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By : Marina Moro, Melani Fernández , Raquel Campos y Natalia Cabello. T ranslation. Associations. http://www.asetrad.org/ This is the official Spanish association of translators, which informs about the legal conditions of translators, legal rights, events, news, workshops, press and so on.
By : Marina Moro, MelaniFernández, Raquel Campos y Natalia Cabello. Translation
Associations http://www.asetrad.org/ This is the official Spanish association of translators, which informs about the legal conditions of translators, legal rights, events, news, workshops, press and so on.
Forums http://forum.wordreference.com/forumdisplay.php?f=83 This page offersmultipleanswers, itisfast and itistheforum of a dictionary, so itisformallycorrect.You can findvocabulary, grammar (whichisnotcommon in theotherssites) and specializedterminology.
Journals This journal tries to show different ways of translating a poem:
In my craft or sullen artExercised in the still nightWhen only the moon ragesAnd the lovers lie abed En mi oficio o arte taciturno,Ejercido en la noche serena, Cuando sólo la luna se enfureceY los amantes yacen acostados Although it is not the last or the best because… sullen = taciturno pero también huraño - hosco - sombrío - arisco craft = oficio pero también artesanía
So the poem can be translated in this way: • In my craft or sullen artExercised in the still nightWhen only the moon ragesAnd the lovers lie abed • En mi oficio o arte sombrío,Ejercitado en la quietud de la noche, Cuando sólo la luna se embraveceY los enamorados yacen en el lecho
Courses and Seminars • www.emagister.com/traduccion-guiones-subtitulacion-ingles-cu... The first one is “Audiovisual Translation: scripts”. In this course you are going to learn different techniques of audiovisual translation, dubbing, and voice-over.