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Agenda. Architecture Overview Web Security Templates Templates and Style Sheets Details Configuring an Application Demo Summary. Insulating Business Logic from Technology Infrastructure. ASCII. Windows. X11. Java. HTML. HTML. WML. Web Services.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda • Architecture Overview • Web Security • Templates • Templates and Style Sheets Details • Configuring an Application Demo • Summary

  2. Insulating Business Logic from Technology Infrastructure ASCII Windows X11 Java HTML HTML WML Web Services

  3. Application Server Displays 4gl 1 of 2 Ways: • No Change to .per Files • Uses Templates, Style Sheets and makes “BEST Guess” at the i4gl output grid. Most applications will run with no changes. • Custom HTML added to .per Files • Still uses Templates, and Style Sheets, but will “pass through” any HTML that is put in .per files, or embedded in a label field

  4. Web Deployment Architecture Web Java Client Firewall Firewall Application Server Web Server WAP, I-mode, WinCE HTML Browser Windows, X11, ASCII, or Java Firewall Database Servers

  5. Intrinsic Security (1/2) • No database network access needed (SQL-Net / ODBC). • No direct Internet connection needed for the application / database server. • On the web server there is only a tiny program installed in the CGI binaries directory of the web server.

  6. Intrinsic Security (2/2) • Only one trustable channel trough the firewall from web server to the web daemon. • Logging of the Cli HTML's interactions is possible. • Applications can run in an special definable environment with special and limited rights.

  7. User Interface Elements Tool bar Menu bar & Key bar Workspace frame Message bar

  8. A Template <html> <head> $(constant.meta-tags) <title>$(application.name) - $(server.version)</title> </head> <body> <form $(form.parameters)>$(gui.menubar.title)<br>$(gui.menubar.object)$(gui.keybar.object)<br> $(gui.errorbar.object) $(gui.messagebar.object)</font><br> $(gui.workspaceframe.object)</form> </body> </html>

  9. Elements of the Template (1/4) • $(server.version)Four J's HTML Front End's server version.Example : 2.14.1a. • $(application.name)Application's nameExample : widgetz.

  10. Elements of the Template (2/4) • $(form.parameters)This is the internal information to be added to a form. This information permits proper processing of the result of a page. It must be included in a <FORM> tag (in HTML).

  11. Elements of the Template (3/4) • $(gui.workspaceframe.object)The workspace frame is the heart of the application, containing all information that comes from the Dynamic Virtual Machine. Rendering methods apply directly on this area. • $(gui.menubar.object)The standard BDL menus. It corresponds to the MENU … END MENU command. • $(gui.menubar.title)The standard BDL menu title. It corresponds to the MENU "{title}" … END MENU command.

  12. Elements of the Template (4/4) • $(gui.keybar.object)The keys. • $(gui.messagebar.object)The result of the BDL command MESSAGE. • $(gui.errorbar.object)The result of the BDL command ERROR.

  13. Using Browsers’ Capabilities Use what the browser knows to enhance your application, like JavaScript, CSS…

  14. CSS • Cascading Style Sheet • Allows you to define basic look & feel for a HTML page • Minor incompatibilities between Internet Explorer & Netscape

  15. An Example <html> <head><title>CSS Example</title></head> <body> <form action="fglcl.exe?libebizdemo" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="taskId" value="libebizdemo.73078023.1"><br> <input name="m1" tabindex=1 title="Change the infofield's class to fjs-none" type=submit value="None"> <input name="m2" tabindex=2 title="Change the infofield's class to fjs-red" type=submit value="Red"> <input name="m3" tabindex=3 title="Change the infofield's class to fjs-blue" type=submit value="Blue"> <input name="m4" tabindex=4 title="Remove the infofield's class attribute" type=submit value="Remove"> <input name="m5" tabindex=5 type=submit value="Exit"><br> <font color="#FF0000"></font><font color="#00FF00"></font><br> <table width='100%'> <tr><td><center><span class="fjs-none">Hello, world !</span></center></td></tr> </table> </form> </body> </html>

  16. HTML Preview

  17. Adding a CSS <html> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css-clihtml.css"> <head><title>CSS Example</title></head> <body> <form action="fglcl.exe?libebizdemo" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="taskId" value="libebizdemo.73078023.1"><br> <input name="m1" tabindex=1 title="Change the infofield's class to fjs-none" type=submit value="None"> <input name="m2" tabindex=2 title="Change the infofield's class to fjs-red" type=submit value="Red"> <input name="m3" tabindex=3 title="Change the infofield's class to fjs-blue" type=submit value="Blue"> <input name="m4" tabindex=4 title="Remove the infofield's class attribute" type=submit value="Remove"> <input name="m5" tabindex=5 type=submit value="Exit"><br> <font color="#FF0000"></font><font color="#00FF00"></font><br> <table width='100%'> <tr><td><center><span class="fjs-none">Hello, world !</span></center></td></tr> </table> </form> </body> </html>

  18. And the Result is…

  19. The CSS File BODY { font-family : Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; background-color : #CCCC33;} INPUT { background-color : #FF6600; font-family : Tahoma; margin-right : 5px; border : none;} TABLE, TD, TR { background: #CC6600;} .fjs-red { color : Red;} .fjs-blue { color : Blue;} .fjs-none {}

  20. A few Modifications… BODY { font-family : Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; background-color : #C0C0C0;} INPUT { background-color : #0000FF; color : #FFFFFF; font-family : Tahoma; margin-right : 5px;} TABLE, TD, TR { background: #CCCCFF;} .fjs-red { color : Red;} .fjs-blue { color : Blue;} .fjs-none {}

  21. And the Result is…

  22. Demo

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