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Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS. Medical or other device/system. (µ)ESPA-X connections to the active DAKS server. VoIP/TDM trunk; SMS service; OAP, DSAP, and SMTP connections. Medical or other device/system. e.g. HL7. Medical or other device/system.
Medicalor other device/system (µ)ESPA-X connections to the active DAKS server VoIP/TDM trunk; SMS service; OAP, DSAP, and SMTP connections Medicalor other device/system e.g. HL7 Medicalor other device/system Smartphoneswith integrated'DAKS Mobile Client' SIEMENSMed OPENLink e.g. HL7 DAKS server #1 with process server Wi-Fi Medicalor other device/system e.g. HL7 DAKS cluster: one active –one hot standby Medicalor other device/system PublicGSM/UMTS e.g. HL7 Hospital'spGSM server StandardGSM phones µDAKS-Adapt Medicalor other device/system DAKS server #2 with process server ESPA 4.4.4 ISDN DECT or WiFitags and medallions Medicalor other device/system TAP DAKS Administrator: DOCS (browser based) DAKS-TT Administrator-Tools Contacts Medicalor other device/system Internet DECT/WiFihandsets DECT DAKS DatabaseServer DAKS Operators: DOCS (browser-based) and/or DAKS-TT Operator-Toolsand/or DAKS Customized Operator Hospital's PBX Stationaryphones Hospital's Ethernet-LAN System Topology Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft)
Overall Strategy Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft) • Single DAKS server or DAKS cluster (one active / one in hot-standby) for alarm control • Hospital's LAN as basis for the data interchange between the components of the "Distributed Alarm System" • DAKS peripheral components for operation and administration: • DAKS process server (attached to every DAKS server) • DAKS database server (one per system) • DAKS-TT administrator tools (Windows PC software) • DAKS-TT operator tools (Windows PC software) • Customer-specific graphical user interfaces "DAKS Customized Operator = DCO", as an add-on to the DAKS-TT Operator tools (Windows PC software) • completely browser-based "DAKS-Operator-Control-System = DOCS" • µ(ESPA)-X interfaces on the host side: • directly from the medical or non-medical devices/systems • from the medical or non-medical devices/systems with serial interfaces or contact interfaces via µDAKS-Adapt converters • from the medical or non-medical devices/systems with e.g. HL7 interfaces and a data concentrator e.g. from Siemens Med • VoIP trunk, TDM trunk, SMS messaging, SMTP messaging, OAP and/or DSAP connections to the caregiver's devices (mobile or stationary): • Telephone calls, emergency telephone conferences • Simple messaging • Intelligent communication with DAKS Mobile Clients (Apps for Smartphones and PCs)
Data Data Data ESPA-X Voice Voice Voice TDMVoIP Data OScAR-Pro Data Scenario #1: Patient call via IP Nurse Call to Ascom i75 with escalation to BlackBerry via GSM/UMTS Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft) DoorIntercom IP Nurse CallServer Wi-Fi AP PATIENT CALL W01 R22 B02 Ascom i75 Pos Neg Call AscomIMS Bilateral voice communication TCP/IP LAN GSM/UMTS HiPath • Competent responders(calling numbers/calling groups etc.) • Text message indicating Ward/Room/Bed • Assigned voice announcements BlackBerryEnterprise Server BlackBerry
Data ESPA-X Voice Voice Voice TDMVoIP Data OScAR-Pro Data Scenario #2: Patient call via IP Nurse Callto an iPhone via GSM/UMTS Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft) DoorIntercom IP Nurse CallServer Wi-Fi AP Bilateral voice communication TCP/IP LAN GSM/UMTS HiPath • Competent responders(calling numbers/calling groups etc.) • Text message indicating Ward/Room/Bed • Assigned voice announcements iPhone
ESPA-X DAKS Transport Logistics Assignment from SyncroTESSto BlackBerry via GSM/UMTS or Wi-Fi Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft) SyncroTESS Server assigned Transparent Mode TCP/IP LAN Wi-Fi GSM/UMTS BlackBerryEnterprise Server • Dialog via text messagesin combination with soft keys BlackBerry
Text for TTV Data DAKS Data Voice Transmission of a Confidential MessageIncluding PIN Request and Text-to-Voice Translation Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft) DAKS-TT Operator-Tool with DCO TCP/IP LAN GSM/UMTS BlackBerryEnterprise Server • Text-to-speech conversion via Text-to-Voice (TTV) BlackBerry
DAKS No-movement Alarm from a GMD Emergency Medallionwith Subsequent Positioning Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft) DPS-view Wi-Fi AP Operator Tool GMD-22 TCP/IP LAN GSM/UMTS • Competent responders(calling numbers/calling groups etc.) • Text message includingpositioning result • Assigned voice announcements BlackBerryEnterprise Server BlackBerry
Alert next nurse letsring Nurse callsystem attentionsignal Patient calling takescall Typical Work Flow of a Patient CallUsing the Example of a BlackBerry Smartphone Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft) After talk-back to the patient room the following options are available: "Store call" (hang up) "Prioritize call" ('1') "Delete call" ('#') End of patient call "Store call"
DAKS Emergency Alarm from an iPhone withan Installed DMC, with Subsequent Positioning Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft) Control Center DPS-view Wi-Fi AP iPhone with an installed'DAKS Mobile Client' TCP/IP LAN • Competent responders(calling numbers/calling groups etc.) • Text message w/ positioning result • Assigned voice announcements
DAKS Triggering of a Crisis Team Conference froma BlackBerry with an Installed DMC Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft) Control Center Wi-Fi AP BlackBerry with an installed'DAKS Mobile Client' TCP/IP LAN • Competent responders(calling numbers/calling groups etc.) • Display text • Assigned voice announcements
ESPA-XModern Link-up of Host Systems to Alarm Servers Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft) PBX e.g. eurse call system … ESPA-X Soft switch LAN / WAN Alarmserver e.g. emerg. resp. host computer ESPA-X DECT • XML encoded client server interface • broad standardized basis,expandable on proprietary basis • easy implementation • with feedback evaluableby the computer • more at: http://www.espa-x.org … ESPA-X Wi-Fi e.g. BCM tool GSM /UMTS
Industry SectorAutomation Technology Industry SectorBuilding Technologies Enterprise Communications The Continuously Growing ESPA-X Community(in alphabetic order) Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft)
Functionalities of a 'DAKS Mobile Client' (DMC)(if supported by the device) Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft) • Notification via text messages (also complex dialogs) with accompanying variable attention signal (regular, urgent and emergency), also during ongoing telephone calls • Softkeys: • for PIN inputs and instant confirmation or rejection of received tasks (closed-loop-notifications) • to set up telephone calls (e.g. to a prepared conference) • for dynamic links to a web page (e. g. video image or ECG details) • Background information exchange with DAKS for presence status detection • Campus-wide location tracking information in the Wi-Fi environment • Automatic communication route selection • WiFi communication for in-house subscribers • GSM/UMTS communication for external subscribers • Emergency button to set off alarm calls • Automatic 'History' function (received messages and type of ACK) • Additional features in preparation
Ascom i62 or i75 Ascom IMS OAP Apple iOS(in review at Apple) Windows mobile (planned) BlackBerry (RIM)(available) DAKS Smartphone Access Protocol (DSAP) Android(planned) Apple Mac OS(planned) DAKSwith DAKS SmartphoneAccess Service (DSAS) Windows Vista / 7(planned) Microsoft Lync(planned) DAKS Smartphone Access (DSA):Schematic Overview and Roadmap Distributed Alarm System in the Hospital based on DAKS (Draft) DAKS Mobile Client (DMC) on various terminals