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Budget Transfers & Reports

Budget Transfers & Reports. Pam Cadem & Jackie Pinkard Budget Office. Budget Transfers & Reports. What We Will Cover: Budget Transfer Rules & Limitations Fund Types Rule Codes/Journal Types Account Categories Screen Reference Chart Important Things to Remember.

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Budget Transfers & Reports

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  1. Budget Transfers & Reports Pam Cadem & Jackie Pinkard Budget Office

  2. Budget Transfers & Reports • What We Will Cover: • Budget Transfer Rules & Limitations • Fund Types • Rule Codes/Journal Types • Account Categories • Screen Reference Chart • Important Things to Remember

  3. Budget Transfers & Reports • What We Will Cover: • Information Navigator Reports • Sample Budget Transfers

  4. Budget Transfers & Reports Budget Transfer Rules & Limitations: Journal Types (Rule Codes) Approved by the Budget Office Approved by Research & Sponsored Programs (RSP) Limit 1 Rule Code per budget transfer Sufficient Budget Available (E&G and CF departments) Free Cash (all others)

  5. Budget Transfers & Reports Budget Transfer Rules & Limitations Continued… Timing Notifications Cross Divisional Requests

  6. Budget Transfers & Reports Fund Types: Approved by the Budget Office: Fund Type 11 E&G Funds with 4 or 5 digits = Journal Type W01 Fund Type 11 CF Funds beginning with C = Journal Type W02 Fund Type 12 Student Activities Funds = Journal Type W03 Fund Type 13 Auxiliary Funds = Journal Type W08 Fund Type 14 Scholarship Funds = Journal Type W07 Fund Type 15 Athletic Funds= Journal Type W04 Fund Type 16 Concession Funds = Journal Type W11 Fund Type 19 Technology Funds = Journal Type W13 Fund Type 21 Contract and Grant Funds = Journal Type W05 Fund Type 34 Board Approved Fees Funds = Journal Type W19 Fund Type 41 Financial Aid Funds = Journal Type W06 Fund Type 91 Construction Funds = Journal Type W12

  7. Budget Transfers & Reports Fund Types Continued… Approved by Research & Sponsored Programs (RSP) Fund Type 17 SRT-Admin = Journal Type BD02 or GRTS Fund Type 18 SRT-Seed = Journal Type BD02 or GRTS Fund Type 22 SRT Grant/Match Funds = Journal Type BR24 All other Fund Types are not set up for the on-line budget transfers process.

  8. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types: • W01 General Revenue (E&G) Budget Transfers: • Only for 110000 fund which is Fund Type 11 • Increases and decreases must balance. • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • One-sided entries are not allowed • Budget Categories Allowed: • 6000 Salaries • 6100 Salary Fringes • 6200 OPS • 7000 Expense • 7415 OCO (Other Capital Outlay) • 7419 Library Resources

  9. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • W02 Carry Forward Budget Transfers: • Only for 110001 fund which is Fund Type 11 • Increases and decreases must balance. • Must have available budget (categories that will be decreasing). • One-sided entries are not allowed • Budget Categories Allowed: • 6000 Salaries • 6100 Salary Fringes • 6200 OPS • 7000 Expense • 7415 OCO (Other Capital Outlay) • 7419 Library Resources

  10. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • W03 Student Activity Funds Budget Transfers: • Only for Fund Type 12 • Increases and decreases are not required to balance. • One-sided entries are allowed. • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • Must have available Free Cash to request increases in budget. • Budget Categories Allowed: • 6000 Salaries • 6100 Salary Fringes • 6200 OPS • 7000 Expense • 7415 OCO (Other Capital Outlay) • 8500 Transfer-Out

  11. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • W04 Athletic Funds Budget Transfers: • Only for Fund Type 15 • Increases and decreases are not required to balance. • One-sided entries are allowed. • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • Must have available Free Cash to request increases in budget. • Budget Categories Allowed: • 6000 Salaries • 6100 Salary Fringes • 6200 OPS • 7000 Expense • 7101 Travel (individual)

