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Tobacco Accountability. Ms. Elizabeth (Liz) Lyons Commissary Management Specialist Grocery/Merchandising/Tobacco 734 – 8087. RELEVANT RESPONSIVE RECOGNIZED. Tobacco. Ordering Receiving Smokeless Tobacco Tobacco Permanent Price Changes Shortage/Overage Procedures IGLAS
Tobacco Accountability • Ms. Elizabeth (Liz) Lyons • Commissary Management Specialist • Grocery/Merchandising/Tobacco • 734 – 8087 RELEVANT RESPONSIVE RECOGNIZED
Tobacco • Ordering • Receiving • Smokeless Tobacco • Tobacco • Permanent Price Changes • Shortage/Overage Procedures • IGLAS • Sales Movement • Transfers/Salvage • Tobacco Log/ Responsibilities • Questions? 0
Ordering • Tobacco should be ordered and received by DeCA personnel.. A limited number of employees should have access to the tobacco secure area. Should be Managers, Store Associate responsible for tobacco, and the CSC tobacco person. • Only authorized persons are allowed to accompany anyone who enters the tobacco secure area. • Day after ordering print edit report. Review and ensure the order was transmitted correctly. Print “PO worksheet” and give to receiving. • The day the DC merchandise is supposed to be delivered print a manifest, if you do not have equipment obtain report from AAFES POC. Those on the new system, SSRV, may obtain purchase order work sheet manifest there. • Receiving Report Directions for AAFES equipment • Mainframe Access • Connect • P • Enter • Y # • Password • Enter • 3 • Type in SD PO write recvg rpt wksheet • Enter • Look for the day of or after you placed the order • F-8 if you need to go to the next page arrow down until you reach the day you wish • 1 • Enter • F (use your 7 digit or 10 digit FAC #) • Enter • Tab • PR • Enter • F-3 • 2 • Tab • Arrow over to “from” # • Insert starting page # • Arrow over to “to” # • Insert ending page # • Enter • Tab sown to writer name (printer info yours) • Enter • 1 • Enter • Should be printing • Also, if you don’t see the items you ordered on the day you entered, you need to F3 and arrow down once and repeat the same process until you see your 7 digit facility #. If you don’t see your order then it probably didn’t go through.
Receiving Smokeless Tobacco • When receiving smokeless tobacco the UPS driver is not required to be present while receiving is completed. All must be verified 100%. • If receiving smokeless tobacco, make sure you receive the order paperwork from UPS within a day or two of due in date. Check for the product in your tobacco area. If it arrives in you store, you must receive it in the system assuming your AAFES equipment is working if not go to your AAFES POC and watch them process the receipt. • Receiving instructions • Mainframe access • Connect • A • Enter • Y # • Tab • Password • Enter • Newrec • Enter • Po # • Enter • C • Enter (keyboard by letters) (continue step above till all products are received) • F-9 • Wrong quantities • If by chance the wrong quantity came in, do not key in C (as that would be the same as being correct) you must arrow over and key in what you actually received. If product is damaged, send it back, have a signature of the commissary employee on the PO to say it was returned due to damage. • When you pull up the PO# on the screen, receive it at the current shelf price. If different pricing, process a price change and request AAFES give you a new price change sheet. REMEMBER this is for smokeless tobacco only. • Instructions are for non-SSRV users. • Questions?
Receiving Cigarettes • When receiving in the warehouse, from AAFES DC, the AAFES driver must be present until the number of cases are counted and reconciled. Driver and receiver must both sign recap and note any shortages/overages or obvious damage Tobacco receiver must do a 100% verification of all product by UPC after the driver leaves. • Make sure all the manifests are brought up to the Administration office on the day of receipt. (Make sure you have the signature of both the receiver and the driver). • When you receive your manifest, check your sell prices immediately against your current price list for the month, (use the regular sell price not the VPR). If it is different, make sure you do a Notification of Adjustment (attachment 6 located in DO Policy 03-12. MAKE sure you use the current price list for that month). • Damaged merchandise may be sent back with the driver. If damage is caught later make sure to take pictures and notify the POC’s of either Dan Daniels or Waco. You will be asked to fill out a COD form and fax to either POC for credit. If the damage is minor and only a carton or two are damaged see if you can transfer the undamaged items to AAFES since they sell single packs. Remember that we can only transfer the undamaged items, to get the amount take the shelf price and divide by how many packs in carton (10 usually), take that number times how many are being transferred. • Questions?
