Review (my website) • Chapter Quiz (my website) • TEST ON THURSDAY
People of God & Kingdom of God Names & Images for the Church
People of God • Who were the first “People of God”? • What was their mission? • Israel was chosen and commissioned by God to bring all the nations into the communion with him that he had desired from the beginning. • What was the outcome or result?
People of God • What was God’s promise nevertheless? • God promised a new covenant about which he said, “I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people” (Jer 31:33).
People of God • What is the meaning of the image of the Church as the People of God? • The image of the Church as the People of God comes from the assembly of the Israelite community on Mt. Sinai. Both assemblies reveal that God ordinarily wills to save people as a community rather than as individuals. • REMEMBER: God made his covenant with Moses and the Israelites, promising that if they kept the covenant, they would be his Chosen People, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.