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How many ways can a soliloquy be performed? . Soliloquy in performance. C onsider: Movement – gesture, management of space – how will you show Macbeth’s evil imaginings? Voice – tone, pace, volume, pause
Soliloquy in performance • Consider: • Movement – gesture, management of space – how will you show Macbeth’s evil imaginings? • Voice – tone, pace, volume, pause • Annotate onto your extract directors notes for: gestures; notable changes in Macbeth’s focus or thoughts; placement of emphasis on key words or lines (voice; tone; pace; pause).
Performance considerations Act 1; Scene 7 Act 2; Scene 1 How you will demonstrate Macbeth’s evil imaginings? Example: Show the Witches in the background of this scene, as if puppeteers controlling Macbeth’s actions… • How will you present Macbeth’s inner conflict of mind? Example: • Presnt Macbeth and the conversations between his good and evil consciences
Act 1:3 or Act 2:2? • Looking over these two scenes, which character would you most like to “step inside” the mindset of and craft your soliloquy around? • Act 1:3 or Act 2:2? • The Witches, Banquo, Macbeth or Lady Macbeth?
Step Inside • Stimulus: Act 1:3 or Act 2:2 • Planning: • Think about who and what are directly involved in the actions within the scene? Are there any observers? Note down. • Select the character perspective you find most interesting and “step inside” this character’s mind, reflecting on what you know about them from your study of Macbeth so far. • What can this person see, observe or notice? Imagine yourself in role and describe what you see, observe and notice from the stimulus scene. • What might the person know about, understand and believe? Respond from the perspective of your character. • What might the person care about? Describe your ideas, explanations and thinking. • What might the person wonder about or question? Provide justifications for your thinking.
What do you notice about this soliloquy performance that is impressive? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pusU90ov8pQ
How might a soliloquy be assessed? 30 – 50 lines long only
Criterion A Content • Are you showing perceptive insight into your characters state of mind which is informed by the text? • Do you have a sophisticated command of the vocabulary likely to be used by your character? This does not mean that you can’t write a modern soliloquy, but to include a number of vocabulary choices previously used by yourcharacter might be worth considering. • Remember to show light and shade in character thoughts to keep both your written and physical performance interesting to an audience.
CRITERION B: Organisation • Is your soliloquy planned in a sophisticated way? Do with see the development of character thoughts and emotions in a way that is in keeping with what we know about that character? • Are your structural choices effectively deployed for clarity and emphasis? I.e. Line length, lexical items (words), syntax (word order) and punctuation. • Would variety in structure add to the reading and performance of your soliloquy?
Criterion C: Style and Language Mechanics • Have you used a wide variety of vocabulary that engages and intrigues readers and audiences? • How well have you presented your ideas through emphasized use of pause, tone, pace, volume, movement, gesture, facial expression and language choices? • Craft, re-draft and rehearse thoroughly to avoid unnecessary mistakes in e.g. grammar and tense use. • How confident, rehearsed and masterful is your performance delivery?
A beginning for Lady Macbeth? To threaten his manhood, was it too much? He was once a man: murdering without flinching on the battlefield. Feeling no regret afterwards. Oh, such a man and husband. I was merely the wind, directing the seeds of his ambition. Desires that I know we both wanted. Surely, A true man would need not my assistance in these matters? It is strange how I, a woman, am needed to be the arrow drawn from his bow. Is it wrong for a wife to possess ambitions and desires like a man? I must now be the innocent flower yet also the serpent under’t it.
The Witches Perspective? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VebFpEzv44c
3-2-1 Reflection 3 – Most interesting soliloquy features 2 – Different ways the soliloquy could be performed 1 – Word to summarize Macbeth’s state of mind during the scene