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class 2 (08/31/09) beginning as a researcher

class 2 (08/31/09) beginning as a researcher. research root: re: again circare (circum): to go around, about. research

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class 2 (08/31/09) beginning as a researcher

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  1. class 2 (08/31/09) beginning as a researcher

  2. research root: re: again circare (circum): to go around, about

  3. research • it is the special task of the social scientist in each generation to pin down contemporary facts…[and] to realign culture’s view of [people] with present realities. (Lee Cronbach, 1975, p. 126) • don’t make up what you could find out. (Howard Becker, 1996, p. 59) • supposing is good, but finding out is better (Mark Twain, n.d.)

  4. a research attitude • The world is out there—but descriptions of the world are not. The world does not speak. Only we do. (Richard Rorty)

  5. one is tempted to think that [researchers] are often like children playing cowboys; the emulate them in everything but their main work, which is taking care of cows. The main work of scientists is thinking and making discoveries of what was not thought of beforehand. [Researchers] often attempt to “play scientist” by avoiding the main work. (David Bakan, 1968, p. 64)

  6. a unified perspective 1. all research consists of making observations of some part of the world and drawing inferences about that part of the world from those observations • social scientists have devised many useful ways to observe the world

  7. “As far as our propositions are certain, they do not say anything about reality, and as far as they do say anything about reality, they are not certain.” (Albert Einstein) 2. research findings are always uncertain • researchers should always provide an estimate of their certainty (or uncertainty) • the goal is to reduce uncertainty

  8. 3. research methods are public—both how one did one’s observations and how one made one’s inferences 4. all research seeks the unobservable, but to get to the unobservable, one must begin with the observable

  9. the act of research • identify an area • formulate a problem or question • find out what is known, how well it is known, and who knows it • make a plan for finding it out • observe—generate data • bring raw data (observations)“home” • construct a data record from raw data • work on data record • make inferences (analyze/interpret) • write up what one did and what one found out • make the writing public

  10. constructing a question or problem • find an hypothesis (explanation) in literature for which there has been little systematic empirical study • find an accepted explanation in the literature you suspect is not warranted, or has not been adequately confirmed • find a controversy in the literature and provide evidence for one side or the other—or show controversy unfounded • make the case that an important topic has been overlooked in the literature and contribute a systematic study

  11. Kiewra: a slice of advice • study a domain intensively • 10 year rule • pay yourself first • have challenging and important goals • kid test • conduct systematic work with colleagues

  12. write clearly and with style • Levin’s friend test • embrace feedback • find a candid colleague and venerate that individual • do not lose perspective • what are we about

  13. Krathwohl: ch 3 • journey: interesting and useful but does he leave something out? • sources of knowledge • what are they in your area • norms of knowledge production • universal standards • common ownership • integrity in gathering and interpreting data • organized skepticism

  14. important ideas • findings, claims*, knowledge • Dewey: “warranted assertability” • Cronbach: “uncertainty reduction” • replication • gatekeepers • parsimony (Occam’s razor) • disinterestedness *not in Krathwohl

  15. Krathwohl: Ch 4 • the journalist’s questions: • who, what, where, why, how, when • the chain of reasoning • only as strong as its weakest link • links should be equally strong • each link determined by link before it • where links share load, strong link may compensate for weaker one

  16. important ideas • chain of reasoning • generalization • hypothesis • model

  17. housekeeping • discussion: 262 armory, W, R 3:30-5 • RefWorks: www.library.uiuc.edu/refworks/ • similar to EndNote, but free • AERA: www.aera.net, meetings & events • lit review examples—list on website • next class (2 weeks): • prof org membership report (all) • prof org project plan (A & A-) • 5-minute assignment • test example on website

  18. name prof org project plan AERA (NARST, APA etc) option 2

  19. ethics Sieber ch 1 • IRB (Institutional Review Board) • reviews all proposals for human research before the research is done to ascertain whether the research plan has adequately included the ethical dimension of the project

  20. Sieber ch 2 research protocol • description of research methods and procedures • how benefit is maximized and risk minimized • autonomy of subjects respected • fairness to subjects ensured • additional material included (p. 14)

  21. writing references: APA 193 ff. journal article (journal paginated across year) Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Title. Journal, 23, pp-pp. doi:xxx.xx/xx Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Title. Journal, 23, pp-pp. doi:xxx.xx/xx Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title. Journal, 23, pp-pp. Retrieved from http://xxx.xx/xx

  22. journal article (paginated by issue) Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title. Journal, 23(2), pp-pp. journal article in press (make sure) Vasconcelos, T. (in press). Conversations around the large table. Early Education and Development.

  23. paperpresented at conference Lee, K. (2001, April). Not the united colors of Benetton: Language, culture, and peers. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.

  24. chapter in edited book Author, A. A. (date). Chapter title. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). Chicago, IL: Publisher. chapter in an authored book Bruner, J. (1990). Folk psychology as an instrument of culture. In Acts of meaning (pp. 33-65). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

  25. unpublished dissertation Chung, S. (1999). Unpacking child-centeredness: A history of meanings (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. authored book Becker, Howard S. (1986). Writing for social scientists: How to start and finish your thesis, book, or article. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago.

  26. edited book Jones, A. A. (Ed.). (date). Book title. Urbana, IL: Publisher. author and publisher same American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

  27. grad life more top 10 tips 10. attend the university 9. get a good adviser 8. develop a good relationship with your adviser 7. work ahead 6. schedule ahead 5. schedule in detail .

  28. 4.work more efficiently, not more 3. rub shoulders with the giants 2. the habits you develop now will be habits you carry through the rest of your academic career 1. these are the best years of your life—enjoy them

  29. local treasures • WILL: am 580, fm 90.9, tv 12 (www.will.uiuc.edu) • WEFT: 90.1 fm: community radio (www.weftfm.com) • WWHP: 98.3 fm: americana (non-pop) music (www.wwhp.com)

  30. Allerton Park (Monticello) (www.conted.uiuc.edu/allerton/) • Armory • Krannert Art Museum (www.art.uiuc.edu/kam) • Krannert Center for Performing Arts (www.kcpa.uiuc.edu/kcpa) • ARC & CRCE (www.campusrec.uiuc.edu)

  31. UI Ice Arena (www.campusrec.uiuc.edu) • 11:15-12:45, M-F (students free) (skate rental $1) • public skate (students free) • Wed, Fri7:30-9:30 • Sat, Sun 1:30-4 • kinesiology classes • learn-to-skate classes (fee) • clubs: speed skating, ice dancing etc • rat hockey 5:15-6:45 fridays ($5) (helmets and cage required; full equipment recommended)

  32. free stuff this week • under construction

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