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Join us for an evening covering Year 6 life, curriculum, and expectations. Learn about literacy, numeracy, science, history, and more. Meet the teachers and understand the key aspects of your child's learning journey.
Welcome to Year 6 Meet and Greet Session Autumn Term 2016 - 2017 Monday 19th September 2016
Aims of this evening • To give you an overview of your child’s ‘life’ in Year 6 • To give you an overview of the curriculum and expectations in Year 6
Year 6 Teacher – Miss Shindler Mrs Menmuir Teaching assistant – Mrs Russell PPA cover – Mrs Petty (PE) Mrs Winter (French MFL) Additional adults: Mrs Hanlon
Essential building blocks for learning Regular reading at home Knowledge of numbers bonds to 100 Knowledge by heart of multiplication and division facts up to, and including,12 x 12
Curriculum subjects • Literacy inc. spelling and PaG • Numeracy • Science • ICT • History • Geography • R.E. • MFL – French • Art • Music • D.T • P.E.
Literacy Literacy lesson every day (1 hour). Focus can be: writing (including spelling, punctuation and grammar) speaking and listening including drama reading comprehension Guided Reading:
Literacy Guided reading every morning 9:00 - 9:30 a.m.
The genres that will be covered in literacy this year include fiction, non-fiction and poetry:
Literacy Expectations KS2 Learning objective and success criteria should be stuck into your book neatly. All written work should be completed in pen with your neatest cursive handwriting. All mistakes to be crossed out with a pencil/pen and a ruler. All written work should be read through carefully to check for spelling errors and to check that it makes sense. At the end of each lesson target your work against the success criteria and traffic light using a crayon. (Red = I found this hard, amber = I found this a bit challenging,green = I understood this lesson).
Numeracy Numeracy lesson every day (1 hour). Children will follow the Mathematics National Curriculum: Number inc. place value, four operations, fractions Ratio and proportion Algebra Measurement Geometry – properties of shape; position and direction Statistics
Maths Expectations KS2 Look at the teachers marking: = answer is correct, = answer is incorrect, anything highlighted in yellow needs to be checked for mistakes and responded to. If you have been given a question/ sum to answer please answer it. Learning objective should be stuck into your book neatly. All workings out should be done in pencil. One digit to be written per square. Every line to be drawn with a ruler. All mistakes to be crossed out with a pencil and a ruler. Each calculation should be checked to see if the answer is correct. At the end of each lesson target your work against the success criteria and traffic light using a crayon. (Red = I found this hard, amber = I found this a bit challenging, green = I understood this lesson).
Science Topics Sound Light Electricity Evolution and Inheritance Living things and their habitats Animals inc. humans (inc. SRE)
History • The effect of World War II on Birmingham • Ancient Greece
Geography To be able to use atlases, maps, grid references To understand geographical terminology e.g. longitude, latitude South America Describe and understand key aspects of physical and human characteristics
Computing • Computing/ICT links will be made across the curriculum where possible. • ICT will also be taught discretely e.g. coding.
Art Painting Collage Sculpture Drawing Print Textiles Digital media Art will take place throughout the year linked to all curriculum areas.
Design and Technology Design Make Evaluate Develop technical knowledge Cooking and nutrition
Key Stage 2 Physical Education Curriculum 2015 – 2016 Class 6
P.E and school teams • Natural ability for the sport – based upon application of skills / recorded times / distance + the considered opinion of the staff in charge of the training session (class lesson and/or after school club). • Where selection involves children of equal ability, preference will be given to the child in the older year group. • Children will be given the opportunity to represent their houses in half-termly inter-house competitions.
Year 6 responsibilities Role models Duties inc. library, playtime door duties, tuck, wet play monitors, play leaders Buddies
Working in class • Class agreement
Working in Class • BLP – Reflective/ independent learners
Working in class • Working independently • Working in pairs or groups • Collaboration • Ability groups – flexibility • Use of Monkey Box
Behaviour • All classes use the 7 Golden Rules which are displayed in each classroom and areas such as the hall and ICT suite. • Golden Plate • Each child will have a ‘plate’ template which is divided into 7 sections – each section will relate to a Golden Rule. • Children will be awarded a sticker for specific section when they have demonstrated that rule exceptionally well. • Children who complete their plate will receive an award at the end of each term.
Individual Reward – Golden plate Thank you for being honest Thank you for working hard Thank you for being gentle Every child has a ‘plate’ template which is divided into 7 sections – each section relates to a Golden Rule. Thank you for being polite Thank you for looking after property Thank you for being kind and helpful Thank you for listening
Individual Reward – Golden plate Children will be awarded a sticker for specific section when they have demonstrated that rule exceptionally well. Children who complete their plate will receive an award at the end of each term. Plate 1 – certificate and Moor Hall pencil. Plate 2 – certificate and Moor Hall pen Plate 3 – certificate and Moor Hall ruler If a child is awarded all 3 plates within an academic year they will be rewarded with a Moor Hall enamel badge.
KS2 • Each class will use a ‘classometer’ ranging from -5 to 10 to monitor behaviour throughout the day. • The classometer should return to 0 at the end of each day. • Once the children reach 10 they should be rewarded with a golden coin (or equivalent). • Class teachers to negotiate with the children their choice of reward once the class reach 5, 10, 15 and 20 golden coins.
Consequences • This staged approach will be used across a half-day session in KS2 • Stage One – Focus on Golden Rules • Re-focus the child on the Golden Rule they are breaking. • Positive reinforcement of the Golden Rules around the child who is breaking them. • Stage 2 – Manage their Environment • Staff will make a statement indicating that the behaviour is misplaced for that environment (classroom \ playground). • Provide choices – change of location within that environment. • Change the child’s location to a different environment. (This is referred to as Time Out – see Stage 3) • Stage 3 – Putting it Right. • The “Put It Right” sheet is a strategy to help children reflect upon negative behaviour, offer an opportunity to rectify mistakes, and move on. • “Put It Right” sheets will be completed for any time-out period. • Staff will review completed “Put It Right” sheet with the child before they can return to their original environment. • “Put It Right” sheets should be kept in a class file for future reference
Marking • House points awarded • Success criteria ticked • Learning objective highlighted • Teacher comment/ target marking – child to respond
Marking – Literacy KS 2 • Written work for Literacy + curriculum areas • Fantastic phrases / sentences highlighted in green. • Errors (grammar / poor vocabulary choices) highlighted in yellow. • = especially good use of vocabulary or punctuation. Children need to identify the reason why at the end of a piece of work. • Sp = spelling error identified • WWWT = what’s wrong with this - find the error ( e.g capital letter missing or in the wrong place / punctuation missing or incorrect) • VF = verbal feedback received from an adult (children to initial alongside)
Marking Numeracy KS2 • = correct answer • . = incorrect answer • Fantastic work highlighted in green if appropriate. • Errors highlighted in yellow. • WWWT= find the error • VF= verbal feedback received from an adult (children to initial alongside) • Incorrect answers to be targeted at the end of a piece of work to address misconceptions
Homework Year 5 & 6 Upper KS2 homework…….. average of 2 hours per week may include: Spellings - weekly Maths task Literacy based activity Learning Log homework - weekly
Homework timetable Day Homework To be handed Monday Literacy Friday Tuesday Numeracy Friday Wednesday Thursday Learning Log Monday Friday