  12. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • 71008 Group Travel • 7415 OCO (Other Capital Outlay) • 8500 Transfer-Out • 85004 Scholarship Transfer-Out • 85005 Fee Waiver Transfer-Out

  13. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • W05 Contract & Grant Funds Budget Transfers: • Only for Fund Type 21 • Increases and decreases are not required to balance. • One-sided entries are allowed. • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • Must have available Free Cash to request increases in budget. • Budget Categories Allowed: • 6000 Salaries • 6100 Salary Fringes • 6200 OPS • 7000 Expense • 7415 OCO (Other Capital Outlay) • 8500 Transfer-Out

  14. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • W06 Financial Aid Funds Budget Transfers: • Only for Fund Type 41 • Increases and decreases are not required to balance. • One-sided entries are allowed. • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • Must have available Free Cash to request increases in budget. • Budget Categories Allowed: • 7000 Expense • 8500 Transfer-Out

  15. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • W07 Scholarships: • Only for Fund Type 14 • Increases and decreases are not required to balance. • One-sided entries are allowed. • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • Must have available Free Cash to request increases in budget. • Budget Categories Allowed: • 7000 Expense • 8500 Transfer-Out

  16. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • W08 Auxiliary Funds Budget Transfers: • Only for Fund Type 13 • Increases and decreases are not required to balance. • One-sided entries are allowed. • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • Must have available Free Cash to request increases in budget. • Budget Categories Allowed: • 6000 Salaries • 6100 Salary Fringes • 6200 OPS • 7000 Expense • 7415 OCO (Other Capital Outlay) • 7420 FCO (Fixed Capital Outlay) • 8500 Transfer-Out

  17. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • W11 Concession Funds Budget Transfers: • Only for Fund Type 16 • Increases and decreases are not required to balance. • One-sided entries are allowed. • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • Must have available Free Cash to request increases in budget. • Budget Categories Allowed: • 6000 Salaries • 6100 Salary Fringes • 6200 OPS • 7000 Expense • 7415 OCO (Other Capital Outlay) • 8500 Transfer-Out

  18. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • W12 Construction Funds Budget Transfers: • Only for Fund Type 91 • Activity Codes are Required • Increases and decreases are not required to balance. • One-sided entries are allowed. • Must have available budget (Activity codes that are decreasing). • Must have available Free Cash to request increases in budget. • Budget Categories Allowed: • 7420 FCO (Fixed Capital Outlay)

  19. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • W13 Technology Funds Budget Transfers: • Only for Fund Type 19 • Increases and decreases are not required to balance. • One-sided entries are allowed. • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • Must have available Free Cash to request increases in budget. • Budget Categories Allowed: • 6000 Salaries • 6100 Salary Fringes • 6200 OPS • 7000 Expense • 7415 OCO (Other Capital Outlay) • 8500 Transfer-Out

  20. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • W19 Board Approved Fees Funds Budget Transfers: • Only for Fund Type 34 • Increases and decreases are not required to balance. • One-sided entries are allowed. • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • Must have available Free Cash to request increases in budget. • Budget Categories Allowed: • 6000 Salaries • 6100 Salary Fringes • 6200 OPS • 7000 Expense • 7415 OCO (Other Capital Outlay) • 8500 Transfer-Out Budget Transfers & Reports

  21. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • BD02Sponsored Research Seed/Admin Funds Budget Transfers: • Only for Fund Type 17 and Fund Type 18 • All lines will have the same index. • One-sided entries are not allowed. • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • Budget Categories Allowed: • 6000 Salaries • 6100 Salary Fringes • 6200 OPS • 7000 Expense • 7415 OCO (Other Capital Outlay)

  22. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • BR24Sponsored Research Grant Funds Budget Transfers: • Only for Fund Type 22 • Must have PI’s written approval prior to initiating • Increases and decreases must balance within the grant fund • All lines will have the same index. • One-sided entries are not allowed. • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • Budget Categories must remain as originally budgeted