Permanent Price Changes • Permanent Price change- increase/decrease • If the price is an increase we owe AAFES and therefore must post the difference under the 441 column. • If the price is a decrease AAFES owes us and therefore must be posted under the 442 column. • Best way to figure it out is to use the 708 as a worksheet. • Questions?
Shortage/Overage Procedures Cigarettes Only • Wrong quantities • While receiving, if it is discovered that you are over in product, short in product, received incorrect product for another product, you must complete the AAFES shortage/overage form immediately or within 24 hours. Fill out the overage and shortage form. Attach the invoice found inside the box. You will need two signatures on the invoice. If you receive a case of Marlboro and the product should have been Doral, check your billing to make sure you were billed incorrectly. Cut the sticker off of the outside of the box. Attach that to the overage and shortage form. You will notify The appropriate POC’s at either Dan Daniels or Waco, and fax the paperwork to them. They will send you the verification back and you will get a final e-mail back in about 2-3 weeks showing it is complete. • Questions?
IGLAS • IGLAS AAFES Equipment • Always go by the amount in the “sell” column. Never use the cost column. • Transaction codes are at the far left. They should coordinate with your tobacco log. You may enter something in a different place, depending on what it is, but as long as it is on the IGLAS and keyed correctly (- or+) you should be fine. Run an IGLAS at least once a week. If you do not have the equipment see below. ( If you are on SSRV you will run them off your computers.) Your entry may be in September but they may have posted it on the October IGLAS. That is fine, just as long as it is posted and within the correct inventory year. Even though the AAFES calendar end of the month states one thing, they do go back and enter items in the same month so check around, the 20th of the month for the previous month just to be safe. This has not happened often, but it does happen. Also, if you need to find out information (company, ECT) from the IGLAS, arrow down in the left hand column and hit 1 enter and the screen will change to show you that transaction. • IGLAS Report • Click on mainframe access • Connect • Type in the letter “A” • Enter • Y # • Tab password • Enter • Type in “IGLAS” • Enter • 3 • Enter • Tab 3 times • Facility # • Enter • 1 • Tab down to ACC # • ACCC# 03110 • Enter • Printer ICON • * Use the enter key on the far right by the #”s • Instructions for non-SSRV stores only. • Questions?
IGLAS Continued • Trans Action Code (TC) Report sent by Ms. Hinojos • Always go by the amount in the “sell” column. Never use the cost column. • There are several columns that you don’t need. The spreadsheet can be adjusted to print all on one page and only contain the information needed. Open your spreadsheet and make sure all the data on all the months looks the same, if they do select all the months and fix all together if not you must do the ones that are the same together and than the others. To do this you click on the month (start with Feb) and while holding your ctrl key down click on the remaining months you want. You will notice that they are all highlighted. Go file, page set up, and set it to landscape. You may want to center your data, to do this you click on the square on the top of the page above the 1 and before the A and go to the tool bar and click on the center will have 4-5 lines going across. While the page is still highlighted you will need to extend all of your columns. To do this you go to the top of the page and place your pointer between two of the columns this will make a cross symbol, when you see that double click and you should see all the columns extend. If you did not see this and the page is no longer highlighted you need to start again by re-highlighting the page. Next go to the columns you don’t need and highlight the entire column , right click inside the column go down to hide and click. The columns you want to leave are going to be the fiscal period, trans code, sell amount, and all the references. Once all this is done you can ungroup your sheets by simply clicking on the last page on the spreadsheets, it will say cost-sell or you can right click on Feb and hit ungroup sheets. • Print your spreadsheet and reconcile monthly with your tobacco document log. It is a MUST that you reconcile with your log monthly. • Note that the first entry on the spreadsheet may be the first entry on your tobacco log for the following month. Example the first entry in Feb may actually be your first entry in March. And VPR’s may not be with the actual month reported, you may find them 2-3 months later. • They will be adding the sales TC in FY 08. • Questions?
