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If you are B.Tech, M.Tech, BCA, MCA or any other IT stream student and your dream is to build your career as an Android Developer, then Android Training with Easy Web Solutions might be the amazing option for you. Easy Web Solutions is the best institute in Panchkula that offers 6 Months / Weeks Industrial training in Android Development at very lowest price. For more details, call at 9803266066 or visit our company website - EasyWebSolutions.co.in
6 Months / Weeks Industrial Training in Android Development 09803266066,9501922388
Training Syllabus ANDROID TRAINING PART 1 09803266066,9501922388
Java Concepts ❖ ❖ OOPs Concepts ❖ ❖ Inheritance in detail ❖ ❖ Exception Handling ❖ ❖ Packages & Interfaces ❖ ❖ Collections – HashTable,Vector,List, ArrayList, HashMap ❖ ❖ Multi threading(Thread class & Runnable Interface) 09803266066,9501922388
XML Coding For Layouts ❖ ❖ Introduction to Widgets ❖ ❖ Text Fields, Buttons, ImageViews, ImageButtons ❖ ❖ Layouts: ➢ ➢ Relative Layout ➢ ➢ Linear Layout ➢ ➢ Table Layout ➢ ➢ Frame Layout ❖ ❖ Webview ❖ ❖ Styles for Range of Devices 09803266066,9501922388
XML Coding for Drawables(shapes), Gradients ❖ ❖ Shapes: Oval, Circle, Rectangle, Round Corner Rectangle, Shapes with Strokes, Shapes with Shades. ❖ ❖ Gradients: Double Shaded Shapes, Multi Shaded Shapes ❖ ❖ Fundamentals ➢ ➢ Basic Building Blocks – Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers & Content Providers ➢ ➢ UI Components- Views & Notifications ➢ ➢ Components for Communication -Intents & Intent Filters 09803266066,9501922388
Application Structure (In detail) ❖ ❖ AndroidManifest.xml ❖ ❖ Uses-Permission & Uses-SDK ❖ ❖ Resources & R.java ❖ ❖ Assets ❖ ❖ Values – strings.xml ❖ ❖ Activities and Activity Lifecycle ❖ ❖ First Sample Application 09803266066,9501922388
MENU ❖ ❖ Option Menu ❖ ❖ Context Menu ❖ ❖ Sub Menu ❖ ❖ Time and Date ❖ ❖ Images and Media ❖ ❖ AlertDialogs & Toast ❖ ❖ Popup 09803266066,9501922388
Training Syllabus ANDROID TRAINING PART 2 09803266066,9501922388
Intents (In detail) ❖ ❖ Explicit Intents ❖ ❖ Implicit intents 09803266066,9501922388
Preferences ❖ ❖ SharedPreferences ❖ ❖ SQLiteDatabase ❖ ❖ Cursor ❖ ❖ Defining and Using Content Providers Example-Sharing database among two different applications using content providers ❖ ❖ Reading Contacts ❖ ❖ Reading Bookmarks Example : Develop an App to demonstrate database usage. CRUD operations must be implemented. Final details should be viewed in GridView as well as in ListView. Do the same application with database operations in a single class(As a Model class) and do the CRUD operations with this class object. 09803266066,9501922388
XML Coding For Layouts ❖ ❖ Adapter: ➢ ➢ ArrayAdapters ➢ ➢ BaseAdapters ❖ ❖ ListView ❖ ❖ GridView ❖ ❖ Gallery Using Adapters 09803266066,9501922388
Notifications ❖ ❖ Broadcast Receivers ❖ ❖ Services and notifications ❖ ❖ Alarms 09803266066,9501922388
Custom Components ❖ ❖ Custom Toast ❖ ❖ Custom Dialogs ❖ ❖ Custom Animated Popup Panels 09803266066,9501922388
Threads ❖ ❖ Threads Running on UI Thread (runOnUiThread) ❖ ❖ Worker Thread ❖ ❖ Handlers & Runnable ❖ ❖ AsynTask (In Detail) 09803266066,9501922388
Animations ❖ ❖ Translate ❖ ❖ Alpha ❖ ❖ Rotate 09803266066,9501922388
Training Syllabus ANDROID TRAINING PART 3 09803266066,9501922388
Part - 3 Syllabus ❖ ❖ Listview Lazy Loading ➢ ➢ Image Cache and Lazy Loading ❖ Camera and Pictures ➢ ➢ Using Default and Custom Camera ❖ Read write Operations ➢ ➢ Using SDcards – Reading and Writing ❖ Webservice call ➢ ➢ Post, Get and Soap Calling of Webservices ❖ ❖ ❖ 09803266066,9501922388
Part - 3 Syllabus ❖ ❖ Parsing Response ➢ ➢ JSON ➢ ➢ XML ➢ ➢ SOAP PARSING Including External Libraries in Our Application ❖ ❖ Google Maps ➢ ➢ Maps via intent and MapActivity ❖ ❖ Location ➢ ➢ GPS, Location Based Services and Location with Network 09803266066,9501922388
Part - 3 Syllabus ❖ ❖ Accessing Phone services ➢ ➢ CALL ➢ ➢ SMS ❖ ❖ Network connectivity services ❖ ❖ Sensors ➢ ➢ Accelerometer ➢ ➢ other sensors ❖ ❖ Using Wifi & Bluetooth 09803266066,9501922388
Part - 3 Syllabus ❖ ❖ Action bar tabs and custom views on Action bars ❖ ❖ Introduction to Fragments ❖ ❖ 3rd Party Integration ➢ ➢ Facebook ➢ ➢ Google Plus and Gmail ➢ ➢ Linked in 09803266066,9501922388
For More Details Visit @ www.EasyWebSolutions.co.in 09803266066,9501922388