  23. Budget Transfers & Reports • Rule Codes/Journal Types Continued… • GRTSRSP Seed/Admin Funds Budget Transfers (w/cash): • Only for Fund Type 17 and Fund Type 18 • Moving budget and cash between 2 indexes • Must have available budget (categories that are decreasing). • Moves budget in 7000 Exp and 10099 Cash Interfund at the same time. • One-sided entries are not allowed • Can only use transfer account codes: • 80002 Transfer-In (for index receiving budget & cash) • 85001 Transfer-Out (for index giving up budget & cash)

  24. Budget Transfers & Reports Account Categories(Rule Code/Account Code Chart): 6000 – Salary 6100 – Fringe 6200 – OPS 7000 – Exp 71001 – Travel (limited to athletics) 71008 – Group Travel (limited to athletics) 7415 – OCO 7419 – Library Resources (limited to library use) 7420 – FCO (limited to fixed capital projects use) 80002 – Transfer Interfund In (limited to GRTS) 8500 – Transfer Out 85001 - Transfer Interfund Out (limited to GTRS) 85004 – Scholarship Transfer Out (limited to athletics) 85005 – Fee Waiver Transfer Out (limited to athletics)

  25. Budget Transfers & Reports Screen Reference Chart: FGAJVCQ- used to enter Budget Transfer FGIBAVL – used to get available balance FGIBDST – used for drill down, activity code balance & approver’s review FGIDOCR – used to query documents by number FGITBAL – used to find the cash interfund balance FOADOCU – used to call back a document prior to posting. FOAUAPP – used to approve Budget Transfers

  26. Budget Transfers & Reports • Important Things to Remember: • Use the tab and arrow keys rather than your mouse • Always check for budget/cash before you start • Use live data to determine available cash/budget • Only 1 journal type/rule code per budget transfer • Salary or Fringe must be listed first • Look at your hint line • Cash Move is separate from budget transfer except • for GRTS • Keep records for auditor review • Timing • Initiator is the only one that can make a change to a • budget transfer

  27. Budget Transfers & Reports Information Navigator Reports: BUDG000003-Approvers Document Detail BUDG000008 – Budget Availability – Approver BUDG000010 – Budget Availability By Activity Code BUDG000047 – Budget Control Proof List BUDG000020 – Document Detail by Status BUDG000009 – Free Cash Approver BUDG000044 – Budget Availability Deficits FIN000009 – Fund Hierarchy FIN000014 – Orgn Hierarchy Report (in Pred. orgn order) FIN000020 – Activity Code Listing FIN000022 – Index Listing RSP000008 – Grant Inception-To-Date w/Fund

  28. Budget Transfers & Reports Sample Budget Transfer: Assume the following: Index 8150 (Marketing & Economics) has the following information on FGIBAVL Account Budget YTD Encumb Avail Bal 6000 10,000 5,000 4,000 1,000 6,000 3,000 2,400 600 20,000 12,000 0 8,000 And 8152 (Graduate Asst-Mkting & Econ) has Account Budget YTD Encumb Avail Bal 6000 8,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 6,000 3,000 2,400 600 15,000 10,000 0 5,000 8152 needs $1,000 to hire an OPS student worker.

  29. Budget Transfers & Reports Sample Budget Transfer: Assume the following: Index 130014 (Telecom Operations)has $77,142.68 free cash and the following: Account Budget YTD Encumb Avail Bal 6000 112,009 67,806 0 44,203 39,946 24,543 0 15,403 235,793 148,220 0 87,573 8500 88,767 13,767 0 75,000 130014 needs $75,000 for new equipment.

  30. Budget Transfers & Reports Questions and Answers? Contact Information: Pam Cadem, Senior Budget Data Analyst pcadem@uwf.edu phone 474-2215 Jackie Pinkard, Assistant Director jpinkard@uwf.edu phone 474-2023

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