Sales Movement • Instructions for COMS • Go to the DeCA.gov site, DeCA systems, COMS. Once in COMS go to reports, than sales. Click on product sales report , there will be two circles you can click on try them both out and see what report you prefer. The two circles are product sales by day and sales summery. Next put in your region, zone, store, department # and dates for which you need movement. It should combine the movement for both CARTS and POST-R for those of you who switched in the middle of the month. • Questions?
Tranfers and Salvage • Instructions • Cigarettes- If you have damaged cartons of cigarettes and only one pack is not sellable, you may transfer the sellable packs to AAFES. For the transfer, you will need to fill our form 70-20 located in the form-finder. Always use the sell price. Transfer of sellable items to AAFES will be credited. Salvage items are not transferable. Please note, salvage consists of damaged and out of date merchandise. • Smokeless Tobacco- The vendor will give credit for out dated or damaged smokeless tobacco. • The damaged packs/cartons, you will fill out the GPLD form 40-70 located in the form-finder. You will use the sell price. DO NOT send this form to us for a number. This is only to be used to file purposes only. Do not put the total of the salvage or damaged items on the tobacco log. • Watch the dates on your tobacco and if getting close dated get with AAFES POC and transfer the product to them to see if they can sell it since they are allowed to sell it by the pack. Give them plenty of time, at least 45 days prior to expiration. • Questions?
Tobacco Log • Control number is to be used on all items that are posted to the log. Make sure you place this number on your paperwork as well. • Reference numbers • Manifests will always have a number on the left corner this is the number you will use. STO/VES will also have a purchase order number. • For all other entries make sure you put a description of what it is so it can recognized easily. Example, (VPR LL, Price ADJ # on manifest, Price Change, ect). If using AAFES forms, include the control number in the upper right hand corner. • Date: self explanatory • STO/VES Receipt • The actual amount calculated using current shelf prices times number of items received. • Warehouse Manifest • The actual amount printed on manifest. • Any price differences are posted on PAI or PAD, see below. Any shortage/overage are posted as other adjustment. • Price Adjust Increase • This is where any adjustments need to go, such as price changes, or differences between what was received and what was on the manifest. (Increase means we owe AAFES). • Price Adjust Decrease • This is where any adjustments need to go, such as price changes, any pricing differences between what was received and what was on the manifest. (Decrease means AAFES owes us). • Transfers To Exchange: self explanatory • Transfer From Exchange: self explanatory • VPR • VPR’s are to be taken at the commissary prices (AAFES VPR price minus 5%). This amount is listed on your price list that comes from AAFES. Example if the actual VPR is 4.00 (AAFES amount) our reported amount will be 3.81 (should be on our price list given to us from AAFES). Make sure your entries are entered as negative values. • Other Adj • This is for over/short quantities errors, received on the manifest. • VCM’s • This is mainly for the smokeless tobacco. Process the same way as any other VCM’s. • Sales • Must have at least 2 entries. One for 1-15 and one for 16-end of month. Only time you will have an additional entry will be when a formal inventory with AAFES is done and it does not fall on the end of the month. Example formal inventory falls on the 3 or the month. You must add the first 2 days. • Questions? 0
Tobacco Accountability • Remember tobacco logs must be sent to the Region POC, Elizabeth Lyons by the 10th of every month • Remember an inventory must be taken every time you have a price change, this does not apply to VPR changes. • Remember an inventory must be taken at the end of every month. • Remember to try and keep your inventory low to avoid having product go out of date. It is our responsibility to assure product does not go out of date. • Remember receiving product is very important. It must be 100% and must be accurate. Make sure tobacco is always locked up. Make sure the MSC office is given all the paper work. • Remember to get with your AAFES POC on a weekly basis to assure you are getting all of the price changes, especially towards the end of the month. This helps keep the line of communication open. They can also assist you with any issues you may have to include issues with your equipment or lack of. • Remember to run a sales movement report at the end of the VPR. Remember to give this to AAFES. Get a copy of their paperwork for the TC #’s. • Remember to give AAFES a copy of any adjustments, using the Notification of Adjustment form. And get a copy back from them for the TC #’s. • Remember to get AAFES to sign for the paperwork given to them on our version of AAFES Transmittal /Batch Ticket. • Most important! Remember this is our account and our responsibility. • Questions?