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SPATIAL ORGANIZATION. García , María Quaranta , Kariluz Vegas, Israel . 1.- WHAT IS SPATIAL ORGANIZATION? . The spatial organizations are the different ways a space can be organized and the different function and feeling that give each one of the types. .

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  1. SPATIAL • ORGANIZATION García, María Quaranta, Kariluz Vegas, Israel

  2. 1.- WHAT IS SPATIAL ORGANIZATION? The spatial organizations are the different waysa space can be organized and the different function and feeling that give each one of the types. Essentially is the process of arranging different elements in the space. 2.- HOW ARE THE SPATIAL ORGANIZATIONS : They works on different types of scales ARCHITECTURE URBAN PLANNING The context surrounding the space to organize A SPACE CAN BE

  3. The spatial organization meets the needs of people ARCHITECTURE URBAN PLANNING Normally function to the needs of a group of people with a specific interest Working according to the interests and needs of an entire community, city or nation The spatial organization adapts to the activities Urban planning works with all functions and activities that occur in the city Architects work with specific activities to establish the organization of space. But both seek to design through a better distribution of the spaces with their activities

  4. 3.- IMPORTANCE OF SPATIAL ORGANIZATION IN ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING USES PLANES The spatial organization has a considerable importance for these careers because architects and urban planners work with designs as much as buildings and cities, and giving a correct distribution to these elements can provide a successful development for the place.

  5. 3.- SPATIAL ORGANIZATION IN URBAN PLANNING USES PLANES Urban structure are the arrangement of land use in urban areas. Urban structure can also refer the arrangement of public and private space in cities and the degree of connectivity and accessibility. PUBLIC SPACES PRIVATE SPACES

  6. 4.- ELEMENTS THAT INFLUENCE THE SPATIAL ORGANIZATION It is very important to say that the elements that we are going to take to organize any place vary according: scale, context, function, and others 1.- SCALE: city, housing development, buildings , or just a space.

  7. 2.- THE CONTEXT is thesurrounding space to organize There are activities that are compatible and others that are not Residential Types of activities in the surrounding space Employers Recreation Education Industrial Activities If the space to organize is located in a central or peripheral area • Organization patterns • Characteristics of the spaces • Dimensions of the spaces and structures • Transport and connectivity needs 3.- TYPES OF ACTIVITIES TO TAKE PLACE IN THE AREAS TO ORGANIZE AND CHARACTER OF THE AREA (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SPACES) 4.- NEEDS OF POPULATION, DENSITY, URBAN REGULATIONS, ENVIROMENT, SECTOR ECONOMICAL ACTIVITIES, TOPOGRAPHY OF THE LAND

  8. 5. SPACIAL ORGANIZATION IN COLONIAL DOWNTOWN When the spanish arrived at America (in the territory Inca), they found a perfect space for the exploitation of natural resources and labor force (natives). The structure of the cities had a spatial composition governed by several ordinances made ​​by the kings of Spain in the XVI century. The conquerors took advantage of existing forms of spatial organization, the religious component stripped of its original and took power.

  9. Theurbanlayout. Followed the pattern of SQUARE-Damero configuration. Where from a Central Square, buildings are arranged like the squares of a game of checkers. Cartagena de Indias The law said that to found a city, the area chosen should have a strategic location. They also had to observe the direction of the sun and wind and have good communications. FirstPlane of Caracas

  10. 6. SPACIAL ORGANIZATION IN INFORMAL AREAS FEATURES • Generally are dense. • The layout of an informal settlement is usually irregularly shaped • Self-constructed under poor living conditions. • Access to urban amenities such is very limited. La Dolorita, Petare Cuautepec el Alto, México

  11. BARRIOS AS SELF-ORGANIZED CITIES AROUND THE CITY OF CARACAS Caracas 23 de Enero The barrios take the empty spaces around or inside the city. La Planicie

  12. 7.-Now arises how the spatial organization in Venezuela Currently the spatial organization in Venezuela is in the hands of its local organizers Mayoralty Chacao Mayoralty Baruta Mayoralty El Hatillo Mayoralty Libertador Mayoralty Sucre This image represents the Caracas should be But so is really

  13. To solve this problem of "lack of integration" is necessary to the implementation of urban plans. In the last 40 years General Plan Caracas 1958 (MOP) General Plan Urban Caracas 2000 (OMPU) General Plan Urban Caracas 1973 (OMPU) Strategic Plan Caracas Metropolis 2010 (CIDEU) Plan Caracas 2020

  14. Plan Caracas 2020 Objectives • DESIGN FOR A PICTURE OF FUTURE • BUILDING A DREAM • POSITION IN THE WORLD • IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE • BE COMPETITIVE • BE COMPETITIVE • POSITION IN THE WORLD • IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE • BUILDING A DREAM • DESIGN FOR A PICTURE OF FUTURE To be part of the market and enter the competition, give value to our city to be an example for future urban development. Ask a city capable of meeting the needs of all people, to generate a better conformity and a better quality of life. Begin to be recognized for our urban spaces and to be seen as an important city in the world. Manages to get the city we all want, putting all of your party. Think of the future needs of the people to come.

  15. 8. Conclusions The block diagram of the cities studied and planned according to the requirements of the population and fits under a sustainable growth and development. You could say that the spatial organization is central to the planning of the city and be given the attention it deserves.

  16. Thanksforyourattention

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