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Understanding the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and the NC Visual Arts Essential Standards. NCAEA Division Meetings: 2012 . Think about…. What is the most significant Big Idea for you personally? What is different about instruction?. NC Arts Education Wiki. http://ances.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/
Understanding the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and the NC Visual Arts Essential Standards NCAEA Division Meetings: 2012
Think about… • What is the most significant Big Idea for you personally? • What is different about instruction?
NC Arts Education Wiki http://ances.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/ http://ances.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/Curriculum+Workshops+2012-13
K-12 Standards Quick Reference Guides for the NC Standard Course of Study (K-8)
RBT Module • NC Education • Phase 1 Modules • Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (Log In Required)
Bloom’s Revised Bloom’s Create Evaluation Synthesis Evaluate Analyze Analysis Apply Application Comprehension Understand Knowledge Remember
Arts Education • Use of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy • Provides the framework used for all NC Essential Standards • Common language used for all Essential Standards • Two-Dimensional: Cognitive Process and Knowledge Dimension • Focuses objectives in order to accomplish specific learning outcomes, leading to proficiency
1. RememberRetrieving relevant knowledge from long term memory (verbatim, unchanged by student) Cognitive Processes: 1.1 Recognizing (identifying) 1.2 Recalling (retrieving) Remembering is essential for meaningful learning and problem-solving. Used in more complex tasks. Jot down an Example
2. UnderstandConstructing meaning from instructional messages, including oral, written, and graphic communication Cognitive Processes: 2.1 Interpreting (clarifying, paraphrasing, representing, translating) 2.2 Exemplifying (illustrating, instantiating) 2.3 Classifying (categorizing, subsuming) 2.4 Summarizing (abstracting, generalizing) 2.5 Inferring (concluding, extrapolating, interpolating, predicting) 2.6 Comparing (contrasting, mapping, matching) 2.7 Explaining (constructing models) Jot down an Example
3. ApplyCarry out or use a procedure in a given situation Cognitive processes: 3.1 Executing (carrying out) – using a procedure on familiar tasks (exercises); has a fixed sequence of steps 3.2 Implementing – using a procedure on unfamiliar tasks (problems); student has to select technique or method & often change sequence (e.g., a flowchart) Jot down an Example
4. AnalyzeBreak material into its constituent parts and determine how the parts relate to one another and to an overall purpose. Cognitive processes: 4.1 Differentiating [e.g. the relevant from the irrelevant parts.] 4.2 Organizing [The ways that elements fit or function within the overall structures.] 4.3 Attributing [the underlying purpose orperspective – reading between the lines.] Jot down an Example
5. EvaluateMake judgments based on criteria and standards. Cognitive processes: 5.1 Checking [testing for internal consistencies or fallacies in an operation or product – check as you go along] 5.2 Critiquing [judging a product or operation based on externally imposed criteria and standards.] Jot down an Example
6. CreatePut elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganize elements into a new pattern or structure Cognitive processes: 6.1 Generating (Hypothesizing) – meeting certain criteria 6.2 Planning (Designing) – devising a solution 6.3 Producing (Constructing) – constructing an original product based on 6.1 and 6.2 Jot down an Example
The Knowledge Dimension • Factual knowledge • Conceptual knowledge • Procedural knowledge • Metacognitiveknowledge
Practice • Look at the standards for your grade or proficiency level • Circle the cognitive process • Underline the information for knowledge type and identify which knowledge type it is. • Identify themes in art Factual…or is it Conceptual? • Use the RBT chart to graph the cognitive process and knowledge dimension of the objectives
Sequencing • Why is it important to understand the sequence of learning across the K-12 continuum?
Unpacking the Standards Unpacking the Standards
Presenters • Cheryl Maney • Dance and Visual Arts Specialist • Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools • Cheryl.maney@cms.k12.nc.us • 980-343-0620 • Slater Mapp • Arts Education Consultant • (Theatre Arts and Visual Arts) • slater.mapp@dpi.nc.gov • 919-807-3758 • Christie Lynch Ebert • Arts Education Consultant (Dance and Music) • and NCDPI Liaison to the A+ Schools Program • christie.lynchebert@dpi.nc.gov • 919-807-3856