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Basics. By Mrs. Fisher. The World Wide Web (www.). Alias: The Web. is the part of the Internet most heavily used for research. (The Visible Web). What does www stand for?. World Wide Web. What exactly is the Web?.

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  1. Basics By Mrs. Fisher

  2. The World Wide Web (www.) Alias: The Web is the part of the Internet most heavily used for research (The Visible Web)

  3. What does www stand for? World Wide Web What exactly is the Web? The web is a huge collection of electronic pages filled with written information, graphics, sound and video clips.

  4. The Most Common Purposes Of Web Sites Are: • To Inform • To Persuade • To Promote (Advertise or Sell) • To Entertain M-m-m Remind You of Something?

  5. Now without peeking, you tell me— The Most Common Purposes Of Media • To Inform • To Persuade • To Promote (Advertise or Sell) • To Entertain

  6. The www is made up of millions of these web sites all connected by links

  7. A Web site has links that can take the user to other Web pages . . . Within the same site—these are called “internal links”. Or the links can take us to pages at other Web sites—these are called ALL ARE CALLED HYPERTEXT LINKS “external links”.

  8. The Universal Resource Locator (URL) tells us the address of a Web site. Example: www.dickinson.k12.nd.us/berg/ Is the URL for Berg Elementary’s “Home Page” Question: What is a Home Page?

  9. The Definition of a Home Page is: www.dickinson.k12.nd.us/berg/ The main page of a Web site. It usually has an index telling what is contained on the site.

  10. Example: www.dickinson.k12.nd.us/berg/ Is the URL for Berg Elementary’s Home Page The Universal Resource Locator (URL) tells us the address of a Web site. What’s a Link? The Definition Of A Hyperlink or Hypertext Link: This is a Link • Highlighted words or graphics found on Web pages. • Auser can jump to a new page on the Web site by clicking on the link. • Sometimes they even take you to a new Web site altogether!

  11. Let’s take a closer look at the URL . . . Again, what does URL stand for? Yes, universal resource locator Basically, what is an URL? It’s the address for a Web page

  12. URL’s can tell us important things about Web sites. By studying the domainof a Web site, you may be able to tell what a Web site is about and also whether it is reliable or not. “What’s a domain?” –you may ask.

  13. www.revolutionarywar.cloudworth.com/heroes-generals.php Let’s look at an example of an URL. www.revolutionarywar.cloudworth.com/heroes-generals.php The“Domain Name” is the part of a web address that follows the “www.”

  14. TheTop Level Domain is the part of the URL that indicates the type of Web site. Some examples of this are: .edu, .com, .gov, .org, and .mil www.revolutionarywar.cloudworth.com/heroes-generals.php

  15. Okay, we’ve gone over lots of stuff about links and URLs. We know that links connect us to different Web pages. But what about the Web pages? Are they just floating out there somewhere? Where are they so that we are able to link to them???

  16. The answer is that there is a special kind of software (and also special computers) that store Web pages and provide them to computers that request the information. Alex Christian Christian These are called servers or “Web servers”.

  17. Now here’s another question for you. What is it—on your computer—that let’s you connect to the Internet? The answer is—a“Web browser”. The name for the software that allows us to connect to a web server is called a “Web browser”.

  18. There are many different Web browsers

  19. Some of the most common Web browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, and Safari.

  20. Web browsers allow us to go to one of the various search engines to search for information on the web. So let’s talk about this—What is a “search engine”? Definition: A program used to search for information on the World Wide Web.

  21. Some of the most common search engines today are:

  22. We’ve covered a lot of information. Now you need to put it to use! • Activity 1—Web Terms Matching • Activity • Activity 2—Matching URLs to the • need for information

  23. Credits These images were accessed through “Google Image” in November 2009. • Slide #1 and Slide #7 “World Wide Web Image” http://www.uovs.ac.za/support/library/ilk/internet/www.jpg • Slide #2 “Web Image” http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:tFbx_f3BWKPhyM:http://wwwdelivery.superstock.com/WI/223/1439/PreviewComp/SuperStock_1439R-1072246.jpg “Iceberg Image” http://www.harmonywithhypnosis.com/images/iceberg.jpg • Slide #3 “Web Image” http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:tFbx_f3BWKPhyM:http://wwwdelivery.superstock.com/WI/223/1439/PreviewComp/SuperStock_1439R-1072246.jpg • Slide #4 “Chimpanzee Image” http://www.goodcommitment.tv/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/chimpanzee_thinking_poster.jpg

  24. Credits (con’t) • Slide #5 “Cat & Dog” Image http://www.dfordog.com/funnies/pic_seenoevil.jpg “Chimpanzee” Image http://www.goodcommitment.tv/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/chimpanzee_thinking_poster.jpg • Slide #6 http://www.snipercom.com/Graphics/Stock%20Photos/Connecting%20the%20world.jpg • Slide #8 Question Image http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/images/question.gif • Slide #12 “Pink Question Mark” http://askmissa.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/question-mark.jpg • Slide #15 “Green Question Mark” http://blog.salazarpackaging.com/wp-content/uploads/green-question-mark.jpg

  25. Credits (con’t) • Slide #16 “Web server example” http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:BfbvvHhtiqUZgM:http://i.technet.microsoft.com/Cc512655.WebServerEx(en-us,TechNet.10).jpg • Slide #19 “Web Browsers” http://www.blog.spikeybyte.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/browsers-logos.png • Slide #20 “Popular Web Browsers” http://www.technama.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/browsers-icons.png “Boy on tin can phone” http://www.stlouiscnr.com/images/uploads/tin-can-phone.jpg

  26. Reminder Image http://www.ptsc.k12.in.us/Portals/0/plakes/teacherfiles/reminder.93ba4a0b-92fa-473d-bef1-4cff492e352f.gif We were talking about URLS!!! So lets get back to that topic . . .

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